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Jisatsu Circle (manga)

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Alternative title:
Der Selbstmordclub (German)
El club del suicidio (Spanish)
Le cercle du suicide (French)
Suicide Club
自殺サークル (Japanese)
Genres: mystery
Plot Summary: 54 middle and high school girls walk into a crowded train station, giggling and chatting casually. As the next train approaches, they all cheerfully line up together and hold hands near the tracks - and then they jump into the path of the train. A tragic and shocking incident of mass suicide, made even more shocking by the fact that one girl, Saya, survives completely unharmed. A strange girl with a long history of selling her body and self mutilation, Saya goes from being an outcast to a figure of near-worship. As she gathers more and more followers, her concerned best friend Kyoko begins to uncover the deep and disturbing secrets of this strange cult-like group. She learns, among other things, that it's not the first time something like this has taken shape around the lone survivor of a mass suicide… and that it won't be the last.
User Ratings: 75 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 3 votes (dub:1, Eng:1, sub:1)
 Excellent: 11 votes (sub:5, Eng:3, dub:2, ?:1)
 Very good: 21 votes (Eng:12, sub:6, dub:1, raw:1, others:1
1 Spanish dubbed
 Good: 21 votes (sub:8, Eng:8, dub:2, raw:1, others:2
1 German
1 Spanish subtitled
 Decent: 14 votes (Eng:7, sub:5, raw:1, dub:1)
 So-so: 2 votes (Eng:1, sub:1)
 Not really good: -
 Weak: 2 votes (dub:1, Eng:1)
 Bad: 1 vote (Eng:1)
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 149 users, rank: #588 (of 6927)
Median rating: Good
Arithmetic mean: 7.280 (Good+), std. dev.: 1.4838, rank: #2617 (of 7783)
Weighted mean: 7.229 (Good+), rank: #3097 (of 7783) (seen all: 7.28 / seen some: 8.00 / won't finish: 3.00)
Bayesian estimate: 7.252 (Good+), rank: #2080 (of 3529)
Number of tankoubon: 1
Number of pages: 165
Vintage: 2002
Release dates: We have 3
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Japanese staff
Japanese companies
Story & Art: Usamaru Furuya
One Two Magazine-Sha Inc.
Shogakukan (reedition)
Japanese cast
French staff
French companies
Publisher: Casterman
French cast
Spanish staff
Spanish companies
Translation: Marc Bernabé (Milky Way Ediciones)
Publisher: Milky Way Ediciones (Spain)
Translation: Daruma Serveis Lingüístics (Milky Way Ediciones)
Spanish cast
German staff
German companies
Publisher: Schreiber und Leser
German cast
Portuguese staff
Portuguese companies
Publisher: NewPOP (Brazil)
Portuguese cast

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