Magician's Academy (TV)
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In ep 10 around 4:45, the art Eneus is seen pushing in the background is the Mona Lisa.
the expression used in ep 12, 7:15 "zawa" is frequently used from Ultimate Survivor Kaiji
ep 12, 10:15 Initial D parody
In the TV version of the show, all explicit nudity or heavy ecchi content was censored by replacing the affected characters with greatly-simplified stop-motion plushie versions of themselves. These plushie characters were removed for the DVD release in favor of showing the actual fanservice in full.
In episode 2 at around 5:58, all 12 sisters from "Sister Princess" are seen as figurines that Tanarot is looking at.
In episode 4, around 14:40, the drawing style that is used is referring to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
In episode 6 after the credits, some of the anime Agalierept is watching includes Kyouran Kazoku Nikki, Mission-E, and Shinkyoku Sokai Polyphonica.
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