The Great Canadian Evangelion Ticket Give-Away Winners

One of the biggest hits of Japanese animation, EVANGELION: 1.0 YOU ARE (NOT) ALONE, is now in US theaters nationwide;
- 2009-09-25 Los Angeles, CA / Irvine, CA / Atlanta, GA / Charlotte, NC
Minneapolis, MN / Anchorage, AK / San Antonio, TX - 2009-10-2 Kansas City, KS / Portsmouth, OH / Shelbyville, IN
Indianapolis, IN / Tampa Bay, FL
And it will come to Canada nationwide on 9/30 and 10/3.
The wonderful people at Eleven Arts Inc. have asked us to giveaway a few tickets to the upcoming Canadian theatrical release of EVANGELION: 1.0 YOU ARE (NOT) ALONE.
Congratulations to the following winners. You will receive your tickets in the mail shortly.
Due to the fact that many people did not submit their full addresses in our Canadian Evangelion ticket give-away, we've decided to send all tickets to the theaters instead of directly to the winners.
Winners Names removed on 2022-01-02 for privacy purposes. You may contact ANN up to 7 years after the end of this give-away in order to request a list of winners' names.
Note: There were no duplicate names entered. So if any of the above names match your entry, rest assured, it isn't someone else with the same name.

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