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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:35 pm Reply with quote
Looked at in the most positive light, this creates an interesting commentary on girl-on-girl and girl-on-boy bullying; traditionally speaking, bullying by girls does not usually take on the same caste as bullying by boys, but this series suggests (as Claymore and, to a lesser extent, Queen's Blade also do) that girls/women, when given powerful physical capabilities, are just as prone to physical bullying as guys are.

I forget Freezing's exact classification but I know that it's written/created by a Korean and that, just going by his work, they don't have the best "solutions" to bullying in high school.

Freezing is violent and brutal but the setting is very darwinistic so the attitude is understandable. However, the main character {teenage boy} gets the same treatment in Unbalance X Unbalance, a romance drama set in a realistic Korean high school. There it's downright sadistic.

The twist in Freezing is that the guys are too precious {and weak} and are worth fighting for, over, about and in front of. It's just a basic sex reversal, nothing to get excited about.

I still can't get past the name; Bridget/Bridgette L Satellizer, ok. Satellizer L Bridget...

I think a flat "what?" says enough. I hope that it was English {First, Last} through Korean {First, Last} by means of Japanese translation {Last, First} and not a deliberate naming convention.

It's not the first name that bother me, ok, not so much the first name, it's the last name. I just can't take it seriously.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:40 pm Reply with quote
I wouldn't say that I was outright enjoying Freezing during the first episode, but with about 5 minutes left I was thinking that I would definitely give it the benefit of the doubt with the three episode test.

Then in those last 5 minutes of the first episode the show goes off the deep end with the bland male protagonist stumbling into Satelizer and then groping her, causing the up-to-then brash and violent Satelizer to blush and moan a little. Needless I say I couldn't click the 'X' button in my media player fast enough and never bothered with any of the rest of the series. Up until that point it was a decent show, but then it just had to shoot itself in the foot.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:45 pm Reply with quote
I'm surprised to see the art get such a high grade here. Main reason I dropped it was because the art was so generic and unappealing to me.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:55 pm Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:
I'm surprised to see the art get such a high grade here. Main reason I dropped it was because the art was so generic and unappealing to me.

I won't dispute that it is far from the most original-looking series out there, but for what it is, the artistry is still well-done.
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Joined: 22 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:57 pm Reply with quote
you gave dub a B with mediocre mention?!

really really really you got to be kidding me give check series dub & mini ova like 5 or 6 times already in half month span with 5 of it watching it whole a week.

give dub really more intense excite to watch really here thought on it & quote

"Look like I get surprise Christmas and sneak peek birthday gift at the same because I finally get to see Freezing anime dub. And yes it was worth the watching in really now really too good to watch. Give really been on wonder since dub version on the way with after watching I am so happy mood right now.

On the dub really they make more intense to excite more interest to watch really way it sounded make more better to watch give really dub accent on it more worth it. Sure give I not into whole subs vs dubs really both own worth watching besides series itself take it to another level.

For example you got Caitlin Glass as Satellizer el Bridget really give was same league as in subs version of Mamiko Noto yet worth to hear, then Jamie Marchi as Lana Linchen really compare other Marchi's dub voice indeed her Lana's dub accent was different from others dubs voice she did yet really unique take on dub, and Josh Grelle as Kazuya give in subs Kazuya sounded more younger well dub make more better to hear.

Besides whole series dub cast picking on sure Funi know what doing and casting on sure indeed they know right feel on it. So prove it a lot really dub casting well done. And also dub shorts ova as well sure Funi-service at it oh my make more fun to watch and hear same time.

So overall whole series indeed this is really worth my watch that yes I would like get dvd and blu-ray combo set so I can watch again so many times. And of course yes I would like a season two of Freezing anime series besides there more to it watch that this is really something to worth it anyone to watch this series. "

give mini ova were also Funi-service at it finest give still WHAT on mini ova 5 indeed niagara falls with after doing oh my.

yea so indeed this should good buy to have give bit more when s2 coming in?
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:12 am Reply with quote
Okay, that was a partly comprehensible rant. . .

Look, compare the dub job on this one to their dub job on other things they've put out very recently - like, say, Shangri-La. It's just not on the same level. I listen to Funi dubs all the time and have been for years, so I'm pretty confident that I'm not wrong about this.

