Pokémon Adventures (manga)
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Chapter titles:
1-499 500-540
1. |
VS. Mew
A Glimpse of the Glow
2. |
VS. Goriki
Bulbasaur, Come Home!
3. |
VS. Garura
The Secret of Kangaskhan
4. |
VS. Pikachu
Wanted: Pikachu!
5. |
VS. Iwark
Onix is On!
6. |
VS. Gyarados
Gyarados Splashes In!
7. |
VS. Sidon
Raging Rhydon
8. |
VS. Starmie
Suddenly Starmie
9. |
VS. Onidrill
...But Fearow Itself!
10. |
VS. Biriridama
Danger: High Voltorb
11. |
VS. Eleboo
Buzz Off, Electabuzz!
12. |
VS. Kabigon
Wake Up--You’re Snorlax!
13. |
VS. Koduck
Sigh for Psyduck
14. |
VS. Arbok
End volume 1
That Awful Arbok!
15. |
VS. Kameil
Wartortle Wars
16. |
VS. Kentauros
Tauros the Tyrant
17. |
VS. Rougela
The Jynx Jinx
18. |
VS. Kyukon
A Tale of Ninetales
19. |
VS. Eievui
Blame It on Eevee
20. |
VS. Ruffresia
Meanwhile... Vileplume!
21. |
VS. Nidoking
Long Live the Nidoking!
22. |
VS. Utsubot
A Hollow Victreebel
23. |
VS. Boober
Make Way for Magmar!
24. |
VS. Kairyu
What a Dragonite
25. |
VS. Freezer
You Know... Articuno!
26. |
VS. Fire
Holy Moltres
27. |
VS. Yungerer
End volume 2
Kalling Kadabra
28. |
VS. Barrierd
Peace of Mime
29. |
VS. Golbat
Go for the Golbat
30. |
VS. Thunder
Zap! Zap! Zapdos!
31. |
VS. Freezer
The Art of Articuno
32. |
VS. Yungerer
A Little Kadabra'll Do It
33. |
VS. Legendary Bird Pokémon
The Winged Legends
34. |
VS. Mewtwo (Part 1)
And Mewtwo Too?!
35. |
VS. Mewtwo (Part 2)
And Mewtwo... Three!
36. |
VS. Miniryu
Drat That Dratini!
37. |
VS. Golonya
Golly, Golem!
38. |
VS. Nidoqueen
Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
39. |
VS. Onisuzume
Just a Spearow Carrier
40. |
VS. Lizardon
End volume 3
A Charizard... and a Champion
41. |
VS. Ponyta
Ponyta Tale
42. |
VS. Dodo
Do do that Doduo
43. |
VS. Seadra
Sea Sea Seadra
44. |
VS. Jugon
Do Wrong, Dewgong!
45. |
VS. Parshen
46. |
VS. Garagara
Whacked by Marowak!
47. |
VS. Persian
48. |
VS. Paras
Paras Sight
49. |
VS. Ghos
As Gastly as Before
50. |
VS. Laplace
Lapras Lazily
51. |
VS. Rarecoil
Electro Magneton
52. |
VS. Gangar
End volume 4
Growing Out of Gengar
53. |
VS. Caterpie
Can't Catch Caterpie!
54. |
VS. Pigeon
Pidgeotto Pick-Me-Up
55. |
VS. Okorizaru
The Primeape Directive
56. |
VS. Yadon
The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually)
57. |
VS. Arbo
Ekans the Ecstasy
58. |
VS. Dokurage
The Kindest Tentacruel
59. |
VS Sawamular
Hitmonlee, Baby (One More Time)
60. |
VS. Hakuryu I
Breath of the Dragonair Part 1
61. |
VS. Hakuryu II
Breath of the Dragonair Part 2
62. |
VS. Hakuryu III
Breath of the Dragonair Part 3
63. |
VS. Nassy
Extricated from Exeggutor
64. |
VS. Windie
Putting It on the Line... Against Arcanine
65. |
VS. Wanriky
End volume 5
Karate Machop!
66. |
VS. Nyorobon
Punching Poliwrath
67. |
VS. Digda
Can You Diglett?
68. |
VS Purin
Jigglypuff Jive
69. |
VS. Tattsu
Playing Horsea
70. |
VS. Foodin
Allied by Alazakam!
71. |
VS. Betobeton
Muk Raking
72. |
VS. Matadogars
Weezing Winks Out
73. |
VS. Morphon
Valiant Venomoth!
74. |
VS. Koiking
Make Way for Magikarp
75. |
VS. Marumine
Electrode's Big Shock!
76. |
VS. Lucky
Take a Chance on Chansey
77. |
VS. Golduck
Striking Golduck
78. |
VS. Fushigibana
End volume 6
Victim of Venusaur
79. |
VS. Ptera I
Airing Out Aerodactyl
80. |
VS. Ptera II
Draggin' In Dragonair
81. |
VS. Ptera III
Aerodactyl Redux
82. |
VS. Ratta
Eradicate Raticate!
83. |
VS. Yadoron
Bang the Drum, Slowbro
84. |
VS. Pixi
Clefabulous Clefable
85. |
VS. Shellder
Gimme Shellder
86. |
VS. Hakuryu
Double Dragonair
87. |
VS. Sihorn
Rhyhorn Rising
88. |
VS. Spear
The Beedrill All and End All
89. |
VS. Trancell
The Might of... Metapod!?
90. |
VS. ???
End volume 7
The Legend
91. |
VS. Yamikarasu
Murkrow Row
92. |
VS. Hoho
Who gives a Hoothoot?
93. |
VS. Nyula
Sneasel Sneak Attack
94. |
VS. Elekid
Elekid Incorporated
95. |
VS. Odoshishi
Stantler By Me
96. |
VS. Donfan
Number One Donphan
97. |
VS. Madatsubomi
Bellsprout Rout
98. |
VS. Waninoko
Totodile Rock
99. |
VS. Himanuts
Sunkern treasure
100. |
VS. Unknown
Into the Unown
101. |
VS. Himeguma
Teddiursa's Picnic
102. |
VS. Ringuma
Ursaring Major
103. |
VS. Delvil
End volume 8
You Ain't Nothin' but a Houndour
104. |
VS. Ariados
The Ariados up There
105. |
VS. Doble
Smeargle Smudge
106. |
VS. Usokkie
How Do You Do, Sudowoodo?
