Pixelogic Media Partners, LLC
Anime with which this company was involved:
(English version)
(The) Elusive Samurai (TV) : ADR Production
Heavenly Delusion (TV) : Additional Production
Speed Racer (TV) : Blu-Ray Authoring (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release), Blu-ray Compression (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release), Blu-ray Menu Audio (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release), Blu-ray Menu Design (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release), Blu-ray Quality Control (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release), DVD Authoring (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release), DVD Compression (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release), DVD Menu Audio (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release), DVD Menu Design (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release), DVD Quality Control (Mach Go Go Go; Funimation release)
(Spanish version)
Sand Land: The Series (ONA) : ADR Production
(Polish version)
Star Wars: Visions Volume 2 (ONA) : Cooperation
(Portuguese version)
Heavenly Delusion (TV) : Additional Production (Brazil)
This encyclopedia is collaboratively edited by the users of this site
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