You are, of course, welcome to disagree, but you're not going to change my evaluation on this front, either.
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Joined: 22 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:21 am Reply with quote
well give watching 5 times in week sorta cause i was doing my b-day week & yet could not resist checking series dub really it like bit addicted to it.

besides give really more to it watch.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:24 am Reply with quote
I can't tell. Is KLAC saying that the overall score with the dub (B-) is too high or too low? Because he then went into direct comparison of voice actors and stuff I just could not follow. Considering the overall dub and sub scores are the same I don't think that Key is putting one above the other in any critical way.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:33 am Reply with quote
Megiddo wrote:
I can't tell. Is KLAC saying that the overall score with the dub (B-) is too high or too low? Because he then went into direct comparison of voice actors and stuff I just could not follow. Considering the overall dub and sub scores are the same I don't think that Key is putting one above the other in any critical way.

was bit like are you serious bro on part mention minus part & quote "mediocre English dub."

you got be kidding give other dubs i seen this year from princess jellyfish, shiki, panty & stocking, book of bantorra, etc other dubs i seen http://myanimelist.net/animelist/GO_KLAC-IGER

besides is other anime got INTENSE EXCITE like freezing anime dub?
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:39 am Reply with quote
The Review wrote:
The Blu-Ray version upgrades the audio tracks from 3.2 (English) and 2.0 (Japanese) on the DVDs to TrueHDMulti for both languages tracks

I'm not much of an audiophile, but I can't say I've heard of 3.2 audio before. Seems really, really odd though. What is it?

Ms. Marchi's unparalleled specialty has long been infusing American-style street attitude into sassy characters, and while Rana is sassy, she requires a more colloquial flavor which is clearly not Marchi's strong suit; having her awkwardly phrase certain things simply isn't enough.
Maybe I just haven't been watching the right shows, but I thought that this specialty of Jamie Marchi was a recent development. The sass was always there, but this "street attitude" seems really recent as it grates on my patience something fierce; if I had observed it in the past, I would definitely remember. I think that she has gone from bringing her traditional "sass" to her characters to trying to imbue them with what I can only describe as her "modernized Valley Girl stereotype" pesona. Her recent scripts have had this in spades (The overuse of the word "chica" grated on me during BgHk) as have her newer roles (P&SwG) but her "older" roles and scripts like Witchblade/Solty Rei/Spice and Wolf didn't seem to have this.

Maybe I did miss it over the years, and if so I count myself lucky. I just wish it would stop, the sooner the better. I can't say that I'm surprised to hear that the Freezing dub sucked, but I am disappointed. If you're going to bring pseudonyms and half-assed performances to the dub, I'd rather the dub not be done at all.

One question: were the pseudonyms humorous?

(I wish that all the ANN staffers had usernames like their credited names on ANN articles/columns as I still find the disconnect confusing)

Edit: The Shiki dub was spot-on, definitely one of the best from this year IMO. Those other shows mentioned, yeah, I can agree that I didn't care much for their dubs. Book of Bantorra's was too restrained, conservative, fusty...sorry Chris.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:34 am Reply with quote
Didn't need to watch the dub to know Marchi was a bad match for Rana. Generic, males are annoying and boring especially kazuya, keeps on TOUCHING the "Untouchable Queen" no matter how many times people tell him about her and....it works out for him...*sigh*.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:41 am Reply with quote
Animegomaniac wrote:

I still can't get past the name; Bridget/Bridgette L Satellizer, ok. Satellizer L Bridget...

I think a flat "what?" says enough. I hope that it was English {First, Last} through Korean {First, Last} by means of Japanese translation {Last, First} and not a deliberate naming convention.

It's not the first name that bother me, ok, not so much the first name, it's the last name. I just can't take it seriously.

Her nationality is listed as English in the eyecatch, and to make things more interesting, her name is listed as Satellizer el Bridget, not Satellizer L. Bridget; certainly not your typical aristocratic English name.

The name certainly goes down as one of most unique in anime history.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:49 am Reply with quote
kanechin wrote:
Didn't need to watch the dub to know Marchi was a bad match for Rana. Generic, males are annoying and boring especially kazuya, keeps on TOUCHING the "Untouchable Queen" no matter how many times people tell him about her and....it works out for him...*sigh*.

Oh god this.




Sorry. I actually like the show, but christ the characters can be really [expletive] stupid.
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Joined: 02 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:31 am Reply with quote
I actually enjoyed the dub a bit more than the sub track.

I can't take this review seriously (like most ANN reviews) for various reasons.

I thought Caitlin Glass and Jamie Marchi were fantastic in their roles and liked their performances just as much as Mamiko Noto and Kana Hanazawa.

I've listen to plenty of dubs too and this is definitely one of Funimation's better dubs this year.

I'm clearly not in the minority since other (more reliable) reviews have praised the English cast and reading comments from numerous other fans who watched the dub they enjoyed it too.

I wouldn't be surprised if the ANN staff have some unanimous (B.S.) rule that they can't be too kind to fanservice shows and their dubs when reviewing them. Laughing

Last edited by FrameFreeze100 on Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 08 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:02 am Reply with quote
I enjoyed some of the designs and found Satellizer likable. I thought the girls in the show looked solidly built, like they had the muscle and body to carry their ridiculously sized busts. I thought some of the music and sounds were fun and those worked for me. However, Kazuya and Satellizer's relationship...well the whole story kinda got crowded out by the need to have continuous fan service. A little more story and a few less shower scenes would have worked better for me. Its too bad the direction it took, as I enjoyed some of the action. Oh well, as the review pointed out the target audience is for those who like large servings of fan service.
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