8mm (manga)
Plot Summary:
When Sun-Hyuk Cho became an orphan at a young age he was taken in by his maternal grandfather, an extremly wealthy and notorius businessman. However his grandfather has just died leaving teenage Sun-Hyuk Cho his fortune under the condition he finish his education. In Sun-Hyuk Cho's video journal he reveals the difficulties he's having dealing with this death. He is not helped by the eccentric employees his grandfather has left behind or by his own eccentricities.
Number of tankoubon:
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Graphic novel |
8mm (GN 1) 2007-08-15 |
8mm (GN 2) 2007-10-15 |
8mm (GN 3) 2007-12-31 |
8mm (GN 4) 2008-02-29 |
(none) |
Licensed by: DramaQueen |
(none) |
Story & Art: You Na |
(none) |
(none) |
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