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Gon (manga)

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Alternative title:
Gon - Jurassic Pest (Italian)
ゴン (Japanese)
Genres: action, comedy
Themes: animals
Objectionable content: None
Plot Summary: Gon, a tiny dinosaur with a huge attitude, has adventures as he travels through forests and rivers, swims with fish and even flies with birds. Gon and his animal friends communicate without speaking, with Gon giving the occasional bite to teach a bully a lesson.
User Ratings: 64 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 11 votes (Eng:4, sub:3, dub:2, ?:1, others:1
1 Italian
 Excellent: 19 votes (Eng:10, sub:3, ?:2, dub:1, others:3
1 French
1 Spanish dubbed
1 Swedish
 Very good: 14 votes (Eng:11, dub:1, sub:1, others:1
1 French
 Good: 11 votes (Eng:9, ?:1, sub:1)
 Decent: 4 votes (Eng:3, others:1
1 Spanish
 So-so: 4 votes (Eng:3, others:1
1 Italian
 Not really good: -
 Weak: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Bad: -
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 140 users, rank: #624 (of 6927)
Median rating: Very good
Arithmetic mean: 8.078 (Very good), std. dev.: 1.534, rank: #764 (of 7783)
Weighted mean: 7.976 (Very good), rank: #1465 (of 7783) (seen all: 8.07 / seen some: 7.70)
Bayesian estimate: 7.959 (Very good), rank: #526 (of 3529)
Number of tankoubon: 7
Number of pages: 174
#1. Gon
#2. Gon Again!
#3. Here Today, Gon Tomorrow
#4. Going, Going, Gon
#5. Gon Swimmin'
1993-05 to 2002-10 (Spain)
1997-05-13 (Sweden)
2012-03-24 (serialized in Afternoon)
Release dates: We have 37
Links: We have 4
Trivia: We have 1
Convention report:
Other article: Show:
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Graphic novel
    Gon (GN 1) 2007-07-31 (from $4.99)
    Gon (GN 2) 2007-10-31 (from $5.99)
    Gon (GN 3) 2008-01-22 (from $10.88)
    Gon (GN 4) 2008-04-30 (from $5.99)
    Gon (GN 5) 2008-07-23 (from $11.98)
    Gon (GN 6) 2008-10-21 (from $5.99)
    Gon (GN 7) 2009-01-27
    Gon (GN 1) 2011-08-30 (from $8.79)
    Gon (GN 2) 2011-10-11 (from $8.79)
    Gon (GN 3) 2011-12-06 (from $8.43)
    Gon (GN 4) 2012-02-14 (from $8.08)
    Gon (GN 5) 2012-04-10 (from $8.79)
    Gon (GN 6) 2012-06-12 (from $8.79)
    Gon (GN 7) 2012-08-21 (from $10.99)

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: Masashi Tanaka
Japanese companies
Publisher: Kodansha
English staff
English companies
Art Director: Robbin Brosterman

Editing Assistant: Jim Higgens
Licensed by:
CMX Manga
Kodansha Comics (2010)
Publisher: Paradox Press
English cast
French staff
French companies
Publisher: Casterman
French cast
Spanish staff
Spanish companies
Publisher: Ediciones La Cúpula (Spain)
Spanish cast
Italian staff
Italian companies
Italian cast
German staff
German companies
Publisher: Kunst der Comics
German cast
Portuguese staff
Portuguese companies
Conrad (Brazil)
NewPOP (Brazil)
Portuguese cast
Swedish staff
Swedish companies
Publisher: Tago Förlag
Swedish cast

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