Street Fighter Alpha (GN 1)
Title: Street Fighter Alpha
Volume: GN 1
Pages: 200
Distributor: Udon Entertainment
Release date: 2007-05-01
Suggested retail price: $12.95
Age rating: 16+
ISBN-10: 1897376502
ISBN-13: 9781897376508
Featuring the popular cast of the Street Fighter Alpha series, fan-favorite characters are brought to life through the explosive story and art of popular manga artist Masahiko Nakamura. Prepare for all-out martial arts action as Street Fighter heroes battle against the forces of the evil Shadaloo crime lord M. Bison.
Story and art by Masahiko Nakahira.
(added on 2008-10-28, modified on 2008-10-28)
- Encyclopedia information about Street Fighter Alpha (manga)