Supanova Brisbane 2011
Madman Panel
by Luke Carroll,
Madman Panel - Supanova Brisbane April 2011
At many conventions Madman Entertainment holds panels as a way of announcing new titles, showing off trailers and answering questions from the fans. This panel was presented by Daniel Chlebowczyk and Sylvester Ip who are both Product Managers for Madman Entertainment.Upcoming Releases
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Select Madman titles can now be purchased to view on the Playstation Network, Foxtel on Demand via Xbox 360, and the Apple iTunes Store.New Title Announcements
Questions and Answers
Q: Any chance of more Macross?
A: No. The Macross situation is dire and there's not much we can do about it. It's all tied up with companies.
Q: When will Madman titles be coming to iTunes?
A: Movies already are, but TV Shows are on their way.
Q: Any chance of Angel Beats?
A: Unfortunately not, there's a few reasons that I can't really talk about. (Dan) It's too depressing.
Q: Why did you change from the Vol 1 and Collector Boxes to just Collections?
A: Shelf space. Space is a premium at big chains and collections allow us to put more titles on the shelf. If we believe it can sell well in the 'old school' format, we will do that just like K-On. It's really becoming the norm with other TV releases from all studios, not just anime..
Q: Will you ever get Genshiken?
A: It was considered, but it's unlikely at the moment.
Q: Is there more Hellsing Ultimate coming out?
A: There's some licensing issues with Geneon and Universal at the moment. It will happen eventually.
Q: When will the second Gantz movie roughly come here?
A: It releases in Japan April 23. We're hoping to do a cinema run maybe in June, but that's not confirmed.
Q: Any word on the The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya?
A: We're doing it. We're hoping for a home video release later in the year, with maybe a screening beforehand.
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