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Joined: 08 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:11 pm Reply with quote
I wish Viz would just give us a Project Arms DVD boxset. Count me in as somebody who also is looking for vol 9 of that series. Other DVDs that are almost impossible to find is vol 5 of Zoids Chaotic Century http://www.amazon.com/Zoids-Chaotic-Century-Vol-Mobilize/dp/B0002IQD56/ref=sr_1_29?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1365375630&sr=1-29&keywords=zoids
That volume tends to be the most expensive one. Vol 7 too, but I was able to find vol 7 for 99 cents at the 99 Cent Only store bwahahahaha.
Ronin Warriors is also expensive to acquire, I keep hoping that maybe Discotek will pick it up and give it a re-release, the same with Kikaider.
One unfinished series I really want is Cyborg 009, the U.S. only got the first 8 episodes while UK and Australia got the first 25 episodes in DVD boxset. Australia even got to see episode 48 and the God's War OVA which never aired in the U.S. I wish Sony would at least stream the series on their Crackle site. With the new 009 Re: Cyborg film, you'd think Sony would take advantage and give us our Cyborg 009 boxset.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:32 pm Reply with quote
Guess it's time to watch Spriggan, then. I just have never gotten around to it, but hey, I just finally saw Crusher Joe last night as well.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:40 pm Reply with quote
I wish the Sailor Moon DVDs could be put back into print. Thankfully there's a Half Price books near me that has quite a few OOP/rare anime DVDs.

Last edited by TsukasaElkKite on Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 01 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 6:56 pm Reply with quote
I'm fortunate enough to have a used DVD store near where I live. That's the ideal place to find out-of-print DVDs at relatively cheap prices. It doesn't happen often, but when I find particularly difficult volumes, it's awesome. I must admit that I passed on a copy of Perfect Blue recently and have since regretted that decision. Hopefully, I will cross paths with another one and rectify that error.

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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:25 pm Reply with quote
An out-of-print item I had long been looking for was the domestic soundtrack release of Tenchi Universe--only on that CD do you get the full English-version opening song and the beautiful 'Autumn of Life' theme. When I first learned of its existence, it had been a headache-inducing torture trying to find it, be it Amazon, Amazon UK, EBay, Froogle, you name it. Like Mike and the titles he was looking for, it was like this soundtrack CD just disappeared from the face of the earth, never to be rediscovered. It was one fateful day I perused some of the other Tenchi CD's on Amazon, and on the one for Daughter of Darkness, someone was selling that specific CD. It was a genuine 'Hallelujah' moment for me, and definitely worth it.
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victor viper

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:30 pm Reply with quote
...with Suncoast gone and the vast majority of FYE stores vanished, the cluttered dealer's tables of a large convention is a pretty good hunting ground. I wasn't able to find some stuff, like that pesky last volume of Kurokami on DVD, or that possibly-fictional last Galaxy Angel Rune...

While Galaxy Angel Rune was pretty god-awful, I still tracked down three of the four volumes once Rightstuf price-dropped them to a non-crazy price point. The completist in me would like to find volume 4, but since about 8 copies of that probably ever got sold, who knows if I'll ever find one. Oddly enough, this article prompted me to do an Amazon search for Rune and you can get a copy of GA Rune volume 3 for the low, low price of $2.98. I might check back on it every now and then to see if anyone has picked it up at 94% off its original retail Smile .
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:32 pm Reply with quote
Good Burger? Seriously? Yes, I did have to go look that up on Amazon, not because I don't believe you, but because it's impossible to believe that statement from anyone without immediately needing to look it up. Seriously, wtf?

I actually got Spriggan a few weeks back at a comic shop for like $5. Haven't seen it yet either, waiting for when I want to watch a movie. Also got a brand new sealed copy of Maetel Legend at a different one.

I actually live near one of the last existing Suncoast in existence! They slowly disappeared around me too. The one mall wanted a more "upscale" feel and now I think the mall mostly sucks because they got rid of all the cool nerdy stores. No idea why another mall go rid of theirs. But yeah, one still exists near me! It is fun to go look at all the anime, but they do have less anime then they have in the past. This one still has anime days every other month too! Where they have "buy one, get one half off". But their prices aren't exactly good, sometimes I'll find a used hidden gem, and they might have a Funi SAVE title on sale for half price (right now they helpfully have Kodocha season 1 SAVE, which they haven't had in stock for ages, so clearly their sales aren't perfect, though I did get the Trigun movie for $6). It's still better to shop online these days, sadly for them, because I don't buy as much there as I might. It's cool to have, but unlike an online store, they have to maintain a storefront and rental space in a mall, so if I don't buy anything, they might disappear too!
As for FYE, most of the ones I've been to (except the one) are rather disappointing in the anime department. The only reason the one particular one isn't disappointing is probably because it's in a mall big enough to have a Bass Pro Shop, a movie theater, a Dave & Busters, a full sized Best Buy and Books-a-Million, and a freakin' Medieval Times in it, so clearly finding large rental spaces isn't difficult. They have all these awesome artboxes and stuff, but every time I go to that mall, I never get to stay there for long, so I really need to go there just on my own without having to meet up with anyone and just absorb all the anime at some point. FYE owns Suncoast at this point, so maybe some FYEs are just rebranded Suncoasts. They also own a local used DVD/music store.
Moviestop has proven useful at random though. Just a few months ago, I found Kyo Kara Maoh, Funi's two thinpack re-releases, for $15 each. Except their anime is perpetually buy 2 get 1 free, so I got them for more like $20 together. On the negative side though, Moviestop does sell bootlegs, I just think they don't care/know (when I brought a bootleg His & Her Circumstances to their attention, it was back on the shelf next time I went in), but every so often, they must screw someone hard and resell things like KKM for dirt cheap.

