Daily Cosplay
Metroid's Samus and Legend of Zelda's Link
posted on by Gia Manry

In the above image, unidentified cosplayers portray Samus Aran and Link from the Metroid and Legend of Zelda videogame franchises, respectively. In Metroid, Samus is a bounty hunter dispatched by the Galactic Federation to stop the Space Pirates from replicating "Metroids," a strange organism that drains the life force of the creatures it attaches itself to. There have been several iterations of Link throughout the Legend of Zelda franchise, but he is most commonly seen protecting or working with the titular Princess Zelda and wielding the magical Master Sword. Both characters appear in the Super Smash Bros. fighting videogame franchise as well, allowing them to be pitted against one another.
The photograph was taken at Otakon 2011, which took place in Baltimore, Maryland from July 29 to August 1.
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