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Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files - Settle The Score [Uncut] (Dub.VHS 15)

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Title: Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files - Settle The Score [Uncut]
Volume: Dub.VHS 15
Running time: 62
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment

Release date: 2003-07-08
Suggested retail price: $19.95
Age rating: NR

SKU: FN-06383
UPC: 704400063831 704400063831

Yusuke Urameshi has survived many battles in life, death, and beyond. But as his teacher and mentor heads toward her own destruction, the Spirit Detective finds himself unable to do anything about it!

Still locked in a deep slumber recovering from his ordeal, Yusuke dreams away as the nightmarish confrontation between Genkai and Toguro begins. The history of Genkai and Toguro is finally revealed as the last chapter of their twisted relationship turns the page on a new beginning in Yusuke's life.

(added on 2003-04-04, modified on 2003-04-04)

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