107. |
VS. Gliger
Gligar Glide
108. |
VS. Magmarashi
Quilava Quandary
109. |
VS. Denryu
Ampharos Amore
110. |
VS. Inomoo
Piloswine Whine
111. |
VS. Bangiras
Tyranitar War
112. |
VS. Red Gyarados
Raise the Red Gyarados
113. |
VS. Delibird I
Delibird Delivery - 1
114. |
VS. Delibird II
Delibird Delivery - 2
115. |
VS. Foretos
Forretress of Solitude
116. |
VS. Hassamu
End volume 9
Rock, Paper...Scizor
117. |
VS. Magmag
Slugging It Out With Slugma
118. |
VS. Chicorita
Three Cheers for Chikorita
119. |
VS. Mokoko
A Flaaffy Kerfuffle
120. |
VS. Hitodeman
Surrounded by Staryu
121. |
VS. Saniigo
Off Course with Corsola
122. |
VS. Harysen
Querulous Qwilfish
123. |
VS. Hakuryu
Debonaire Dragonair
124. |
VS. Airmd
Scrappy Skarmory
125. |
VS. Muma
Misdreavus Misgivings
126. |
VS. Watacco
Jumping Jumpluff
127. |
VS. Miltank
Miltank Melee
128. |
VS. Metamon
Indubitably Ditto
129. |
VS. Kirinriki
End volume 10
Great Girafarig
130. |
VS. Suicune I
Suddenly Suicune I
131. |
VS. Suicune II
Suddenly Suicune II
132. |
VS. Suicune III
Suddenly Suicune III
133. |
VS. Marilli
Absolutely Azumarill
134. |
VS. Heracros
Hurray for Heracross
135. |
VS. Yogiras
Lively Larvitar
136. |
VS. Crobat
Crossing Crobat
137. |
VS. Raikou and Entei I
Really Raikou & Entirely Entei I
138. |
VS. Raikou and Entei II
Really Raikou & Entirely Entei II
139. |
VS. Raichu
Raising Raichu
140. |
VS. Dodrio
Do-Si-Do with Dodrio
141. |
VS. Beroringa
Hello, Lickitung
142. |
VS. Teppouo
End volume 11
Really Remoraid
143. |
VS. Pii and Pupurin
Irked Igglybuff and Curmudgeonly Cleffa
144. |
VS. Urimoo
Savvy Swinub
145. |
VS. Sandpan
Sandslash Surprise
146. |
VS. Lugia I
Lively Lugia I
147. |
VS. Lugia II
Lively Lugia II
148. |
VS. Lugia III
Lively Lugia III
149. |
VS. Kingdra
Curious Kingdra
150. |
VS. Chonchie
Chinchou in Charge
151. |
VS. Lantern
Lovely Lanturn
152. |
VS. Butterfree
Buzz Off, Butterfree!
153. |
VS. Houou
Oh, It's Ho-Oh!
154. |
VS. Yanyanma
End volume 12
Yikes, It's Yanma!
155. |
VS. Kabutops
Capital Kabutops
156. |
VS. Yorunozuku
Notorious Noctowl
157. |
VS. Coil
Magnificent Magnemite
158. |
VS. Strike
Silly Scyther
159. |
VS. Sanagiras
Popular Pupitar
160. |
VS. Porygon2
Playful Porygon2
161. |
VS. Entei
Entranced by Entei
162. |
VS. Kapoerer
Heckled by Hitmontop
163. |
VS. Kireihana
Bringing up Bellossom
164. |
VS. Yadoking
Slick Slowking
165. |
VS. Lugia and Houou I
Lugia and Ho-Oh on the Loose I
166. |
VS. Lugia and Houou II
End volume 13
Lugia and Ho-Oh on the Loose II
167. |
The Last Battle I
The Last Battle I
168. |
The Last Battle II
The Last Battle II
169. |
The Last Battle III
The Last Battle III
170. |
The Last Battle IV
The Last Battle IV
171. |
The Last Battle V
The Last Battle V
172. |
The Last Battle VI
The Last Battle VI
173. |
The Last Battle VII
The Last Battle VII
174. |
The Last Battle VIII
The Last Battle VIII
175. |
The Last Battle IX
The Last Battle IX
176. |
The Last Battle X
The Last Battle X
177. |
The Last Battle XI
The Last Battle XI
178. |
The Last Battle XII
The Last Battle XII
179. |
The Last Battle XIII
End volume 14
The Last Battle XIII
180. |
The Last Battle XIV
The Last Battle XIV
181. |
VS. Sabonea: A new story
VS Sabonea: Shintanaru Monogatari
VSサボネア: 新たなる物語
Creeping past Cacnea
182. |
VS. Guraena: Shocking Encounter
VS Guraena: Shōgeki no Deai
VSグラエナ: 衝撃の出会い
Making Mirth with Mightyena
183. |
VS. Achamo: 80 days challenge
VS Achamo: 80 Higo no Yakusoku
VSアチャモ: 80日後の約束
Trying to Trounce Torchic
184. |
VS. Dokucale: Contest coaching
VS Dokukeiru: Kontesuto Shidō
VSドクケイル: コンテスト指導
Distracting Dustox
185. |
VS. Konohana: Terrifying Near-Miss
VS Konohana: Kyōfu no Nia Misu
VSコノハナ: 恐怖のニアミス
Nixing Nuzleaf
186. |
VS. Breloom: Ruby and Mitsuru
VS Kinogassa: Rubī to Mitsuru
VSキノガッサ: ルビーとミツル
Brushing past Breloom
187. |
VS. Kakureon: The First Capture
VS Kakureon: Hajimete no Hakaku
VSカクレオン: はじめての捕獲
Tongue-Tied Kecleon
188. |
VS. Hasubrero: Inside the fountain
VS Hasuburero: Kyūmizuguchi no Nakani
VSハスブレロ: 給水口の中に
Lombre Larceny
189. |
VS. Runpappa: Clash with the team in blue
VS Runpappa: Taiketsu Aoshōzoku
VSルンパッパ: 対決青装束
Mowing down Ludicolo
190. |
VS Nosepass I: Kanazumi Gym test
VS Nozupasu I: Kanazumi Jimu no Shiken
VSノズパスI: カナズミジムの試験
End volume 15
Blowing Past Nosepass I
191. |
VS Nosepass II: Break the Magnetic Spell
VS Nozupasu II: Tokusei Jiryoku o Yabure
VSノズパスII: 特性 磁力を破れ
Blowing Past Nosepass II
192. |
VS Shizariger I: Sea rogue
VS Shizariger I: Umi no Narazumono
VSシザリガーI: 海のならず者
Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt I
193. |
VS. Shizariger II: Unknown strength
VS Shizariger II: Aka se Nai Chikara
VSシザリガーII: 明かせない力
Stick this in your craw, Crawdaunt II
194. |
VS. Kucheat: Country of deception
VS Kucheat: Azamuki no Dai Gun
VSクチート: あざむきの大郡
Guile from Mawile
195. |
VS. Makunoshita: Secret of Ju
VS Makunoshita: Yawara no Oku Tadashi
VSマクノシタ: 柔の奥儀
Mashing Makuhita
196. |
VS. Dumbber: Champion of the cave
VS Danbaru: Doukutsu no Jitsuryoku Sha
VSダンバル: 洞窟の実力者
Ring Ring goes Beldum
197. |
VS. Hariteyama: Ending Counter
VS Hariteyama: Ketchaku no Kauntā
VSハリテヤマ: 決着のカウンター
Heavy hitting Hariyama
198. |
VS. Plusle and Minun I: Another evil presence
VS Purasuru & Minun I: Mou Hitotsu no Kyo Aku
VSプラスル&マイナンI: もう1つの巨悪
Adding it up with Plusle and Minun I
199. |
VS. Plusle and Minun II: Double battle onboard
VS Purasuru & Minun II: Senjou no Daburu Batoru
VSプラスル&マイナンII: 船上のダブルバトル
Adding it up with Plusle and Minun II
200. |
VS. Cotoise: The team in red once more
VS kōtasu:Aka Shouzoku Futatabi
Tripped up by Torkoal
201. |
VS. Magmag I: S.S Kaien I
VS Magumaggu I: Sensui Ten Kaien 1 Gou
VSマグマッグI: 潜水艇かいえん1号
End volume 16
Slugging it out with Slugma I
202. |
VS. Magmag II: Shadow of fire
VS Magumaggu II: Honoo no Genei
VSマグマッグII: 炎の幻影
Slugging It Out with Slugma II
203. |
VS. Donfan: Rampaging mechanism
VS Donfan: Osoi Kuru Karakuri
VSドンファン: 襲いくるカラクリ
I'm Your Biggest Fan, Donphan
204. |
VS. Rakurai I: Underground sleeping city
VS Rakurai I: Chika ni Nemuru Toshi
VSラクライI: 地下に眠る都市
Plugging Past Electrike I
205. |
VS. Rakurai II: Fight the generation machine
VS Rakurai II: Hatsuden Mashin o Taose
VSラクライII: 発電マシンを倒せ
Plugging Past Electrike II
206. |
VS. Hinbass: Fishing and escaping
VS Hinbasu: Tsuriage te Nige Rare te
VSヒンバス: 釣り上げて 逃げられて
