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Darker than Black (DVD 1 of 6)

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z all box sets
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Title: Darker than Black
Volume: DVD 1 / 6
Running time: 125
Distributor: FUNimation Entertainment

Release date: 2008-11-25
Suggested retail price: $29.98
Age rating: 17+

SKU: FN-07451
UPC: 704400074516 704400074516
ISBN-10: 142101226X 142101226X
ISBN-13: 9781421012261 9781421012261

Everyone Wears A Mask.

A new and deadly breed of covert agent walks the streets. Known as Contractors, these assassins and spies wield bizarre supernatural powers to carry out the dirty work of others. They thrive in the underworld, between rumor and reality, their loyalties always in question. One among these operatives is more mysterious than the rest â€" The masked killer BK201, the Black Reaper. His true identity and intentions remain unknown, but as his path weaves through the shadows and alleys of Tokyo, blood is spilled on both sides of the law. It’s a new age of confusion, and the rules of engagement have changed.

(added on 2008-08-21, modified on 2008-08-21)

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