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5th Anniversary Skin-Making Contest - Winners

Well well... we had some really good entries in the skin contest, but sadly we can only give out 4 prizes. A little note: until now the skins were only available to registered users because we needed to count the votes. Since the contest is over, any visitor can now try out the skins. So, without further ado, the winners are... (drum roll)

In the "most popular" category:
  • LITTLEGREENWOLF, for Blue News (nice and simple) and A Lil' Something for the Ladies (the name says it all)
  • BILBO, for Kanpeki na Ao (Badass cuteness!)

    In the "artistic value" category:
  • KIROLINAU, for Chibi Pirate (Badass cuteness again!) and Ethereal ice (nice design and cool borders in the encyclopedia and reviews)
  • UHMMMM, for Narusegawa Blue (clean and sleek design, original way to display the newest articles in the main page, and well... Narusegawa is hot ^_^)

    Honorable mentions (but sadly no prizes) go to
    Neko-san for Fancia Feast: Gourmet Cat Food (cat-girls! unbearable cuteness!)
    khy for KHY,one (simple yet very sleek design)

    My thanks go out to all the participants, you've made some really nice skins which enrich ANN for anyone willing to give them a try. As for the winners... congratulations and come claim your prizes!

    Send a PM to Tempest and let him know what prize you want.

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