The Edit List
Nadesico - ep. 25: Being Myself, Being Yourself
by Kyle Pope,
Nadesico: Being Myself, Being Yourself
1: Not an edit... Kusakabe's "There is no sense in killing each other when there are more peaceful ways of achieving a resolution." left in.
2: Ryouko's "You invited us to your ship, damn it!" changed to "You invited us to your ship!"
3: Yurika's "If that boson jump hadn't worked your crew would have been killed" changed to "If that boson jump hadn't worked your crew would have been..."
4: Erina's "My god, what an idiot" changed to "What an idiot".
5: Liquor bottles digitally removed from Minato's room.
6: Akito's "Why in the hell should I go out and fight for Akatsuki and all those other jerks at Nergal?" changed to "Why should I go out and fight for Akatsuki and all those other jerks at Nergal?"
7: Akito's "What if I prefer to die?" cut.
8: Not an edit... Akito's "This is about people suffering and dying on both sides." left in.
8: Ryouko's "All right, let's give 'em hell!" cut.
9: Akito's "The hell you say!" cut.
10: Liquor bottles and drinking glass digitally removed from Minato's room.
11: Akatsuki's "All of this noble crap just makes me want to puke!" cut.
12: Ryouko's "We're a little busy here, damn it!" changed to "We're a little busy here!"
While I accept that Toonami has a very tight editing standard and while I am used to it, inconsistencies like edits #1 and #8 that still confuse me.
1: Not an edit... Kusakabe's "There is no sense in killing each other when there are more peaceful ways of achieving a resolution." left in.
2: Ryouko's "You invited us to your ship, damn it!" changed to "You invited us to your ship!"
3: Yurika's "If that boson jump hadn't worked your crew would have been killed" changed to "If that boson jump hadn't worked your crew would have been..."
4: Erina's "My god, what an idiot" changed to "What an idiot".
5: Liquor bottles digitally removed from Minato's room.
6: Akito's "Why in the hell should I go out and fight for Akatsuki and all those other jerks at Nergal?" changed to "Why should I go out and fight for Akatsuki and all those other jerks at Nergal?"
7: Akito's "What if I prefer to die?" cut.
8: Not an edit... Akito's "This is about people suffering and dying on both sides." left in.
8: Ryouko's "All right, let's give 'em hell!" cut.
9: Akito's "The hell you say!" cut.
10: Liquor bottles and drinking glass digitally removed from Minato's room.
11: Akatsuki's "All of this noble crap just makes me want to puke!" cut.
12: Ryouko's "We're a little busy here, damn it!" changed to "We're a little busy here!"
While I accept that Toonami has a very tight editing standard and while I am used to it, inconsistencies like edits #1 and #8 that still confuse me.