I also am lucky enough to have some good comic shops near me, more manga, yay! And some other used book stores with decent selections at random. Also, an old Borders near my school is now a 2nd & Charles used bookstore, which is pretty damn epic, I could spend hours in there!
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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:51 pm Reply with quote
I saw Millennium Dragon, and yeah, it was boring. I was tempted to leave in the middle of this screening I attended. Its too bad, because the dragon was cool. If only it appeared more.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:01 pm Reply with quote
I once owned Galaxy Angel Rune in its entirety. Never watched it, but heard it was awful.

I kind of wish I would have sent it to Mike (c/o ANN?) instead of selling it. Oh well. Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop

P.S. Ronin Warriors needs a rescue yesterday. Maybe we'll start hearing rumblings of a Sailor Moon rescue after the new series finishes.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:02 pm Reply with quote
I remember running around the Otakon dealer's room hoping against hope for a DVD collection of Zoids: Chaotic Century.

It was not to be. Sad And there's no way I'm paying 100 bucks per DVD, which are the current prices on Amazon.

I doubt it will ever be available anywhere again. Few people even remember it.

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Joined: 11 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:12 pm Reply with quote
I remember Zoids; it was pretty neat. A license rescue (maybe through Shout! Factory, since we only got the dub here in the first place) would be lovely.

Anyway, here's proof that Galaxy Angel Rune volume 4 does exist. I had it, but sold it to a fellow fan while thinning out the collection.

The first Galaxy Angel series was pretty funny, but I didn't think I'd get through it all, so away it went. I'm extremely selective with my anime budget now. Finally going to replace my 10-year-old Blue Seed boxset!
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:13 pm Reply with quote
Galaxy Angel Rune is grody to the max, and the fact that volume 4 is such a rare animal is just the cherry on top of the sundae of wiggidy-whack that is the series' US release. If I were some kind of super Galaxy Angel completionist then I know I'd be tearing my hair out over that little volume! (As it is, I'm content with the lovely first series and manga and just happily pretend that Rune doesn't exist.)

PS: Please, anime licensing angels, please bring Crusher Joe back!

PPS: The Virgil pun in the article's title makes my day!!!
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Joined: 06 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:18 pm Reply with quote
Is Galaxy Angel Rune volume 4 really that rare? I admit to not having looked for it since I bought the damn thing when it came out (new for approximately $20).

I know there are some hard to find anime DVDs but to be honest if I had been asked to name some I wouldn't have thought of anything in this article. Heck, after listing Aura Battler Dunbine volumes 11 & 12, I'm not even sure what would have come to mind next, probably the Sailor Moon DVDs. Except for Slam Dunk, I think I own every title mentioned in the article (including the English DVD of Brave Story and all 22 volumes of Project ARMS manga).

I've fallen a bit out of the fandom in recent years. Apparently I don't know the gems of my own collection anymore. So I'd actually like to know what else is deemed rare these days. Come on forum, tell me!

Last edited by CrazyCanuck on Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:21 pm Reply with quote
Raneth wrote:
I remember running around the Otakon dealer's room hoping against hope for a DVD collection of Zoids: Chaotic Century.

It was not to be. Sad And there's no way I'm paying 100 bucks per DVD, which are the current prices on Amazon.

I doubt it will ever be available anywhere again. Few people even remember it.

I think a Zoids re-release would move quite a few boxsets as the series is pretty much impossible to get, and the second series did really well on Toonami (the first released here though). I do think people remember zoids but its pretty hard to talk about a series that hasn't seen an anime dvd release in a decade.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:28 pm Reply with quote
I have three FYEs within 30 minutes driving, but usually it isn't worth the gas money to go there. Usually it'll just end in me sifting through shelves of overpriced and unwanted singles of Stellvia and Kyo Kara Maoh. Rarities for a good price only tend to accumulate at the one in the ghetto, because I guess people have better things to spend their money on than OOP anime DVDs.
I also have two Half Price Books nearby, but they sure as hell know it when they get their hands on something rare. I always look up the price of something on Amazon before I buy at a Brick and Mortar to compare, so I guess they probably do the same thing when they price it. I've seen some really rare stuff pass through them, but usually I'm short on cash. Besides that it's an obligatory Trigun bootleg and Fake DVD.
Then then there are like 7 Exchanges around me. They carry tons of anime, but most of it is dirt cheap singles and OVAs, and no rare singles and OVAs. I would be afraid if I saw something rare and cheap there, because the price sticker would probably maul the package. There are annoying price stickers, ones that take some picking or fluids to get off, and then there are the Exchange's price tags which are always there to some extent.

Yeah, I could really go for a big license rescuing/rereleasing spree from the companies right right now. Brick and Mortars are becoming less satisfying and everyone online is too aware. One day I'll get around to a convention and hopefully reap benefits that are hopefully there.
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