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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 2:54 pm Reply with quote

Where's the Clover music video that was never shown! Evil or Very Mad
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JHU Battousai

Joined: 20 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:04 pm Reply with quote
Two CLAMP music videos on DVD down, two to go...

With almost exactly two years between releases of the music videos on DVD (X^2 came out 3/26/2003), it looks like we'll have all four in March 2009. Anime smile

That said, my preorder's already in. Very Happy

Do we know whether the openings are the TV-versions or creditless yet (personal bet is on creditless)?
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Joined: 23 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:00 pm Reply with quote
I am willing to bet they are credit-less openings. Much like the ones you find in the extras area of DVD's now-a-days.

Other than that, I will have to pick this up. I love CCS, Clover, and Chobits manga! Anime smile
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:29 pm Reply with quote
I didn't see the point of the Wish video. Half of it, and I'm hardly exaggerating, is the word "Wish" on the screen, either the logo or it being made out of ribbons or whatnot. It would make an okay opening sequence, but, if this is all that will ever be animated, I would have rather seen more of the Wish characters and less of the Wish word.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:18 am Reply with quote
Having just watched over the Wish music video, I can easily say your statement isn't correct. WISH is shown TWICE. Hardly the billion times or so you've been trying to make it seem. Either that or we both have different copies of the video (which I see as unlikely). The only thing that could possibly account for your exaggeration was that you're including the number of times WISH is said. Sure it's said alot but you also see all the characters with little apperance of Wish in ribbons or whatever
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Joined: 07 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:37 pm Reply with quote
BlackenedTeardrops wrote:
Having just watched over the Wish music video, I can easily say your statement isn't correct. WISH is shown TWICE. Hardly the billion times or so you've been trying to make it seem. Either that or we both have different copies of the video (which I see as unlikely). The only thing that could possibly account for your exaggeration was that you're including the number of times WISH is said. Sure it's said alot but you also see all the characters with little apperance of Wish in ribbons or whatever

I honestly can't believe you just argued that point. In the first place, he was exaggerating. In the second place, you missed the point of his post.

The Wish music video is a disappointment to fans of the manga who wanted to see something more substantial. They were expecting part of the story to be animated, or more screen time given to certain characters or something. But seriously what it is is just a bunch of characters sitting around looking angsty, with ribbons flowing around swirling around behind them.

It was a disappointing video for those who wanted something more. Defending it is a waste of breath.

Oh, and apparently you didn't read his post, where he said that half the time (meaning, any given second in the video), the word Wish would appear. INCLUDING the ribbons. Which you just agreed with anyway. So I guess you helped prove his point.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 6:58 pm Reply with quote
Juniper wrote:
BlackenedTeardrops wrote:
Having just watched over the Wish music video, I can easily say your statement isn't correct. WISH is shown TWICE. Hardly the billion times or so you've been trying to make it seem. Either that or we both have different copies of the video (which I see as unlikely). The only thing that could possibly account for your exaggeration was that you're including the number of times WISH is said. Sure it's said alot but you also see all the characters with little apperance of Wish in ribbons or whatever

I honestly can't believe you just argued that point. In the first place, he was exaggerating. In the second place, you missed the point of his post.

The Wish music video is a disappointment to fans of the manga who wanted to see something more substantial. They were expecting part of the story to be animated, or more screen time given to certain characters or something. But seriously what it is is just a bunch of characters sitting around looking angsty, with ribbons flowing around swirling around behind them.

It was a disappointing video for those who wanted something more. Defending it is a waste of breath.

Oh, and apparently you didn't read his post, where he said that half the time (meaning, any given second in the video), the word Wish would appear. INCLUDING the ribbons. Which you just agreed with anyway. So I guess you helped prove his point.

Point 1. Tenchi says: "Half of it, and I'm hardly exaggerating, is the word "Wish" on the screen." As I pointed out, it appears on screen TWICE unless you own a subtitled version. In the raw version it is said but that is not the same as it being put on screen. You say he said it appears Half the time meaning at any time including on the soundtrack, whereas infact he just says that it appears often in the animation, not in the soundtrack which is playing throughout.
Point 2. He says "And I'm hardly exaggerating" which says that he's not saying that it appears more than it actually does, yet you say it's clear he's exaggerating. Conflicting points no? Since he says he's not exaggerating yet you say he is. Either that or he's attempting to be rather sarcastic which appears out of context with the rest of his argument.
Point 3. CLAMP or the companies which make their manga into anime may not have had the money to create a full length series. If I wish to defend it then I can because whilst it isn't as good as an anime series would be, it's a nice short piece which gives the viewer an animated idea, even if it's just small, of what it would be like. Also, it's only disappointing for those that wanted more. If you go into something expecting too much you're obviously going to be disappointed. For those who knew it was only a small music video, they only expected as much as they knew it would give. Therefore they weren't disappointed.

Another point is you say that I missed the point of his post. Was the point of his post not to say how bad the video was? And how it was composed too much of the word Wish than the characters? He does mention that it would be good as an opening sequence but the music video is basically just a lengthened opening sequence with the ending added on. If this is his point then I've not missed it and quite obviously dealt with pointing out the incorrect areas of his argument.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 1:22 pm Reply with quote
So all it is is a stupid music video... Crying or Very sad ::is dissapointed:: aw man... i thought that they were actually gonna come out with an anime of it... but just to see what this thing is, can you tell me where i can find it on the web? I'm just curious...

I really hope that they come out with an anime really soon... this is one of my favorie mangas...
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:49 pm Reply with quote
Okay, I hadn't seen it in a while (a year or two) when I wrote the original post, but, even if it's not literally half the time, I still think the word had too much screen time as it's what I mainly remember of the video. And, yes, as someone who likes the manga, which I read in French in 2000, very much, I found the Wish music video rather disappointing and I don't mean compared to a hypothetical TV series that doesn't exist, I mean compared to the two other CLAMP music videos I've seen, for X and the general Wonderland one with cameos from all the major CLAMP characters that had been created up to 1994 or 1995, that just seemed to pack a lot more into three minutes.

"[J]ust a bunch of characters sitting around looking angsty, with ribbons flowing around swirling around behind them." is probably what I should have written. Confused

Last edited by Tenchi on Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 23 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:59 pm Reply with quote
Theres a music video for X? Shocked How cool... i really haven't heard of anything like music videos for anim, but X is my second favorite anime... and Wish is my thrid favorite manga... but i'd love to see the music video for X!
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Joined: 02 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 2:29 am Reply with quote
ShadoWolf*3 wrote:
Theres a music video for X? Shocked How cool... i really haven't heard of anything like music videos for anim, but X is my second favorite anime... and Wish is my thrid favorite manga... but i'd love to see the music video for X!

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