Not So Fetching Feebas
207. |
VS. Zangoose and Habunake I: Ferocious duel
VS Zangūsu & Habunake I: Osoroshiki Kettou
VSザングース&ハブネークI: 恐ろしき決闘
On the Loose and Hyper With Zangoose and Seviper I
208. |
VS. Zangoose and Habunake II: Determined pursuer
VS Zangūsu & Habunake II: Shuunen no Tsuiseki Sha
VSザングース&ハブネークII: 執念の追跡者
On the Loose and Hyper With Zangoose and Seviper II
209. |
VS. Kekking I: Three choices
VS Kekkingu I: Mittsu me no Sentakushi
VSケッキング: 3つ目の選択肢
Hanging Around With Slaking I
210. |
VS. Kekking II: Uncrossed hearts
VS Kekkingu II: Surechigau Kokoro
VSケッキング: すれ違う心
Hanging Around With Slaking II
211. |
VS. Kekking III: Father's love
VS Kekkingu III: Chichi no Omoi
VSケッキング: 父の思い
Hanging Around With Slaking III
212. |
VS. Marilli I: Ropeway Trap
VS Mariruri I: Ropeway no Wana
VSマリルリI: ロープウェイの罠
Bubble Bubble Toil and Azumarill I
213. |
VS. Marilli II: Suffocating attack
VS Mariruri II: Ikidumaru Koubou
VSマリルリII: 息詰まる攻防
Bubble Bubble Toil and Azumarill II
214. |
VS. Pelipper I: Volcano no more
VS Perippā I: Kazan Katsudou Teishi
VSペリッパーI: 火山活動停止
End volume 17
Assaulted by Pelipper I
215. |
VS. Pelipper II: Unexpected rescue
VS Perippā II: Igai Naru Kyuuen
VSペリッパーII: 意外なる救援
Assaulted by Pelipper II
216. |
VS. Magcargot: Deciding to restart
VS Magukarugo: Ketsui no Sai Shuppatsu
VSマグカルゴ: 決意の再出発
Mixing it up with Magcargo
217. |
VS. Charen: Shidake contest
VS Chāremu: Shidake no Contest
VSチャーレム: シダケのコンテスト
Mind-boggling with Medicham
218. |
VS. Absol: Catastrophic premonition
VS Abusoru: Waza Wai no Yochou
VSアブソル: わざわいの予兆
It's Absol-utely a bad omen
219. |
VS. Gonyonyo: Rumbling Kanashida tunnel
VS Gonyonyo: Gekishin Kanashida Tunnel
VSゴニョニョ: 激震 カナシダトンネル
What would you do for a Whismur?
220. |
VS. Dogohmb and Bakuong I: Bonfire of temptation
VS Dogōmu & Bakuongu I: Yuuwaku no Kagaribi
VSドゴーム&バクオングI: 誘惑の篝火
Going to eleven with Loudred and Exploud I
221. |
VS. Dogohmb and Bakuong II: Escape, and...
VS Dogōmu & Bakuongu II: Dasshutsu Soshite
VSドゴーム&バクオングII: 脱出 そして
Going to eleven with Loudred and Exploud II
222. |
VS. Dirteng: Gym Leaders gather
VS Dātengu: Shoushuu Gym Leaders
VSダーテング: 招集 ジムリーダーズ
Short shift for Shiftry
223. |
VS. Lovecus I: Super Rank stage appearance
VS Rabukasu I: Shutsujou Super Rank
VSラブカスI: 出場 スーパーランク
I more than like you, Luvdisc I
224. |
VS. Lovecus II: King of Beauty
VS Rabukasu II: Utsukushi sa no Hasha
VSラブカスII: 美しさの覇者
I more than like you, Luvdisc II
225. |
VS. Anopth and Lilyla: Master and disciple of beauty combination
VS Anopusu & Rirīra: Bi no Shitei Konbi
VSアノプス&リリーラ: 美の師弟コンビ
Tanks, but no tanks, Anorith and Lileep
226. |
VS. Tyltalis: Reunion at Hiwamaki
VS Chirutarisu: Hiwamaki de no Saikai
VSチルタリス: ヒマワキでの再会
End volume 18
I dare ya, Altaria, knock chic off my shoulder
227. |
VS. Boopig I: True feelings
VS Būpiggu I: Sunao na Kimochi de
VSブーピッグI: 素直な気持ちで
I'm always Grumpig first thing in the morning I
228. |
VS. Boopig II: Revealed strength
VS Būpiggu II: Akasa re ta Chikara
VSブーピッグII: 明かされた力
I'm always Grumpig first thing in the morning II
229. |
VS. Lunatone and Solrock: the two jewels
VS Runatōn & Sorurokku: Futatsu no Houshu
VSルナトーン&ソルロック: ふたつの宝珠
You Can Fight Day or Night With Lunatone & Solrock
230. |
VS. Todoseruga: evil united
VS Todoseruga: Kyo Aku Kyoutou
VSトドゼルガ: 巨悪共闘
Walrein and Camerupt
231. |
VS. Amemoth: Eve of Revival
VS Amemōsu: Sorezore no Fukkatsu Zenya
VSアメモース: それぞれの復活前夜
Master class with Masquerain
232. |
VS. Namazun: a tearful Hyper rank
VS Namazun: Namida no Hyper Rank
VSナマズン: 涙のハイパーランク
Always Keep Whiscash on You for Emergencies
233. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon I: arrival at the deepest sea
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon I: Touchaku Sai Shinkai
VSカイオーガ&グラードンI: 到着 最深海
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon I
234. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon II: The ancient beasts awaken
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon II: Chou Kodai Juu Mezameru
VSカイオーガ&グラードンII: 超古代獣 目覚める
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon II
235. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon III: to the rescue
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon III: Higai Chi he Tobe
VSカイオーガ&グラードンIII: 被害地へ飛べ
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon III
236. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon IV: Messenger of Truth
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon IV: Shinjitsu no Densetsu Sha
VSカイオーガ&グラードンIV: 真実の伝説者
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon IV
237. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon V: Ressurected Memories
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon V: Yomigaeru Kioku
VSカイオーガ&グラードンV: 甦る記憶
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon V
238. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon VI: The only path
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon VI: Tada Hitotsu no Michi
VSカイオーガ&グラードンVI: ただ1つの道
End volume 19
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon VI
239. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon VII: Pokemon Association afloat
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon VII: Sora Tobu Kyoukai Honbu
VSカイオーガ&グラードンVII: 空飛ぶ協会本部
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon VII
240. |
VS. Kimori: Granting an old wish
VS Kimori: Ano toki no negai wo
VSキモリ: あのときの願いを
Talk About Timing, Treecko
241. |
VS. Samayouru: training in the sky
VS Samayouru: Tenkuu no Shuuren Jou
VSサマヨール: 天空の修練場
Dreadful Dealing with Dusclops
242. |
VS. Barubeat: betrayed by the leader
VS Barubīto: Uragiri no Sousui
VSバルビート: 裏切りの総帥
Very Vexing Volbeat
243. |
VS. Armaldo: multiple battles begin
VS Āmarudo: Maruchi Batoru Kaishi
VSアーマルド: マルチバトル開始
No Armaldo Is an Island
244. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon VIII: Battle as one
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon VIII: Tatakau Ishi no Moto ni
VSカイオーガ&グラードンVIII: 戦う意志のもとに
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon VIII
245. |
VS. Vibrava: Three-on-three clash
Vs Biburāba: Gekitotsu Surī on Surī
VSビブラーバ: 激突 スリーonスリー
Bravo, Vibrava
246. |
VS. Tekkanin: the other Pokemon
VS Tekkanin: Mō Ichihiki Iru
VSテッカニン: もう1匹いる
Can I Ninjask You a Question?
247. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon IX: Break the illusions
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon IX: Maboroshi o Uchiyabure
VSカイオーガ&グラードンIX: 幻をうちやぶれ
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon IX
248. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon X: Power of the jewels
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon X: Houshu no Maryoku
VSカイオーガ&グラードンX: 宝珠の魔力
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon X
249. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon XI: Powers that attract
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon XI: Hika re au Chou Pawā
VSカイオーガ&グラードンXI: 引かれあう超パワー
End volume 20
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XI
250. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon XII: The Champion returns
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon XII: Champion Kikan
VSカイオーガ&グラードンXII: チャンピオン帰還
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XII
251. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon XIII: Take the cloak
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon XIII: Kono Manto o Takusu
VSカイオーガ&グラードンXIII: このマントを托す
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XIII
252. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon XIV: That important person
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon XIV: Taisetsu na ano Hito
VSカイオーガ&グラードンXIV: 大切なあの人
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XIV
253. |
VS. Regirock, Regice, Registeel I: Joined message
VS Rejirokku, Rejiaisu & Rejisuchiru I: Musubitsuku Message
VSレジロック,レジアイス&レジスチルI: 結びつくメッセージ
A Royal Rumble with Regirock, Registeel & Regice I
254. |
VS. Regirock, Regice, Registeel II: Old engravings
VS Rejirokku, Rejiaisu & Rejisuchiru II: Kizama re ta Tairetsu
VSレジロック,レジアイス&レジスチルII: 刻まれた隊列
A Royal Rumble with Regirock, Registeel & Regice II
255. |
VS. Baneboo I: Phantom Island
VS Binaboo I: Maboroshi no Shima
VSバネブーI: 幻の島
With a Spoink in Your Step I
256. |
VS. Baneboo II: The final training
VS Binaboo II: Saigo no dai Tokkun
VSバネブーII: 最後の大特訓
With a Spoink in Your Step II
257. |
VS. Kyogre and Groudon XV: What the jewels seek
VS Kaiōga & Gurādon XV: Houshu ga Motomu ru Mono
VSカイオーガ&グラードンXV: 宝珠が求むるもの
The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XV
258. |
VS. Rayquaza I: Sky-Splitting Awakening
VS Rekkuuza I: Retsu Sora no Kakusei Sha
VSレックウザI: 裂空の覚醒者
Rayquaza Redemption I
259. |
VS. Rayquaza II: Confession during battle
VS Rekkuuza II: Senka no Kokuhaku
VSレックウザII: 戦渦の告白
End volume 21
Rayquaza Redemption II
260. |
The Final Battle I: Adventure records
Saishū Chō Kessen I: Bouken no Rekōdo
最終超決戦I: 冒険のレコード
It all ends now I
261. |
The Final Battle II: Sea, Land, and Sky
Saishū Chō Kessen II: Umi to Riku to Tenkuu to
最終超決戦II: 海と陸と天空と
It all ends now II
262. |
The Final Battle III: Go and report, Bubblegum
Saishū Chō Kessen III: Todoke fūsengamu
最終超決戦III: 届け フーセンガム
It all ends now III
263. |
The Final Battle IV: Roar of enforcement
Saishū Chō Kessen IV: Shukusei no Houkou
最終超決戦IV: 粛正の咆吼
It all ends now IV
264. |
The Final Battle V: Crime and Punishment
Saishū Chō Kessen V: Tsumi to Ba
最終超決戦V: 罪と罰
It all ends now V
265. |
The Final Battle VI: The Ultimate End
Saishū Chō Kessen VI: Kyuukyou no Ketsuron
最終超決戦VI: 究極の結論
It all ends now VI
266. |
The Final Battle VII: Beautiful Heart
Saishū Chō Kessen VII: Hajimete no Hokaku
最終超決戦VII: はじめての捕獲
It all ends now VII
267. |
The Final Battle VIII: The Promised Day
Saishū Chō Kessen VIII: Yakusoku no Hi
最終超決戦VIII: 約束の日
It all ends now VIII
268. |
The Escape
269. |
Shapeless attacker
Sugata Naki Kougeki Sha
End volume 22
Return to Pallet Town
270. |
The swallowing darkness
Nomikomu Yami
Now You See Me...
271. |
Within the Silph Scope
Silph Scope no Naka ni
...Now You Don't
272. |
Old Kiwame of Two Island
2 No Shima no Kiwame Baba
Old Ultima Puts Them to the Test
273. |
The Battle Path
Sen no Michi
Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents
274. |
Activate: the ultimate move
Hatsudou Kyuukyoku Waza
発動 究極技
Double Dealing with Deoxys
275. |
The boss who moves to begin
Ugoki Hajimeru Shuryou
A Vicious Cycle of Possibilities
276. |
Folk tale: Grass and Fire
Denshou Sou to Honoo
伝承 草と炎
My, My, My Mimic
277. |
Enter the three beasts
San Shishi Shi Toujou
Beastly Cold Reception
278. |
Attacking on the entire island
Zentou Kougeki
Put Your Beast Foot Forward
279. |
Alighting Deoxys
Ori Tatsu Deokishisu
End volume 23
Don't Doubt Deoxys
280. |
Red, the defeated
Yabure Shi Sha Reddo
Some Things Are Better Left Unown
281. |
The secret of Forme Change
Forme Change no Himitsu
Not Exactly Normal
282. |
The Holders' Qualifications
Shoyuu Sha no Shikaku
Going Green
283. |
Reason to battle
Tatakau Wake
It Takes Patience, Knowledge and a Really Quick Beedrill
284. |
Mewtwo's role in battle
Myuutsū Sansen
Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
285. |
Tower with will
Ishi o Motsu Tawā
Once More into the Unown
286. |
The army of duplicates, coming to attack
Osoi Kuru Bunshin Gun
Meet Deoxys, and Deoxys, and Deoxys, and...
287. |
Hometown, Tokiwa City
Kokyou Towika Shiti
End volume 24
Secrets from Sneasel
288. |
Break your restraints
Kousoku gu o Yabure
Give It Your Best, Blastoise
289. |
Tokiwa at heart
Kokoro no Oku no Towika
Surprised by Sneasel
290. |
The place of the decisive battle in space
Chuu Sora no Kessen Jou
A Well-Journeyed Jumpluff
291. |
Showdown at the peak
Choujou Taiketsu
Can Mewtwo Dish It Out with a Spoon?
