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NEWS: Michiko & Hatchin's English Dub Previewed in Funimation Trailer

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Joined: 13 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:17 am Reply with quote
fudge YES!!! This trailer is awesome and I'm liking the dub of this so far and I'm impressed with Monica Rial going deeper with her voice. Although, the YT comments are so far positive but people thought she was white (she's half Hispanic BTW.)

I can't wait to watch this again in dub format.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:20 am Reply with quote
I almost didn't realize that was Rial's voice in that trailer.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:32 am Reply with quote
Yep, this is exactly what I was afraid of. The show takes place in Brazil, yet everyone talks in English accents. I was hoping they would be risky, and do something more along the lines of Hellsing. I mean it's a good dub for what it is, but it throws off the entire atmosphere of the series.

Last edited by v1cious on Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total
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hojo 360

Joined: 14 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:33 am Reply with quote
Sounds and looks good can't wait to own it but it be cool if {AS} give it a play {in my dreams} Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 13 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:20 am Reply with quote
hojo 360 wrote:
Sounds and looks good can't wait to own it but it be cool if {AS} give it a play {in my dreams} Crying or Very sad

Actually, I kinda wish they would. I don't know if it will happen or not; the show is from 2008 although it was dubbed recently.
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Joined: 30 May 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:38 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
Yep, this is exactly what I was afraid of. The show takes place in Brazil, yet everyone talks in English accents. I was hoping they would be risky, and do something more along the lines of Hellsing. I mean it's a good dub for what it is, but it throws off the entire atmosphere of the series.

You might say you want this, but if you got Funimation's stable to try to affect such specific accents for such a long series, the results would be bad. Very bad.

From my experience, the only accent American dubs have done at least passingly well are British accents (Though real British might disagree). Having American voice actors go around saying things like "what EES DIS?" or "SAY ELLO TWO MY LEETLE FRIEND!" have, in the past, not been very successful in anime dubs. (I'm making this up, of course, but that's how they would most likely end up sounding like if they tried to do an accent for this show)

It's not like hearing the show in Japanese is any more appropriate to the "atmosphere" of the show anyway.

Me, I'm just glad Monica Rial sounds totally different than in anything I've heard from her in the past. She has somewhat of a screechy voice at times so I didn't really think she could tamp it down to such a degree. I have to admit I thought casting her as Michiko would be a huge mistake given her past work.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 12:47 pm Reply with quote
bravetailor wrote:
From my experience, the only accent American dubs have done at least passingly well are British accents (Though real British might disagree.

It's hit and miss to be honest. It has been a lot worse in the past though Laughing
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:04 pm Reply with quote
I think North Americans aren't as picky about British accents that are "off" as long as they don't exaggerate it too much. But with other regional/national accents, it would be harder to take them seriously if they're "off" or caricatured. You can get away with stereotypically caricatured accents if it's a minor character like Shenhua in Black Lagoon, but for main characters who are asked to do the dramatic lifting, having a badly done accent is just a disaster in the making.

If Shenhua were the main character in Black Lagoon, her "Chinglish" accent wouldn't be so embraced by dub fans.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:13 pm Reply with quote
You obviously haven't watched the Hetalia dub, bravetailor. While not all of the accents in that show are "good", they're all so hilariously stereotypical that the show wouldn't be nearly as funny or as enjoyable without them.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:27 pm Reply with quote
HybridMedia wrote:
hojo 360 wrote:
Sounds and looks good can't wait to own it but it be cool if {AS} give it a play {in my dreams} Crying or Very sad

Actually, I kinda wish they would. I don't know if it will happen or not; the show is from 2008 although it was dubbed recently.

Yeah. It's one of those shows that I always thought would have made it on if it had been possible.

Loved this show in the fansubs and already preordered, can't wait to watch it again with the new dub.

As with everyone else, barely recognized Monica Rial's voice, impressive work. Looking forward to hearing her as I usually really like her work.

Last edited by DangerMouse on Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:29 pm Reply with quote
SpacemanHardy wrote:
You obviously haven't watched the Hetalia dub, bravetailor. While not all of the accents in that show are "good", they're all so hilariously stereotypical that the show wouldn't be nearly as funny or as enjoyable without them.

Yeah, but that's a comedy. You just mentioned that they're SUPPOSED to be stereotypical, and I have no problem with bad or stereotypical accents in comedies. Michiko and Hatchin have many comedic moments, but from what I've seen it's mainly a dramatic show.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 1:35 pm Reply with quote
bravetailor wrote:
Me, I'm just glad Monica Rial sounds totally different than in anything I've heard from her in the past. She has somewhat of a screechy voice at times so I didn't really think she could tamp it down to such a degree. I have to admit I thought casting her as Michiko would be a huge mistake given her past work.

Monica Rial's one of my favorite voice actors, and a lot of my favorite stuff by her is when she goes into a lower voice, like in Chrono Crusade or Baccano! (although I don't think either of those roles are as deep as she's using for Michiko). I can totally understand why people would be a little hesitant about her getting the role, since it seems like most of her well-known roles are high voices for loud characters...but yeah, I never had any doubts she could pull it off (and I think the trailer confirms she can do it!).

v1cious wrote:
Yep, this is exactly what I was afraid of. The show takes place in Brazil, yet everyone talks in English accents. I was hoping they would be risky, and do something more along the lines of Hellsing. I mean it's a good dub for what it is, but it throws off the entire atmosphere of the series.

Eh, I haven't seen the show yet, but...are they speaking in English, or are they speaking in Spanish or Portuguese? Because if they're speaking in English I'd be okay with them having an accent, but I really, really don't like it when a character has an accent and they're speaking in their native language. It just seems silly to me--they don't have a thick, foreign accent when they're speaking in their native tongue. They sound much clearer when speaking in the language they're familiar with! Hellsing is a little different since, I mean...that's how someone from England or Scotland would talk in English.

(As a side note, I haven't seen this show yet, but now I really, really want to...)
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:01 pm Reply with quote
Monica Rial's deeper roles have always been some of my favorites of hers. I especially loved her as Kurau in Phantom Memory. That's a show and dub that never get the praise they deserve.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:20 pm Reply with quote
dragonrider_cody wrote:
Monica Rial's deeper roles have always been some of my favorites of hers. I especially loved her as Kurau in Phantom Memory. That's a show and dub that never get the praise they deserve.
Because ADV most egregiously mismarketed the show, that is the theory I support. I am one of the many who expected a more profound scifi show with action, as ADV would have had us believe. ADV failed to mention that this show was more about super-powered alien "lesbians" exploring their relationship with each other and, in the case of Rial's rather butch character, also her "father". The trailer alluded to a complex scifi plot and action. The show didn't get the memo. The dub was praise-worthy IMO but not the show.

I like Monica in this show (I've yet to find a bad Monica Rial performance), though I still think that Michiko is more of a Jamie Marchi character, but I'm not so sure about Jad Saxton. She doesn't sound different enough in this when compared to her characters in Haganai or Geminar. As I feared, she doesn't seem to have the vocal variety to be cast as so many unique characters in so short a time. There are many actors and actresses who sound largely the same in everything (eg:Tatum, Rial, Savage, Haag, Shelly Black) but have something, something that I just can't put my finger on, that makes their similar sound not bother me when they sound the same in dub after dub as main characters. I like Saxton's work but I don't think she has that something, whatever it may be.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:42 pm Reply with quote
I honestly didn't think this show looked interesting to me based on the synopsis, but this trailer sure proved me wrong! *Goes off to pre-order*
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