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QQ Sweeper (manga)

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Alternative title:
QQスイーパー (Japanese)
Genres: supernatural
Objectionable content: Significant
Plot Summary: Kyutaro Horikita, the tall, dark and handsome cleaning expert of Kurokado High, is about to meet a sleeping maiden at the school: transfer student Fumi Nishioka. Fumi's going to learn how to rid the school of nasty spirits with Kyutaro's help, and her heart will surprisingly be “cleansed” too.
User Ratings: 5 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: -
 Excellent: -
 Very good: 1 vote (others:1
1 German
 Good: 3 votes (Eng:3)
 Decent: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 So-so: -
 Not really good: -
 Weak: -
 Bad: -
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 13 users, rank: #3366 (of 6927)
Median rating: Good
Arithmetic mean: 7.000 (Good), std. dev.: 0.6325, rank: #2994 (of 7781)
Weighted mean: 6.920 (Good), rank: #4046 (of 7781) (seen all: 6.90 / seen some: 7.00)
Bayesian estimate: 7.261 (Good+), rank: #2063 (of 3529)
Number of tankoubon: 3
Vintage: 2014-03-11 to 2015-05-13 (serialized in Betsucomi)
Release dates: We have 9
QQ Sweeper GN 3 (Aug 2, 2016)
QQ Sweeper GN 1 (Oct 18, 2015)
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    QQ Sweeper (eBook 1) 2015-10-06 (from $6.49)
Graphic novel
    QQ Sweeper (GN 1) 2015-10-06 (from $9.99)
    QQ Sweeper (GN 2) 2016-02-02 (from $9.99)
    QQ Sweeper (GN 3) 2016-06-07 (from $9.29)

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Story & Art: Kyousuke Motomi
Japanese companies
Publisher: Shogakukan
English staff
English cast
Bryant Turnage (Vol. 1)
Ysabet Reinhardt MacFarlane (Vol. 2-3)
Cover Design: Yukiko Whitley (Vol. 1)
Design: Izumi Evers (Vol. 2-3)
Editing: Amy Yu
Interior Design: Izumi Evers (Vol. 1)
Lettering: Eric Erbes
Touch-up Art: Eric Erbes
English companies
Licensed by: Viz Media (Shojo Beat)
Translation: JN Productions
French staff
French companies
Publisher: KAZÉ
French cast
Italian staff
Italian cast
Translation: Yaeka Yoshida

Adaptation: Yaeka Yoshida
Graphic Adaptation: Mario Mazzo
Lettering: Gaia Carbonchi (vol. 2-3)
Revision: Laura Tanzini (vol. 3)
Italian companies
Publisher: Flashbook Edizioni
German staff
German companies
Publisher: Tokyopop Germany
German cast

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