292. |
My father's name is Sakaki
Chichi no Na ha Sakaki
Bested by Banette
293. |
The fake aurora
Mayakashi no ōrora
Down-for-the-Count Deoxys
294. |
The mirage is at Faraway
Maboroshi ha Saihate ni
Mewtwo and Mew Too
295. |
Last shot
Last Shot
Double Down Deoxys
296. |
Deoxys: its roots
Deokishisu sono Roots
デオキシス そのルーツ
It's Starting to Make Sense Now
297. |
Mutinous chakra
Hanran no Chakura
Mewtwo Comes Through
298. |
Black hole escape
Dasshutso no Black Hole
End volume 25
Start the Countdown, Starmie
299. |
Call of instinct
Honnou no Yobikake
Distant Relation Deoxys
300. |
Father's spirit
Chichi no Tamashii
Right on Time, Rhydon
301. |
Red, the Battler
Tatakau Mono Reddo
戦う者 レッド
Storming the Forretress
302. |
The Holders' Bond
Shoyuu Sha Tachi no Kizuna
Phew for Mew
303. |
VS. Usokkie: Dazzling Frontier
VS Usokkie: Mabayuki Furontia
VSウソッキー: まばゆきフロンティア
Never Spritz a Knotty Sudowoodo
304. |
VS. Marunoom: Bullets of calmness
VS Marunoom: Odayaka na Dangan
VSマルノーム: 穏やかな弾丸
Swanky Showdown with Swalot
305. |
VS. Illumise: The seven facilities challenge
VS Irumīze: Chōsen nanatsu no Shisetsu
VSイルミーゼ: 挑戦7つの施設
Interesting Interactions Involving Illumise
306. |
VS. Kailios: The Brain of Knowledge
VS Kairosu: Chishiki no Burēn
VSカイロス: 知識のブレーン
Pinsir Me, I Must Be Dreaming
307. |
VS. Onigohri: A suspicious shadow
VS Onigōri: Ayashiki Kage
VS オニゴーリ: 怪しき影
Gotcha Where I Wantcha, Glalie
308. |
VS. Kirlia: Transmission request
VS Kiruria: Sōshin Yōsei
VSキルリア: 送信要請
End volume 26
As Luck Would Have It, Kirlia
309. |
VS. Milokaross: The Tube Queen
VS Mirokarosu: Chūbu no Kuīn
VSミロカロス: チューブのクイーン
310. |
VS. Tsubotsubo: If you're lucky
VS Tsubotsubo: Un ga yokere ba
VSツボツボ: 運がよければ
311. |
VS. Samayouru: Hometown soil
VS Samayouru: Furusato no Do
VSサマヨール: ふるさとの土
312. |
VS. Regirock: Pyramid adventure
VS Rejirokku: Piramiddo Adobenchā
VSレジロック: ピラミッドアドベンチャー
313. |
VS. Regice: The Flying Star
VS Rejiaisu: Sora Kakeru Hoshi
VSレジアイス: 空翔ける星
314. |
VS. Doble: Atelier Hole
VS Dōburu: Atorie no Dōkutsu
VSドーブル: アトリエの洞窟
315. |
VS. Ametama I: The Armored Man
VS Ametama I: Kacchū no Otoko
VSアメタマI: 甲冑の男
316. |
VS. Ametama II: The Tycoon's Ability
VS Ametama II: Taikūn no Jitsuryoku
VSアメタマII: タイクーンの実力
317. |
VS. Nukenin: The owners' true motives
VS Nukenin I: Ōnā no Shini
VSヌケニンI: オーナーの真意
End volume 27
318. |
VS. Nukenin II: Calling on the guts of victory
VS Nukenin II: Shōri o Yobu Tōshi
VSヌケニンII: 勝利を呼ぶ闘志
319. |
VS. Ruffresia I: Tournament in the dome
VS Rafureshia I: Tōnamento in Dōmu
VSラフレシアI: トーナメント in ドーム
320. |
VS. Ruffresia II: The helpers arrive
VS Rafureshia I: Suketto Tōchaku
VSラフレシアII: 助っ人 到着
321. |
VS. Kirlia: Ruby versus Emerald
VS Kiruria: Rubī tai Emerarudo
VSキルリア: ルビー対エメラルド
322. |
VS. Jukain: Original Partner
VS Jukain: Honrai no Pātonā
VSジュカイン: 本来のパートナー
323. |
VS. Lizardon I: Superstar tactics
VS Rizādon I: Sūpāsutā no Senryaku
VSリザードンI: スーパースターの戦略
324. |
VS. Lizardon II: The Orbs' Imprint
VS Rizādon II: Hōshu no Zanzō
VSリザードンII: 宝珠の残像
325. |
VS. Starmie: Guile, Again
VS Sutāmī: Gairu Futatabi
VSスターミー: ガイル再び
326. |
VS. Laplace: Battle Tower break in
VS Rapurasu: Totsunyū Batoru Tawā
VSラプラス: 突入 バトルタワー
327. |
VS. Gokulin: The armor's true face
VS Gokurin: Kacchū no Sugao
VSゴクリン: 甲冑の素顔
End volume 28
328. |
The Final Battle I: Monster of the sea
Daikessen I: Umi no Mamono
大決戦I: 海の魔物
329. |
The Final Battle II: Wish upon a star
Daikessen II: Hoshi ni Negai o
大決戦II: 星に願いを
330. |
The Final Battle III: An Unopened Heart
Daikessen III: Hiraka Nai Kokoro
大決戦III: 開かない心
331. |
The Final Battle IV: Admiration, respect, and...
