Anime Expo 2013
NIS America Panel
by Lynzee Loveridge,
The line to get into NIS America's industry panel on Thursday wrapped well down the hallway and into two separate rooms to keep waiting attendees from blocking emergency exits. Due to the extended time it took to seat attendees, the panel started 15 minutes late.
Representatives Ryan, David, and Mitsuharu Hiroka led the panel highlighting recent releases and new acquisitions. The panel started by informing fans of NIS America's online store, its newsletter, and the company's guests of honor voice actor Kazuhiko Inoue, script writer Mari Okada, and character designer Noizi Itō. A video was then shown highlighting the company's current anime roster, followed by trailers for the Princess & The Pilot film and the comedy television anime The Everyday Tales of a Cat God.
David went into NIS America's focus on releasing premium quality box sets and the company's belief that it builds a deeper appreciation from fans who look for quality releases.
The panel then showed a trailer for Hanasaku Iroha - Blossoms for Tomorrow which the company released in two premium box sets.
David discussed how the company remains focused on releasing story-driven narratives that allow viewers to deeply connect with the characters as well as comedies.
The panel then showed a trailer for Natsume's Book of Friends season 4.
In a new development, David stated that this year NIS America would revisit the topic of dubbing. Fans often ask at panels if NIS America will dub any titles. The company didn't reveal when or which title would be dubbed but it is a possibility in the near future.
The panel showed trailers for Daily Lives of High School Boys and Yuruyuri before breaking into new title announcements.
NIS America licensed Genshiken Second Season for North American release. A release date was not available at the panel. The adaptation of Shimoku Kio's sequel manga Genshiken Second Season continues the adventures of the otaku college club "The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture." The anime will premiere in Japan on July 6.
NIS America also announced the acquisition of Hanasaku Iroha: Home Sweet Home film. In Hanasaku Iroha: Home Sweet Home film's brand-new story, Ohana Matsumae, the lead character who moved from Tokyo to a hot spring inn, discovers an old business log. With it, Ohana learns about her mother Satsuki's past when she was 16 years old. That was when Satsuki left her home to pursue her dreams in Tokyo. Masahiro Andō (Sword of the Stranger, Blast of Tempest) returned to direct the film at P.A. Works. Mari Okada (anohana, Black Butler, Toradora!) handled the series composition, and Mel Kishida (So-Ra-No-Wo-To) handled the original character design.
The film screened in four theaters in Ishikawa Prefecture on March 9 before opening nationwide on March 30. A release date was not announced at the panel.
NIS America also announced that the action anime series Brave10 will be released on October 8. NISA licensed the series in January 2012.
Due to the late start, there was not enough time for Q&A.
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