Tarot Cafe - The Wild Hunt (Novel 1)
Title: Tarot Cafe - The Wild Hunt
Volume: Novel 1
Pages: 224
Distributor: Tokyopop
Release date: 2009-01-06
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1427811997
ISBN-13: 9781427811998
Based on the best-selling manga!
Bryn McMillan's boyfriend, Jack, has gone missing. She has the nagging suspicion that something terrible - and otherworldly - has happened to him, a feeling that only increases when she has vivid visions of Jack being chased by a vicious hunter intent on owning Jack's soul. Always one to consult psychics, Bryn finds herself at The Tarot Cafe seeking a way to aid Jack in his spiritual struggle. But when she discovers what has happened to him, Bryn finds himself with an impossible choice between a life without love or an eternity of pain by her soul mate's side.
(added on 2008-08-19)
- Encyclopedia information about Tarot Cafe (manhwa)