Daikessen IV: Akogare to Sonkei to
大決戦IV: 憧れと尊敬と
332. |
The Final Battle V: A New Self
Daikessen V: Atarashī Jibun
大決戦V: 新しい自分
333. |
The Final Battle VI: The Eye of Truth
Daikessen VI: Shinjitsu no Hitomi
大決戦VI: 真実の瞳
334. |
The Final Battle VII: Gathering of the Ten
Daikessen VII: Junin no Shūketsu
大決戦VII: 10人の集結
335. |
The Final Battle VIII: Triple x Triple
Daikessen VIII: Toripuru x Toripuru
大決戦VIII: トリプルXトリプル
336. |
The Final Battle IX: The Awarded
Daikessen IX: Sazukeshi Sha
大決戦IX: 授けし者
337. |
Epilogue: Isso Zenin De
Epilogue: いっそ全員で
End volume 29
338. |
VS. Mukkuru
VS Mukkuru: Pāru to Daiya
VSムックル: パールとダイヤ
Stagestruck Starly
339. |
VS. Bippa
VS Bippa: Bippa to Ojōsama
VSビッパ: ビッパとお嬢様
A Bevy of Bidoof
340. |
VS. Luxio
VS Rukushio: Tsukkomi to Rizumu
VSルクシオ: ツッコミとリズム
Extreme Luxio
341. |
VS. Koroboshi
VS Korobōshi: Pocchama to Puraido
VSコロボーシ: ポッチャマとプライド
Putting a Crimp in Kricketot
342. |
VS. Zugaidos
VS Zugaidos: Hyouta to Kuroganejimu
VSズガイドス: ヒョウタとクロガネジム
A Conk on Cranidos's Cranium
343. |
VS. Mitsuhoney
VS Mitsuhanī: Hanahata to Amai Mitsu
VSミツハニー: 花畑と甘い蜜
Honey for Combee
344. |
VS. Dohmirror
VS Dōmirā: Hatsudensho to Sunaarashi
VSドーミラー: 発電所と砂嵐
Belligerent Bronzor
345. |
VS. Rotom
VS Rotomu: Mori to Yōkan
VSロトム: 森と洋館
Robust Rotom
346. |
VS. Roserade I
VS Rozureido I: Tokkun to Hatsu Shinka
VSロズレイドI: 特訓と初進化
End volume 30
Ring Around the Roserade I
347. |
VS. Roserade II
VS Rozureido II: Rozureido to Doku no Toge
VSロズレイドII: ロズレイドと毒のトゲ
Ring Around the Roserade II
348. |
VS. Skunpoo
VS Sukanpū: Jitensha to Sukanpū
VSスカンプー: 自転車とスカンプー
A Big Stink Over Stunky
349. |
VS. Dainose and Jibacoil
VS Dainōzu & Jibakoiru: Shinou Chihō to Tengan San
VSダイノーズ&ジバコイル: シンオウ地方とテンガン山
Passing by Probopass and Maneuvering around Magnezone
350. |
VS. Mimirol
VS Mimiroru: Ojōsama to Kontesuto
VSミミロル: お嬢様とコンテスト
Boogying with Buneary
351. |
VS. Pachirisu
VS Pachirisu: Kaichō to San Ningumi
VSパチリス: 会長と三人組
Perturbed by Pachirisu
352. |
VS. Gureggru & Casey I
VS Gureggru & Casei I: Merissa to Rosuto Tawā
VSグレッグル&ケーシィI: メリッサとロストタワー
Crowded by Croagunk & Advanced on by Abra I
353. |
VS. Gureggru & Casey II
VS Gureggru & Casei II: Paka to Wuji
VSグレッグル&ケーシィII: パカとウージ
Crowded by Croagunk & Advanced on by Abra II
354. |
VS. Unknown I
VS Annōn I: Shinbunsha to Nazo no Moji
VSアンノーンI: 新聞社と謎の文字
Knowledge of the Unown I
355. |
VS. Unknown II
VS Annōn II: Annōn to Kodai Iseki
VSアンノーンII: アンノーンと古代遺跡
End volume 31
Knowledge of the Unown II
356. |
VS. Asanan and Riolu I
VS Asanan & Rioru I: Surotto to Sumomo
VSアサナン&リオルI: スロットとスモモ
Magnificent Meditite & Really Riolu I
357. |
VS. Asanan and Riolu II
VS Asanan & Rioru II: Jimusen to Gēmu Kōnā
VSアサナン&リオルII: ジム戦とゲームコーナー
Magnificent Meditite & Really Riolu II
358. |
VS. Mukubird and Skutank I
VS Mukubādo & Sukatanku I: Reijō to Bodīgādo
VSムクバード&スカタンクI: 令嬢とボディーガード
Stunning Staravia & Stinky Skuntank I
359. |
VS. Mukibird and Skutank II
VS Mukubādo & Sukatanku II: Teki to Mikata
VSムクバード&スカタンクII: 敵と味方
Stunning Staravia & Stinky Skuntank II
360. |
VS. Fukamaru
VS Fukamaru: Owari to Hajimari
VSフカマル: 終わりと始まり
Great Gible
361. |
VS. Beadle and Hippopotas
VS Bīdaru & Hipopotasu: Ame to Ashiato
VSビーダル&ヒポポタス: 雨と足跡
Bombastic Bibarel & Heroic Hippopotas
362. |
VS. Dorapion and Korotok I
VS Dorapion & Korotokku I: Hikari to Kioku
VSドラピオン&コロトックI: 光と記憶
Dramatic Drapion & Crafty Kricketune I
363. |
VS. Dorapion and Korotok II
VS Dorapion & Korotokku II: Mizuumi to Kage
VSドラピオン&コロトックII: 湖と影
Dramatic Drapion & Crafty Kricketune II
364. |
VS. Skorpi
VS Sukorupi: Daishitsugen to Safari Gēmu
VSスコルピ: 大湿原とサファリゲーム
End volume 32
A Skuffle with Skorupi
365. |
VS. Muskippa
VS Masukippa: Makishi to Nomoseshiti
VSマスキッパ: マキシとノモセシティ
Crafty Carnivine
366. |
VS. Flowsel
VS Furōzeru: Shōri to Faito Manē
VSフローゼル: 勝利とファイトマネー
Floatzel and Jetsam
367. |
VS. Koduck
VS Kodakku: Kodakku to Hiden no Kusuri
VSコダック: コダックと秘伝の薬
Suffering Psyduck
368. |
VS. Dainose and Jibacoil I
VS Dainōzu & Jibakoiru I: Kan Nagi to Chōrō
VSダイノーズ&ジバコイルI: カンナギと長老
Problematic Probopass and Mad Magnezone I
369. |
VS. Dainose and Jibacoil II
VS Dainōzu & Jibakoiru II: Hekiga to Shūgekisha
VSダイノーズ&ジバコイルII: 壁画と襲撃者
Problematic Probopass and Mad Magnezone II
370. |
VS. Dainose and Jibacoil III
VS Dainōzu & Jibakoiru III: Ishi to Kanjō
VSダイノーズ&ジバコイルIII: 意志と感情
Problematic Probopass and Mad Magnezone III
371. |
VS. Fuwaride
VS Fuwarido: Gakkai to Yūkai
VSフワライド: 学会と誘拐
Drifting Drifblim
372. |
VS. Mumargi I
VS Muumāji I: Yosugajimu to Keisan Mondai
VSムウマージI: ヨスガジムと計算問題
Mirages of Mismagius I
373. |
VS. Mumargi II
VS Muumāji II: Genkaku to Genjitsu
VSムウマージII: 幻覚と現実
Mirages of Mismagius II
374. |
VS. Dohtakun I
VS Dōtakun I: Musume to Chichi
VSドータクンI: 娘と父
End volume 33
Brash Bronzong I
375. |
VS. Dohtakun II
VS Dōtakun II: Shinjitsu to Itsuwari
VSドータクンII: 真実と偽り
Brash Bronzong II
376. |
VS. Mukuhawk
VS Mukuhōku: Ketsui to Kokuhaku
VSムクホーク: 決意と告白
Startling Staraptor
377. |
VS. Gallop
VS Gyaroppu: Wakare to Tabidachi
VSギャロップ: 別れと旅立ち
Hurrah for Rapidash
378. |
VS. Glion
