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Silent Hill f Game Awaiting Classification in Australia

posted on by Anita Tai

Screenshot from Silent Hill f
Image via Silent Hill f game's Steam page

Silent Hill f, Konami's all-new game in the Silent Hill horror game franchise, is awaiting classification from the Australian Classification Board. The official website for the organization previously hosted a page stating the game was refused classification, which would have prevented its sale in the country.

The Board confirmed the group did not rate the game yet in a statement to GamesRadar+, writing "Silent Hill f is not currently classified as 'Refused Classification' in Australia."

The game will launch on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

Ryukishi07 (Higurashi: When They Cry) is writing the story, and kera is the creature and character designer. Motoi Okamoto is the producer, and Neobards Entertainment (Resident Evil Re:Verse) is developing the game.

Sources: GamesRadar+ (Scott McCrae) via Hachima Kikō

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