The Edit List
Pilot Candidate - ep. 12: Drifting
by Kyle Pope,
Pilot Candidate, Episode 12: Drifting
1. Hijikata's "Disobedience will result in death" changed to "Disobedience
will result in demerits".
2. Blood digitally removed from the colonel's fingers.
3. Close-ups of Victim exploding cut.
4. Hijikata's "If you want to die, go ahead" changed to "If you want to
lose, go ahead".
5. Zero's "Die? He's mean" changed to "Jeez. He's mean".
6. Zero's "I was almost killed today because of you" changed to "I was
almost destroyed today because of you".
And thus ends Pilot Candidate's initial run on Adult Swim. After making
much of the title to include changing it on Bandai's DVD release Cartoon
Network retained the original title of Candidate for Goddess all the way
through even though the promos used the title Pilot Candidate. With any
luck the series that subsequently replaces this one on AS will be edited to
AS standards rather than Toonami standards.