Teru Teru x Shonen (GN 2)
Title: Teru Teru x Shonen
Volume: GN 2
Pages: 192
Distributor: CMX Manga
Release date: 2008-06-04
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1401217753
ISBN-13: 9781401217754
When Saizo was orphaned, a caring family took him in. His new brother and best friend Sasuke still sees it as his duty to protect Saizo, even as Saizo protects Shinobu. But Sasuke isn't too crazy about Shinobu, who he sees as a stuck-up, spoiled brat. Things only get worse when her mother comes for a visit. To complicate matters, there's another attempt on Shinobu's life!
Story and art by Shigeru Takao.
(added on 2008-02-16, modified on 2008-02-16)
- Encyclopedia information about Teru Teru × Shōnen (manga)