Rebirth (GN 13)
Title: Rebirth
Volume: GN 13
Pages: 200
Distributor: Tokyopop
Release date: 2005-04-12
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1595320288
ISBN-13: 9781595320285
Rebirth returns to the present! After adding a new comrade to their ranks, Deshwitat and the team travel to New York City to enlist the help of a secret ninja society. But when they discover that the clan's ranks have been decimated by a group of modern day vampires, Deshwitat realizes that he may have simultaneously reconnected with his own kind and found a deadly new enemy in the shadowy guise of "Mr. Grey" - Lord of the Vampires.
Story and Art by Kang-Woo Lee.
(added on 2008-12-01, modified on 2015-10-21)
- Encyclopedia information about Rebirth (manhwa)