Kyo Kara Maoh Fanart Contest
Congratulations to all the winners of this contest! The winners were selected by the staff at Geneon Entertainment USA and Japan. Winners will be contacted by email regarding their entries and special prize packs. Thanks to everyone who entered! All of the entries can be seen here.
First Place:

Wendy J. Zishka
Second Place:

Barbara Harris
Third Place:

Haley Brown AKA NK-chan
Producer's Favorite:

Shojo Staff Favorite #1:

Lindsay Golding AKA Vega Okami
Shojo Staff Favorite #2:

Ashley L
Shojo Staff Favorite #3:

Diana Smith
The contest is officially over. Winners will be contacted shortly. Any entries received after this point will be discarded.
For more information on this series, check out the official website!
The winners will be selected by a panel of ANN and Geneon folk, so here's some tips on how to really make our jaws drop.
- No nudity. That's just unnecessary. Keep it clean.
- Make it original! Whether it's the king in bloomers or demons facing off with Martha Stewart, make things fun and exciting.
- No copying or stealing. If you take someone else's artwork, we'll be sad. So please don't
There's no limit to how many pieces you can send, but you can only win once. Send your entries as a JPEG attachment to kkm @ animenewsnetwork . com. Winners will be contacted via email after the contest is over.
Contest entries will be accepted until 11:59PM EST June 14. After that time, the email address will be disabled, so step lively! You've got two weeks to create something magical, so have fun and hop over to the forums if you have any questions!
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