The Empty Empire (GN 7)
Title: The Empty Empire
Volume: GN 7
Pages: 194
Distributor: CMX Manga
Release date: 2008-03-31
Suggested retail price: $9.99
Age rating: 13+
ISBN-10: 1401217443
ISBN-13: 9781401217440
From the moment his existence was revealed, Rose became the target of Idem, the current occupant of the throne. Both were cloned from Idea, the late and beloved emperor. Now they are about to team up... to find Idea! Is Idea really still alive? If so, what possible explanation can there be for the public story of his alleged death? The answers are revealed in this dramatic series finale.
Story and art by Naoe Kita.
(added on 2007-10-09, modified on 2007-10-09)
- Encyclopedia information about (The) Empty Empire (manga)