Sakura Con 2010
Day 2
by Crystalyn Hodgkins,

Overheard at the convention:
"I wanted to Netflix 'Elfen Lied,' but instead I accidentally rented 'Elfen Laid.'" - From a 14-year-old at the "Anime that Scarred Me for Life" panel
Day 2
Sakura-Con's six floors were surprisingly easy to navigate. All the rooms were numbered where everyone could easily see, and the numbering was consistent throughout the floors. There were many different eateries inside the convention center, not just the sub-par dealer's room food normally found at conventions. The convention boasted seven panel rooms, five video rooms, and six gaming rooms. ATMs were located throughout the convention center, as well as hand sanitizer stations. A huge drawback, however, was the lack of free wireless, or even a convenient pay-per-day wireless system, as that system was only available in certain areas.
Funimation Industry Panel
Lance Heiskell hosted the Funimation industry panel on Saturday. The panel was coincidentally at the same time as the Funimation industry panel at Anime Boston, so both panels decided to make the same announcements, instead of breaking them up between the two panels. Lance went over upcoming releases, including Initial D 3rd and 4th stage, which are getting new dubs and a new translation, and the rescue-license of CLAMP's X. He also mentioned the S.A.V.E. line, which will make TV series, OVAs and movies available and very low prices. The S.A.V.E. line includes such titles as Jing: King of Bandits, Pumpkin Scissors, and MoonPhase. After showing trailers for upcoming series, Lance made three licensing announcements: Spice and Wolf II, the Eden of the East movies, and the rescue-license of Chobits. During the Q&A, Lance mentioned that Funimation is still working on co-productions and to expect some announcements within the next few months. Also fans can expect something on what used to be the ShoDojo project within the next two months. Funimation is also working on acquiring some Spring anime season simulcasts.Dazzle Vision and High and Mighty Color Concert

After an extended break, High and Mighty Color took the stage, with their new singer, HALCA. High and Mighty Color also gave an outstanding performance, but Dazzle Vision's Maiko was hard to live up to. However, High and Mighty Color definitely got the crowd screaming when they started to play "Pride," one of the opening theme songs to Mobile Suit Gundam Seed. The group's last song was Bleach's "Ichirin no Hana," which sent the crowd into a frenzy. After leaving the stage, fans were screaming for a good 5-10 minutes for an encore before the band came out and played "Ichirin no Hana" again, while throwing paraphernalia into the audience. Both groups gave outstanding performances, and it was clear everyone who attended (more than 4,000 people) truly enjoyed themselves.
"Anime that Scarred Me for Life" Fan Panel

Dazzle Vision and High and Mighty Color pictures courtesy of JapanFiles, who presented both bands.
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