Contest: Gantz Volume 1 Giveaway

The last thing Kei and Masaru remember was being struck dead by a subway train while saving the life of a drunken bum. What a waste! And yet somehow they're still…alive? Or semi-alive? Maybe it's reanimated…by some kind of alien orb with a nasty message…. "Your lives are over. What you do with your new lives is up to me!" And what this orb called "Gantz" intends to do with their lives is make them play games of death, hunting all kinds of odd aliens, along with a bunch of other ordinary citizens who've recently met a tragic semi-end. The missions they embark upon are often dangerous. Many die-and die again.This dark and action-packed manga deals with the moral conflicts of violence, teenage sexual confusion and angst, and our fascination with death.
Hang on to your gear and keep playing the game, whatever you do; Gantz is unrelenting.
Dark Horse Manga, the publisher of Gantz, has provided Anime News Network with 10 copies of Gantz Volume 1, which was released this week. And of course, what would Anime News Network do with 10 copies of Gantz Volume 1 but give them away to our readers?
If you're lucky, one copy could be heading to you. Fill out the form below and on Monday, June 30 at 11:59 p.m., we'll chose 10 lucky winners who will have copies of Gantz shipped to them.
If you don't win, you can pick it up from any fine manga retailer, including the ones listed in our release info, or you can tell your retailer to order it.
Contest Deadline: 2008-06-30 11:59 p.m. EDT.
Gantz © 2008 by Oku Hiroya. All Right[s] reserved. First published in 2000 by Shueisha Inc., Tokyo. English translation rights in United States of America and Canada arranged by Shueisha, Inc.
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