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Beck (manga)

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Alternative title:
ベック (Japanese)
搖滾新樂團 (Chinese (Taiwan))
Genres: comedy, romance
Themes: music
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: For the first 14 years of his life, Yukio Tanaka has been one heck of a boring guy. He has no hobbies, weak taste in music, and only a small vestige of a personality. He yearns for an exciting life, but his shy, and somewhat neurotic personality make him his own worst enemy. Little does he know that his life will be forever changed when he meets Ryusuke Minami, a wild and unpredictable 16-year-old fresh from America, who happens to be in a rock-and-roll band named after his Frankenstein-like patched dog—Beck.
User Ratings: 243 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 75 votes (sub:38, Eng:27, dub:5, ?:1, edit.dub:1, others:3
1 French edited dub
1 Spanish dubbed
1 German
 Excellent: 82 votes (Eng:45, sub:26, dub:4, raw:2, raw:1, others:4
1 French dubbed
1 Spanish
1 Russian
1 French
 Very good: 44 votes (Eng:28, sub:7, dub:3, raw:2, ?:1, others:3
2 French
1 German
 Good: 23 votes (Eng:16, sub:4, dub:2, others:1
1 French
 Decent: 11 votes (Eng:9, dub:1, others:1
1 French
 So-so: 4 votes (sub:2, Eng:1, dub:1)
 Not really good: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Weak: 3 votes (dub:2, sub:1)
 Bad: -
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 617 users, rank: #120 (of 6927)
Median rating: Excellent
Arithmetic mean: 8.642 (Excellent−), std. dev.: 1.3994, rank: #307 (of 7781)
Weighted mean: 8.469 (Very good+), rank: #480 (of 7781) (seen all: 9.05 / seen some: 8.16 / won't finish: 6.35)
Bayesian estimate: 8.456 (Very good+), rank: #76 (of 3529)
Number of tankoubon: 34
Number of pages: 200
2004-07-01 to 2010-03-10 (France)
2005-07-12 (North America)
2005-10-17 (Japanese: Beck - Music Guide)
2006-09-13 to 2009-10-28 (Italy)
Release dates: We have 160
Links: We have 2
Trivia: We have 4
News: Show:
Beck Game Announced (Jan 13, 2005)
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Graphic novel
    Beck (GN 1) 2005-07-12 (from $47.88)
    Beck (GN 2) 2005-11-08 (from $19.79)
    Beck (GN 3) 2006-03-07 (from $15.00)
    Beck (GN 4) 2006-06-13 (from $29.11)
    Beck (GN 5) 2006-09-12 (from $18.78)
    Beck (GN 6) 2006-11-28 (from $23.01)
    Beck (GN 7) 2007-02-27 (from $199.99)
    Beck (GN 8) 2007-05-29 (from $284.29)
    Beck (GN 9) 2007-09-11 (from $43.28)
    Beck (GN 10) 2007-12-11 (from $28.45)
    Beck (GN 11) 2008-03-04
    Beck (GN 12) 2008-06-10 (from $18.20)
    Beck (GN 13) 2008-09-09
    Beck (GN 14) 2008-12-02

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: Harold Sakuishi
Japanese companies
Publisher: Kodansha
English staff
English cast
Art Director: Matt Alford
Adam Hirsch (Kodansha Comics, vol 13-)
Stephen Paul

Adaptation: Jay Antani
Cover Design: Gary Shum
Digital Imaging Manager: Chris Buford
Paul Morrissey
Thalia Sutton (Kodansha Comics, vol 13-)
Editor-in-Chief: Mike Kiley
Lettering: Darren Smith (Kodansha Comics, vol 13-)
Managing Editor: Jill Freshney
Pre-Press Manager: Antonio DePietro
Production Artist: Gloria Wu
Production manager:
Jennifer Miller
Mutsumi Miyazaki
Retouch & Lettering: Lucas Rivera
VP of Production: Ron Klamert
English companies
Licensed by:
Kodansha Comics (Digital; 2018)
Online Distribution: K MANGA
French staff
French cast
Élodie Lepelletier (Vol. 4-12)
Sae Cibot (Vol. 1-3)
Yuko Kuramatsu (Vol. 13-34)

Élodie Lepelletier (Vol. 4-12)
Olivier Vachey (Vol. 13-34)
Sae Cibot (Vol. 1-3)
Eliette Blatché (Vol. 1-18)
Karen Bellanger (Vol. 19-)
French companies
Publisher: Akata/Delcourt
Spanish cast
Spanish staff
Lettering: Oliva Osanz (vol. 1-14)
Spanish companies
Licensed by: Distrito Manga
Italian staff
Italian cast
Translation: Cristian Giorgi 
Italian companies
Publisher: Dynit
German staff
German cast
Translation: Claudia Peter
German companies
Publisher: Tokyopop Germany
Chinese (Taiwan) staff
Chinese (Taiwan) companies
Chinese (Taiwan) cast

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