Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk Competition

The Tower of Druaga follows Jil, a young adventurer and his comrades as they go on a quest to conquer The Tower and retrieve the legendary Blue Crystal Rod. Unfortunately many other adventurers also seek glory and treasure within The Tower. Not to mention the demonic armies of Uruk contained within it's walls.
To celebrate the release of the Tower of Druaga, Siren Visual has come to the table with 5 copies to give away. It's really simple to win a copy, just post a comment in our forum (here) with a story or anecdote about something that happened to you in a massively multi player online game (or mmoporger for short). Just a paragraph is required and the tale can be amazing, epic, filled with stupidity or just plain funny, but it has to be true. The five best posts will each recieve a copy of Tower of Druaga: The Aegis of Uruk. All entries must be posted by 23:59 AEST on Friday the 17th of July. The winner will be notified through their profile information so please make sure it's updated. All winners will be posted their prizes.
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