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One Piece Episode of Luffy: Hand Island no Bōken (special)

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Alternative title:
One Piece Épisode de Luffy : Aventure sur l'île de la main (French)
One Piece Episode of Luffy: The Hand Island Adventure
One Piece: Episode of Ruffy - Abenteuer auf Hand Island (German)
ワンピース エピソード オブ ルフィ ~ハンドアイランドの冒険~ (Japanese)
Themes: pirates
Plot Summary: As Luffy and the crew were attacked by several marine warship they were forced to use Coup de Burst to escape. Crash landing on an island the crew decided to explore while some repairment is made. Upon meeting an wax artisan and learning the truth behind the island Luffy offer his help.
User Ratings: 64 ratings have been given [details]
 Masterpiece: 4 votes (sub:4)
 Excellent: 9 votes (sub:9)
 Very good: 19 votes (sub:16, others:3
1 Turkish subtitled
1 Polish subtitled
1 German subtitled
 Good: 19 votes (sub:17, others:2
1 Spanish subtitled
1 Polish subtitled
 Decent: 8 votes (sub:8)
 So-so: 4 votes (sub:1, others:3
1 German dubbed
1 Spanish subtitled
1 Portuguese subtitled
 Not really good: 1 vote (sub:1)
 Weak: -
 Bad: -
 Awful: -
 Worst ever: -
Seen in part or in whole by 180 users, rank: #4138 (of 9898)
Median rating: Good
Arithmetic mean: 7.469 (Good+), std. dev.: 1.3106, rank: #2009 (of 10043)
Weighted mean: 7.372 (Good+), rank: #2152 (of 10043) (seen all: 7.37)
Bayesian estimate: 7.390 (Good+), rank: #1805 (of 7598)
Vintage: 2012-12-15
Release dates: We have 6
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Japanese staff
Japanese cast
Original creator: Eiichiro Oda
Art Director: Takashi Nakamura
Chief Animation Director: Hiroshi Shimizu
Mecha design: Shinichi Yokota
Sound Director: Yukio Nagasaki
Director of Photography: Toshiyuki Umeda

Color Coordination: Kyōko Ōtake
Color design: Kyōko Ōtake
Editing: Nobutaka Maki
Fashion Design: Shizuka Kudō
Finish Check: Kyōko Ōtake
Production manager: Yoshiyuki Chōnan
Production Supervision: Hitoshi Mogi
Publicity: Tomoko Kumagai
Recording: Erina Watanabe
Recording Assistant: Satoshi Fujimura
Sound Effects: Kentarō Washio (Fizz Sound Creation)
Special Effects: Kaori Satō
Akemi Okamura as Nami
Hiroaki Hirata as Sanji
Ikue Ōtani as Tony Tony Chopper
Kappei Yamaguchi as Usopp
Kazuki Yao as Franky
Kazuya Nakai as Roronoa Zoro
Mayumi Tanaka as Monkey D. Luffy
Yuriko Yamaguchi as Nico Robin

Kōichi Nagano as Helmeppo
Mika Doi as Coby
Naoki Tatsuta as Bilić
Shūichi Ikeda as Shanks
Takayuki Sugō as Diego
Takuya Kirimoto as Regis

Aiko Hibi as Girl
Aruno Tahara as Ben Beckman
Chikao Ōtsuka as Gold Roger
Dome Narita as Villager
Eiji Takemoto as Marine Messenger
Haruka Terui as Tableware Store Clerk
Jin Domon as Lucky Roux
Keiichi Sonobe as Mayor Woop Slap
Keiji Hirai as Hardware Store Clerk
Keiji Yamashita as Villager
Mahito Ōba as Narration
Makiko Ōmoto as Makino
Midori Matsuo as Jewelry Store Clerk
Mika Ishibashi as Musical Store Clerk
Nobunaga Shimazaki as Marine
Ryōsuke Kanemoto as Marine
Shunzō Miyasaka as Pirate
Sōta Arai as Marine
Takahiro Fujimoto as Marine
Yasuhiko Tokuyama as Marine
Yōko Matsuoka as Alvida
Yui Kano as Islander
Yukimasa Kishino as Higuma
Yukiyo Fujii as Tableware Store Clerk
Japanese companies
French staff
French cast
French companies
Direct Star (07 july 2013)
Game one (28 september 2014)
J-One (04 october 2014)
Distributor: Kana Video
German staff
German cast
Dubbing Director: Paul Sedlmeir
ADR Script: Julian Klefke
Benedikt Gutjan as Brook
Daniel Schlauch as Monkey D. Ruffy
Dirk Meyer as Lysop
Frank Engelhardt as Frankie
Martin Halm as Tony Chopper
Simone Brahmann as Nico Robin
Uwe Thomsen as Lorenor Zorro

Erich Ludwig as Diego
Gerd Meyer as Helmeppo
Martin Halm as Shanks
Patrick Roche as Regis
Thomas Wenke as Bilić
Tim Schwarzmaier as Corby

Andreas Wilde as Erzähler
Anita Höfer as Alvida
Claudia Lössl as Geschäftsinhaberin Musikinstrument
Gerhard Jilka as Lucky Lou
Hartmut Neugebauer as Gol D. Roger
Manfred Trilling as Werkzeugverkäufer
Marc Stachel as Yasopp
Niko Macoulis as Ben Beckman
Ole Pfennig as Woop Slapp
Paul Sedlmeir as Schlangenpuppe
Shirin Lotze as Schmuckverkäuferin
Tatjana Pokorny as Makino
German companies
Distributor: Kazé Germany
Dubbing: Rescue Film GmbH

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