VS Guraion: Shinoumaru to Funade
VSグライオン: シンオウ丸と船出
Grumpy Gliscor
379. |
VS. Lucario I
VS Rukario I: Gen to Kōtetsutō
VSルカリオI: ゲンとこうてつ島
Lucky Lucario I
380. |
VS. Lucario II
VS Rukario II: Dōkutsu to Sotsugyō Kadai
VSルカリオII: 洞窟と卒業課題
Lucky Lucario II
381. |
VS. Beequeen and Gamale I
VS Bīkuin & Gāmeiru I: Subayasa to Happa Kattā
VSビークイン&ガーメイルI: すばやさとはっぱカッター
Vexing Vespiquen & Unmanageable Mothim I
382. |
VS. Beequeen and Gamale II
VS Bīkuin & Gāmeiru II: Akui to Nami Shirube
VSビークイン&ガーメイルII: 悪意と波導
Vexing Vespiquen & Unmanageable Mothim II
383. |
VS. Camome
VS Kyamome: Seitetsusho to Hacchūsho
VSキャモメ: 製鉄所と発注書
Winning over Wingull
384. |
VS. Buby
VS Bubi: Tatara to Ugoku Yuka
VSブビィ: タタラと動く床
End volume 34
Maddening Magby
385. |
VS. Hellgar
VS Herugā: Yajirushi to Tōshi Ryoku
VSヘルガー: 矢印と透視力
Showdown with Houndoom
386. |
VS. Golone
VS Gorōn: Yukiyama to Jimu Rīdā
VSゴローン: 雪山とジムリーダー
Disagreeable Graveler
387. |
VS. Yukikaburi
VS Yukikaburi: Kissaki to Suzuna
VSユキカブリ: キッサキとスズナ
Striking out Snover
388. |
VS. Yukimenoko
VS Yukimenoko: Shingao to Shōri
VSユキメノコ: 新顔と勝利
To and Fro with Froslass
389. |
VS. Pippi
VS Pippi: Uchū to G Māku
VSピッピ: 宇宙とGマーク
Cautious Clefairy
390. |
VS. Beroringa
VS Beroringa: Poketchi to Kyanpēn
VSベロリンガ: ポケッチとキャンペーン
Licking Lickitung
391. |
VS. Berobelt
VS Beroberuto: Beroberuto to Hōmotsu
VSベロベルト: ベロベルトと宝物
Luring in a Lickilicky
392. |
VS. Utsudon
VS Utsudon: Gōtei to Shitsuji
VSウツドン: 豪邸と執事
Well Met, Weepinbell
393. |
VS. Megayanma I
VS Megayanma I: Kenkyūjo to Hamana
VSメガヤンマI: 研究所とハマナ
Yikes, Yanmega! I
394. |
VS. Megayanma II
VS Megayanma II: Haoto to Shōgekiha
VSメガヤンマII: 羽音と衝撃波
End volume 35
Yikes, Yanmega! II
395. |
VS. Yamirami
VS Yamirami: Eichiko to Jupitā
VSヤミラミ: エイチ湖とジュピター
Stopping Sableye
396. |
VS. Tritodon
VS Toritoidon: Kyōteki to Sannin Musume
VSトリトドン: 強敵と三人娘
Getting Past Gastrodon
397. |
VS. Okutank
VS Okutan: Bakudan to Kauntodaun
VSオクタン: 爆弾とカウントダウン
Outwitting Octillery
398. |
VS. Mojumbo
VS Mojanbo: Sanhiki to Mienai Tsunagari
VSモジャンボ: 三匹と見えないつながり
Tackling Tangrowth
399. |
VS. Kairiky
VS Kairikie: Gekitō to Haiboku
VSカイリキー: 激闘と敗北
Mixing It Up with Machamp
400. |
VS. Nuoh
VS Nuō: Ōame to Tasukeshu
VSヌオー: 大雨と助け手
Bogging Down Quagsire
401. |
VS. Buoysel II
VS Buizeru I: Hokaku to Deshi Iri
VSブイゼルI: 捕獲と弟子入り
Besting Buizel I
402. |
VS. Buoysel II
VS Buizeru II: Akagi to Kanzen na Sekai
VSブイゼルII: アカギと完全な世界
Besting Buizel II
403. |
VS. Betbeter
VS Betobetā: Pāru to Shinchī
VSベトベター: パールと新チー
Cleaning up Grimer
404. |
VS. Elekid
VS Erekiddo: Tekijin to Shinnyūsha
VSエレキッド: 敵陣と侵入者
End volume 36
Encountering Elekid
405. |
VS. Elekible
VS Erekiburu: Tsuyosa to Taiken
VSエレキブル: 強さと体験
Shorting Out Electivire
406. |
VS. Dongkarasu
VS Donkarasu: Nonki to Sekkachi
VSドンカラス: のんきとせっかち
Halting Honchkrow
407. |
VS. Lisyan
VS Rīshan: Hensō to Sennyū
VSリーシャン: 変装と潜入
Chancing Upon Chingling
408. |
VS. Ghost
VS Gōsuto: Zukan to Asa no Oto
VSゴースト: 図鑑と朝の音
High-tailing It from Haunter
409. |
VS. Mikaruge
VS Mikaruge: Champion to Boss
VSミカルゲ: チャンピオンとBOSS
Shunning Spiritomb
410. |
VS. Yuradle
VS Yureidoru: Sanhiki to Kaihō
VSユレイドル: 3匹と解放
Creeping Away from Cradily
411. |
VS. Dialga and Palkia I
VS Diaruga & Parukia I: Unmei to Yari no Hashira
VSディアルガ&パルキアI: 運命とやりの柱
Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia I
412. |
VS. Dialga and Palkia II
VS Diaruga & Parukia II: Jikan to Kūkan
VSディアルガ&パルキアII: 時間と空間
End volume 37
Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia II
413. |
VS. Dialga and Palkia III
VS Diaruga & Parukia III: Toki no Hōkō to Akū Setsudan
VSディアルガ&パルキアIII: ときのほうこうとあくうせつだん
Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia III
414. |
VS. Dialga and Palkia IV
VS Diaruga & Parukia IV: Shitappa to Kotai Ishi
VSディアルガ&パルキアIV: SHITAPPAと個体意志
Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia IV
415. |
VS. Dialga and Palkia V
VS Diaruga & Parukia V: Kanzen to Fukanzen
VSディアルガ&パルキアV: 完全と不完全
Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia V
416. |
VS. Dialga and Palkia VI
VS Diaruga & Parukia VI: Daiya to Pāru
VSディアルガ&パルキアVI: ダイヤとパール
Double Trouble with Dialga and Palkia VI
417. |
VS. Mimilop
VS Mimiroppu: Rizōto Eria no Machiawase
VSミミロップ: リゾートエリアの待ち合わせ
Leaping past Lopunny
418. |
VS. PorygonZ
VS Porigon Zetto: Pointo no Yarikuri
VSポリゴンZ: ポイントのやりくり
Deprogramming Porygon-Z
419. |
VS. Erureido I
VS Erureido I: Kyassuru no Burēn
VSエルレイドI: キャッスルのブレーン
Getting the drop on Gallade I
420. |
VS. Erureido II
VS Erureido II: Shitsuji no Yudan
VSエルレイドII: 執事の油断
Getting the drop on Gallade II
421. |
VS. Nendoll
VS Nendōru: Shōbusho no Baku
VSネンドール: 勝負処のバク
Clobbering Claydol
422. |
VS. Fushigisou
VS Fushigisō: Hādo Maunten no Otakara
VSフシギソウ: ハードマウンテンのお宝
End volume 38
Interrupting Ivysaur
423. |
VS. Togekiss
VS Togekissu: Torikaekko no Paneru
VSトゲキッス: 取り換えっこのパネル
Tackling Togekiss
424. |
VS. Emperte
VS Enperutu: Mezame no Ichiho
VSエンペルト: 目覚めの一歩
Exit Empoleon
425. |
VS. Heatran
VS Hidoran: Yabō no Purūto
VSヒードラン: 野望のプルート
Cooling Off Heatran
426. |
VS. Cocoon
VS Kokūn: Rentaru no Shisetsu
