Nan Desu Kan 2003
ADV Industry Panel
by Allen Divers,
Hosting the ADV panel were Matt Greenfield, co-founder of ADV and ADR Director, and David Williams, DVD producer and ADR Director. The panel started with a behind the scenes clip of life at ADV. For those who attended ADV's panel at Anime Expo, this was the same clip shown there. Matt and David moved right into the list of currently under production Live Action and Anime features. It was mentioned that Princess Blade, one of ADV's Live Action features is currently in theaters. The last season of Farscape is currently in production for DVD release. A question was asked about the Farscape Anime with Matt answering that the anime is currently on hold until the producers of the TV series are able to resolve the final story arc. The final story arc presented in the series finale will either be resolved with a TV mini-series or a feature length film. The Henson Company is still going through its many options.
Matt brought up information about the upcoming Evangelion re-release. ADV is doing what they can to reunite the original cast for the parts that have been expanded and re-written for the director's edition. Since only a few of the roles have been expanded and rewritten, not all of the original cast is needed. What dialogue remains unchanged from the original will simply be reused when possible from the original recordings.
The panel then shifted towards future acquisitions and the need to produce more original anime as the demand in North America is beginning to exceed the supply in Japan. David mentioned the recent acquisition of the Korean animation movie, "My Beautiful Girl, Mari" as ADV branches out to find more animation projects. With the need to fill a 24 hour dedicated Anime Network, ADV will continue to look for opportunities to co-finance many new animation projects, as well as continue to look into resurrecting many older anime projects such as Golden Boy and Dragon Half. In respect to the older projects, David and Matt both mentioned that the only thing preventing them from continuing these older series is the fact that finding the people who actually own the properties is a difficult task as many of the companies that made them no longer exist. Being unable to find the original license holders also affects ADV's efforts to bring out the rest of their back catalog. ADV's original licenses did not include DVD rights, as that medium did not exist when the original license was made. When asked about a specific title, Battle Angel Alita, Matt replied that all rights to anything associated with that property are tied up with James Cameron's purchase of the live action movie rights.
ADV continues to expand as its Austin sound studio (Monster Island) is moving into a larger facility to help boost output. The Houston studio currently boasts 14 dedicated ADR directors and a healthy pool of Voice Actors. ADV is riding high on the recent releases in its manga line with Full Metal Panic! and Azumanga Daoih. Both are doing better than initial projections and have set some lofty goals for future ADV Manga releases. The panel ended with Matt showing the trailer for ADV Pro's Mutineer's Moon. Made as a "look what we can do" demonstration, the trailer boosts some impressive visual effects for ADV Pro's first major undertaking.
Matt brought up information about the upcoming Evangelion re-release. ADV is doing what they can to reunite the original cast for the parts that have been expanded and re-written for the director's edition. Since only a few of the roles have been expanded and rewritten, not all of the original cast is needed. What dialogue remains unchanged from the original will simply be reused when possible from the original recordings.
The panel then shifted towards future acquisitions and the need to produce more original anime as the demand in North America is beginning to exceed the supply in Japan. David mentioned the recent acquisition of the Korean animation movie, "My Beautiful Girl, Mari" as ADV branches out to find more animation projects. With the need to fill a 24 hour dedicated Anime Network, ADV will continue to look for opportunities to co-finance many new animation projects, as well as continue to look into resurrecting many older anime projects such as Golden Boy and Dragon Half. In respect to the older projects, David and Matt both mentioned that the only thing preventing them from continuing these older series is the fact that finding the people who actually own the properties is a difficult task as many of the companies that made them no longer exist. Being unable to find the original license holders also affects ADV's efforts to bring out the rest of their back catalog. ADV's original licenses did not include DVD rights, as that medium did not exist when the original license was made. When asked about a specific title, Battle Angel Alita, Matt replied that all rights to anything associated with that property are tied up with James Cameron's purchase of the live action movie rights.
ADV continues to expand as its Austin sound studio (Monster Island) is moving into a larger facility to help boost output. The Houston studio currently boasts 14 dedicated ADR directors and a healthy pool of Voice Actors. ADV is riding high on the recent releases in its manga line with Full Metal Panic! and Azumanga Daoih. Both are doing better than initial projections and have set some lofty goals for future ADV Manga releases. The panel ended with Matt showing the trailer for ADV Pro's Mutineer's Moon. Made as a "look what we can do" demonstration, the trailer boosts some impressive visual effects for ADV Pro's first major undertaking.
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