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REVIEW: Girls und Panzer - Blu-ray

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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:38 am Reply with quote
I just watched the DVD myself, I did watch the series originally. What I was actually happily surprised watching it this time was that I noticed the level that they would use music of the country they were making a reference too. I personally really liked the military like music track and the OP and ED songs.

I felt excited the first time and could not wait for each episode, so it probably was a fact that I looked at the characters who did not get much attention between episodes. But it is surprisingly easy to finish this in one go, and despite being a little light on story as you said, the series really does not leave any room for filler as it always felt ready to move onto the next scene in flowing into each other.

Totally jealous about BD thing as certain scenes did not quite look right on DVD, I think the certain CG moments being of notice.

Also odd, for some reason when I came back to this I was had become pretty understanding for Tankery to be fit for girls that it does not feel odd anymore.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:47 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
I just watched the DVD myself, I did watch the series originally. What I was actually happily surprised watching it this time was that I noticed the level that they would use music of the country they were making a reference too. I personally really liked the military like music track and the OP and ED songs.

I felt excited the first time and could not wait for each episode, so it probably was a fact that I looked at the characters who did not get much attention between episodes. But it is surprisingly easy to finish this in one go, and despite being a little light on story as you said, the series really does not leave any room for filler as it always felt ready to move onto the next scene in flowing into each other.

Totally jealous about BD thing as certain scenes did not quite look right on DVD, I think the certain CG moments being of notice.

Also odd, for some reason when I came back to this I was had become pretty understanding for Tankery to be fit for girls that it does not feel odd anymore.

I knew I forgot to mention something >.<those>.<
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Joined: 28 Mar 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:58 am Reply with quote
Hi, I would like to ask some questions regarding this release.

1. Does Hanabee's release contain the horrible cropping that is present in Sentai's release? Example: This is the JP Blu-Ray release http://i.imgur.com/uZNzSE9.png and this is Sentai's release http://i.imgur.com/RThdHtk.png. Notice the black bars on the bottom and left hand side in Sentai's release.

2. A scene was replaced in Sentai's release. This is the scene in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szdS3tt_xy0. I would like to know if it was added back in for Hanabee's release.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:04 am Reply with quote
Let's not exaggerate; even if those pictures are right, that hardly constitutes "horrible cropping."

And I'm not convinced that they are. I actually have the BR Sentai release and I'm not seeing any signs of this cropping on it.

Now, the bit about the one song being replaced is another story, but based on the comments made in the response thread to the review of the Sentai release, the change was almost certainly made by the original Japanese producer and so it's highly unlikely that any release outside of Japan will retain the original song.
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Joined: 26 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 7:28 pm Reply with quote
I probably enjoyed the show a lot more but I do agree that the characters could have gotten more focus. I watched Saki (The first season) a little while ago and realised just how fleshed out the cast was in comparison. I even found myself sympathising with one of the opposing teams. That being said, I still enjoyed Girls und Panzer more because the tactics involved in the sport itself were a lot more entertaining to me (Plus if you ask most people they'd probably agree that tank combat is cooler than mahjong).

As for the dub, I'm actually one of the few people who enjoyed it despite the fact that I would say that about 95% of Sentai's dubs are completely incompetent (And I'm not very nit picky). In particular I really liked Meg Mcdonald's more mature take on Miho and to add to that Molly Searcy and Caitlynn French were also really well cast in their roles.

However, I do have some issues with the dub aside from the particularly poor choice of song to replace Katyusha. For one, I find that some of the voice actresses have a tough time portraying certain character's personality traits. Yukari is supposed to be absolutely obsessed with tanks and her seiyuu Ikumi Nakagami plays this off really well. Voice acting wise Rebekah Stevens is just fine but I almost had to suspend my disbelief to accept that she even the slightest bit of affection towards tanks.

It's hard to describe but I remember one scene in particular where she gets overexcited and starts rambling on about the features of a tank they just found to which Saori remarks "You went a little crazy there". But she doesn't really sound very crazy at all in the dub. It's more like she's just reading what she said straight from the script.

Jessica Calvello is okay in her role and probably a bit more distinctive that Ai Kayano's performance (Even though the characters in general sound less distinctive in the dub than in the original) but it's still kind of a weird casting choice that I never really got over. There's also that one scene where they translate the Anko song into English which didn't turn out well because none of the voice actresses can sing and the translation of the lyrics was atrocious but I digress.

It's a solid dub but still noticeably inferior and flawed compared to the original
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 11:03 pm Reply with quote
SquadmemberRitsu wrote:
Yukari is supposed to be absolutely obsessed with tanks and her seiyuu Ikumi Nakagami plays this off really well. Voice acting wise Rebekah Stevens is just fine but I almost had to suspend my disbelief to accept that she even the slightest bit of affection towards tanks.

It's hard to describe but I remember one scene in particular where she gets overexcited and starts rambling on about the features of a tank they just found to which Saori remarks "You went a little crazy there". But she doesn't really sound very crazy at all in the dub. It's more like she's just reading what she said straight from the script.

That was a problem I had with it too, I did not feel that Yukari's uber excitement that can alienate her was properly portrayed. That particular scene you mentioned was a specific problem as I felt underwhelmed compared to what her original seiyuu did. I got the feeling that perhaps they should have shown the original to show the level of excitement.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:15 am Reply with quote
This is leaving me feeling ambivalent about getting the dub.

In the meantime, anyone who has purchased the set and is intending to visit Japan sometime should include Ooarai on their itinerary:

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:34 pm Reply with quote
omiya wrote:
In the meantime, anyone who has purchased the set and is intending to visit Japan sometime should include Ooarai on their itinerary:

Bieve you me I'll definitely be going if I ever take a trip to Japan along with the school from K-ON. And maybe Kamogawa if there's something to do there that interests me
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:33 am Reply with quote
SquadmemberRitsu wrote:

Bieve you me I'll definitely be going if I ever take a trip to Japan along with the school from K-ON. And maybe Kamogawa if there's something to do there that interests me

From Tokyo, one can take the Super Hitachi express train to Mito (75 minutes), then the local train to Ooarai (20 minutes) - something that can be done when you have a day to spare when based in Tokyo.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:33 am Reply with quote
SquadmemberRitsu wrote:

Bieve you me I'll definitely be going if I ever take a trip to Japan along with the school from K-ON. And maybe Kamogawa if there's something to do there that interests me

From Tokyo, one can take the Super Hitachi express train to Mito (75 minutes), then the local train to Ooarai (20 minutes) - something that can be done when you have a day to spare when based in Tokyo.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 8:34 am Reply with quote
SquadmemberRitsu wrote:

Bieve you me I'll definitely be going if I ever take a trip to Japan along with the school from K-ON. And maybe Kamogawa if there's something to do there that interests me

From Tokyo, one can take the Super Hitachi express train to Mito (75 minutes), then the local train to Ooarai (20 minutes) - something that can be done when you have a day to spare when based in Tokyo.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:46 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Let's not exaggerate; even if those pictures are right, that hardly constitutes "horrible cropping."

And I'm not convinced that they are. I actually have the BR Sentai release and I'm not seeing any signs of this cropping on it.

Sadly, the cropping on Sentai's release is real, but it's only present on the first episode. So yeah, it isn't that bad, but it would've been nice if it wasn't cropped.

The show itself is just fun to watch! I wouldn't be surprised if a second season gets made eventually.
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