VSコクーン: レンタルの施設
Softening Up Kakuna
427. |
VS. Taneboh
VS Tanebo: Bōgai no Denpa
VSタネボー: 妨害の電波
Uprooting Seedot
428. |
VS. Redian
VS Redian: Kurotsugu no Tanomigoto
VSレディアン: クロツグの頼み事
Outlasting Ledian
429. |
VS. Kairyu
VS Kairyū: Gekitō no Sutēji
VSカイリュー: 激闘のステージ
Dealing with Dragonite
430. |
VS. Rotom (Heat, Wash Cut, Spin, Frost)
VS Rotomu: Itsutsu no Kadenhin
VSロトム: 五つの家電品
End volume 39
Unplugging Rotom
431. |
Different Dimension Battle I
Jigen Kessen I: Hankotsu no Giratina
異次元決戦I: 叛骨のギラティナ
The final dimension duel I
432. |
Different Dimension Battle II
Jigen Kessen II: Senshitachi no Shutsujin
異次元決戦II: 戦士たちの出陣
The final dimension duel II
433. |
Different Dimension Battle III
Jigen Kessen III: Kage no Ichigeki
異次元決戦III: 影の一撃
The final dimension duel III
434. |
Different Dimension Battle IV
Jigen Kessen IV: Ikari no Forumu Chenji
異次元決戦IV: 怒りのフォルムチェンジ
The final dimension duel IV
435. |
Different Dimension Battle V
Jigen Kessen V: Teisatsuki no Aruji
異次元決戦V: 偵察機の主
The final dimension duel V
436. |
Different Dimension Battle VI
Jigen Kessen VI: Shūdansen no Hajimari
異次元決戦VI: 集団戦の始まり
The final dimension duel VI
437. |
Different Dimension Battle VII
Jigen Kessen VII: Hanbusshitsu no Sekai
異次元決戦VII: 反物質の世界
The final dimension duel VII
438. |
Different Dimension Battle VIII
Jigen Kessen VIII: Kokoro no Ariyō
異次元決戦VIII: 心のありよう
The final dimension duel VIII
439. |
Different Dimension Battle IX
Jigen Kessen IX: Seigi no Uirisu
異次元決戦IX: 正義のウイリス
The final dimension duel IX
440. |
Different Dimension Battle X
Jigen Kessen X: Ōkido no Tegami
異次元決戦X: オーキドの手紙
The final dimension duel X
441. |
Different Dimension Battle XI
Jigen Kessen XI: Tamashī no Hikari
異次元決戦XI: 魂の光
End volume 40
The final dimension duel XI
442. |
VS. Nazonokusa
VSナゾノクサ: 挑戦 ポケスロン!
Out-Odding Oddish
443. |
VS. Eipam
VSエイパム: 四天王登場!
Attaway, Aipom!
444. |
VS. Togepy
VSトゲピー: 極秘指令!
One Tough Togepi
445. |
VS. Dogars
VSドガース: 復活の狼煙!
Dealing With A Koffing Fit
446. |
VS. Manyula
VSマニューラ: サファリゾーンの戦い!
Weavile Wobbles But It Won't Fall Down
447. |
VS. Ordile
VSオーダイル: プレート争奪戦!
Fortunately for Feraligatr
448. |
VS. Parasect
VSパラセクト: 噂の千里眼!
End volume 41
Pleased as Punch With Parasect
449. |
VS. Dosidon
VSドサイドン: 大地の継承!
Raising the Stakes with Rhyperior
450. |
VS. Ebiwalar
VSエビワラー: 集合4将軍!
With a little help from Hitmonchan
451. |
VS. Natio
VSネイティオ: 遺跡へのルート!
It takes Xatu to tango
452. |
VS. Arceus I
VSアルセウスI: 伝説のサイン!
All about Arceus I
453. |
VS. Arceus II
VSアルセウスII: 語られる起源!
All about Arceus II
454. |
VS. Arceus III
VSアルセウスIII: 突入 謎の領域!
All about Arceus III
455. |
VS. Arceus IV
VSアルセウスIV: 幻のタイプシフト!
All about Arceus IV
456. |
VS. Arceus V
VSアルセウスV: 絶望の三つ舞台!
End volume 42
All about Arceus V
457. |
VS. Arceus VI
VSアルセウスVI: 「はざま」からの帰還!
All about Arceus VI
458. |
VS. Arceus VII
VSアルセウスVII: いちるの望み!
All about Arceus VII
459. |
VS. Arceus VIII
VSアルセウスVIII: 希望の最終進化!
All about Arceus VIII
460. |
VS. Arceus IX
VSアルセウスIX: 特別な明日!
All about Arceus IX
461. |
VS. Pokabu
VSポカブ: 前夜
Fussing and Fighting
462. |
VS Kurumiru
VSクルミル: 旅立
463. |
VS Koromori
VSコロモリ: 追憶
A nickname for Tepig
464. |
VS Monmen
VSモンメン: 初戦
End volume 43
Black's first trainer battle
465. |
VS. Dentula
Lights, Camera, Action
466. |
VS Dokkorer
An odd speech
467. |
VS Choroneko
Letting go
468. |
VS Otamaro
Listening to Pokemon
469. |
VS Tabunne
Welcome to Striaton City
470. |
VS Yanappu • Baoppu • Hiyappu
Their first Gym Battle
471. |
VS Miruhog
End volume 44
Battle at the Dreamyard
472. |
VS Zuruggu
Wheeling and dealing
473. |
VS Minezumi
Battle at the Museum
474. |
VS Mooland
Defeating Stoutland
475. |
VS Desukarn
The Mystery of the Missing Fossil
476. |
VS Yabukuron & Chillaccino
A Direct Attack and a Daunting Defense
477. |
VS Zorua
Lost in the Big City
478. |
VS Hahakomori
Big City Battles
479. |
VS Morobareru
End volume 45
The Case of the Missing Pokémon
480. |
VS Victini
VSビクティニ: 燈台
At Liberty on Liberty Garden
481. |
VS Kirikizan
VSキリキザン: 砂漠
482. |
VS Maracacchi
VSマラカッチ: 準備
To Make a Musical
483. |
VS Emonga
VSエモンガ: 開演
Special Delivery
484. |
VS Zebraika
VSゼブライカ: 回転
Battle on a Roller Coaster
485. |
VS Janovy
VSジャノビー: 数式
Gigi's Choice
486. |
VS Nageki & Dageki
VSナゲキ&ダゲキ: 鉄道
Unraveling Mysteries
487. |
VS Kojondo
VSコジョンド: 決意
A New Perspective
488. |
VS Shikijika
VSシキジカ: 別離
End volume 46
Growing Pains
489. |
VS. Gamagaru
VSガマガル: 跳橋
Drawing Bridges
490. |
VS. Tornelos and Voltolos
VSトルネロス&ボルトロス: 風雷
A Stormy Time in the Battle Subway
491. |
VS. Vanipeti
VSバニプッチ: 冷凍
Fight in a Cold Climate
492. |
VS. Doryuzu
VSドリュウズ: 出土
Mine Mayhem
493. |
VS. Waruvile
VSワルビル: 感知
Underground Showdown
494. |
VS. Kokoromori
VSココロモリ: 集合
Up in the Air
495. |
VS. Swanna
VSスワンナ: 參戦
End volume 47
496. |
VS. Tornelos, Voltlos, Landlos I
VSトルネロス&ボルトロス&ランドロスI: 激突
Museum showdown
497. |
VS. Tornelos, Voltlos, Landlos II
VSトルネロス&ボルトロス&ランドロスII: 復活
Finding truth
498. |
VS. Freegeo
VSフリージオ: 修業
Decisions, decisions
499. |
VS. Protoga
VSプロトーガ: 暴走
School of hard knocks
1-499 500-540
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