Love Attack (GN 4)
Title: Love Attack
Volume: GN 4
Pages: 192
Distributor: Tokyopop
Release date: 2008-11-04
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1427802971
ISBN-13: 9781427802972
It's all-out war: Chiemi "The Queen" Yusa vs. Akio "Kamikaze" Kuramori! And to the victor comes the glorious title of "Hirata's Girlfriend." Even when Hirata steps in to mediate a truce between the two, Akio's sneak attacks continue to bombard Hirata and Chiemi, plaguing them with doubt and mistrust. Will Chiemi finally raise the white flag of surrender and abdicate her throne as Hirata's girlfriend?
Story and art by Shizuru Seino.
(added on 2008-08-18, modified on 2008-08-18)
- Encyclopedia information about Love Attack (manga)