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Yuri Bear Storm (manga)

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Alternative title:
Yuri Kuma Arashi (Japanese)
ユリ熊嵐 (Japanese)
Genres: romance
Themes: yuri
Plot Summary: Every night, 16-year-old Kureha has a strange dream involving lilies, storms, and her classmate Ginko as a bear. At school, Kureha's unassuming personality and looks render her practically invisible. Sometimes, it feels like no one notices her at all, until cute and outgoing transfer student Ginko asks Kureha to be her friend. With Ginko's encouragement and protection, Kureha starts to come out of her shell and realizes that, whether or not her new classmate really is a bear, her feelings toward Ginko might be stronger than friendship after all.
User Ratings: 4 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: -
 Excellent: -
 Very good: -
 Good: -
 Decent: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 So-so: -
 Not really good: -
 Weak: 2 votes (Eng:2)
 Bad: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 7 users, rank: #4373 (of 6927)
Median rating: Weak
Arithmetic mean: 3.500 (Not really good−), std. dev.: 1.5, rank: #6967 (of 7781)
Weighted mean: 3.745 (Not really good−), rank: #6998 (of 7781) (seen all: 4.11 / won't finish: 3.00)
Bayesian estimate: 5.716 (Decent−), rank: #3477 (of 3529)
Number of tankoubon: 3
Vintage: 2014-02-28 to 2016-04-30 (serialized in Comic Birz, Apr 2014-Jun 2016)
Other article: Show:
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    Yuri Bear Storm (eBook 1) 2020-08-06 (from $7.49)
    Yuri Bear Storm (eBook 2) 2020-08-06 (from $7.49)
    Yuri Bear Storm (eBook 3) 2020-08-06
Graphic novel
    Yuri Bear Storm (GN 1) 2019-01-22 (from $12.99)
    Yuri Bear Storm (GN 2) 2019-03-05 (from $10.28)
    Yuri Bear Storm (GN 3) 2019-06-17 (from $12.99)

Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Japanese companies
Publisher: Gentosha Comics
English staff
English cast
Translation: Katie McLendon

Copy Editing: Massiel Gutierrez
Digital Media Assistant: Phillip Hong
Editing: Lena Atanassova
Editor-in-Chief: Stu Levy
Graphic Design: Phillip Hong
Licensing Specialist: Arika Yanaka
Marketing Associate: Kae Winters
Publisher: Stu Levy
Technology Assistant: Phillip Hong
English companies

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