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NEWS: Crunchyroll's Streams of Phi Brain Put on Hold

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Joined: 03 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:29 am Reply with quote
I can guess that these issues can be solved with money
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Joined: 05 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:08 am Reply with quote
has anyone noticed that crunchy roll seems to be grabbing up a lot of titles recently? I mean are they grabbing them up to cover up some big flaw in their service or to have more titles to attract more viewers so companies releasing titles on DVD/BD have less to release and get sales with?
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Joined: 09 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:30 am Reply with quote
MagusGuardian wrote:
I mean are they grabbing them up to cover up some big flaw in their service or to have more titles to attract more viewers so companies releasing titles on DVD/BD have less to release and get sales with?

Wow. Thats astonishingly paranoid.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:36 am Reply with quote
Fencedude5609 wrote:
MagusGuardian wrote:
I mean are they grabbing them up to cover up some big flaw in their service or to have more titles to attract more viewers so companies releasing titles on DVD/BD have less to release and get sales with?

Wow. Thats astonishingly paranoid.

I thought sentai had a very strong relationship with crunchyroll, up until now atleast.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 3:56 am Reply with quote
MagusGuardian wrote:
has anyone noticed that crunchy roll seems to be grabbing up a lot of titles recently? I mean are they grabbing them up to cover up some big flaw in their service or to have more titles to attract more viewers so companies releasing titles on DVD/BD have less to release and get sales with?

Well, it is true that if they really do gather up 100% of all anime, beheading all their opponents, they will obtain The Prize, as there Can Only Be One anime streaming site.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:00 am Reply with quote
Tanteikingdomkey wrote:
I can guess that these issues can be solved with money

Likely so.

It seems to me that Crunchyroll is getting so much material because they have established themselves as the test bed for the Anime market in at least North America.

For now Sentai and some of the other localizers / distributors are using Crunchyroll to guage just how popular properties may be. If a series gets enough views then it may be that that Series becomes a Sub-Only, Dub, Blu-ray, Special Edition, etc.

Likely in the case of Phi Brain Murphy struck and a T was uncrossed, an I undotted or a wrong Kanji/Kana used. Embarassed

Mark Gosdin
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:09 am Reply with quote
Glad this isn't one of the CR shows I'm watching.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:10 am Reply with quote
Hmm... this sounds like... a PUZZLE!!!
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Mr. sickVisionz

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:35 am Reply with quote
MagusGuardian wrote:
has anyone noticed that crunchy roll seems to be grabbing up a lot of titles recently?

They are a company that solely does streaming video. Their business is grabbing up a lot of titles to stream.

I mean are they grabbing them up to cover up some big flaw in their service...

Once again, streaming is their service. They don't grab them to hide a flaw, they grab them because grabbing them is the business they are in. It'd be like asking if Olive Garden sells italian food to hide some flaw in their service. No, they're an italian restaurant. That's what they do.

... or to have more titles to attract more viewers...

ding ding ding

... or to have more titles to attract more viewers so companies releasing titles on DVD/BD have less to release and get sales with?

Rolling Eyes It's unlikely that the current incarnation of Crunchyroll was designed to be some elaborate scheme to destroy the R1 DVD/BD industry. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:44 am Reply with quote
MagusGuardian wrote:
so companies releasing titles on DVD/BD have less to release and get sales with?

Crunchyroll streaming a title has nothing to do with DVD/BD sales, on a legal/contract level. While companies like FUNimation or Sentai do have their own streaming services, there are 3 different sets of licenses for titles: Physical release, streaming, and broadcast. That's why some shows get on TV and some don't, even when we think they should; the company didn't buy the broadcast rights. If CR buys the streaming rights to a show, another company can still buy the DVD/BD rights, so there's no "less" involved.

With the added publicity of the title being on CR, it generally increases sales, anyway, since people aren't doing blind-buys (assuming the DVD/BD company isn't streaming it, and people aren't watching fansubs, and therefore wouldn't have seen it prior to purchase otherwise).
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:38 am Reply with quote
Dessa wrote:
MagusGuardian wrote:
so companies releasing titles on DVD/BD have less to release and get sales with?

Crunchyroll streaming a title has nothing to do with DVD/BD sales, on a legal/contract level.

It can have something to do with it. Financially, streaming pays a whole lot less than DVD/BD releases. So if a DVD/BD distributor wants across the board exclusive rights, that will lock out Crunchyroll from getting a direct streaming license.

In that case, Crunchyroll will have to get the streaming rights from the DVD/BD distributor, instead of from the original licensor.

The original licensors prefer that, because it keeps their contracting costs down. A complex, three way contract negotiation is rarely worth the extra contracting costs: maybe for a longer running series like Bleach or Naruto, but not for the regular one quarter or two quarter seasonal series.

The other alternative is that the Crunchyroll has hammered out a direct simulcast streaming license on terms that one or more R1 distributors are happy with, and are willing to write their master home video, broadcast and digital distribution license so there is no conflict between the two.

Until Winter2012, that meant sublicences on North American only contracts. But in Winter2012, we started seeing sublicenses with North America, UK&Eire, Oz&NZ and South Africa ... that is, R1, English Speaking R2, and English Speaking R4. So it looks like they've figured out some way to get the DVD/BD rights owners to also get streaming rights over a broader territory.

Those are still narrower regions than on most series that are only on Crunchyroll, which is why it seems likely to be sublicensing rather than parallel, compatible, direct licenses.

But that gives a hint what the problem might be with Phi Brain. Its likely that the Phi Brain 2 master license was a copy and paste of the Phi Brain master license, and the Phi Brain master license would have been a Fall 2011 vintage license. That's reinforced by the fact that the Phi Brain 2 simulcast was the only simulcast restricted to North America alone, which was common up through Fall 2011.

So it could be there is something in the Fall2011 vintage contract terms that is causing a headache. If it were just the sublicense contract out of sync with the master contract, requiring Sentai and Crunchyroll to draw up a new sublicense contract with compatible terms, that would have been a delay, but not a reason to take the box down.

But it could be something in the Fall2011 requires a permission from the production committee, and when Sentai asked, the permission was not in fact given. That would be a pretty big "oops" there, if you overlooked that you needed a permission when you granted the simulcast sublicense, but then when you went to fix the problem by getting permission, the permission was not granted.

That seems to be why we saw two waves of announcements on Crunchyroll: first titles on very broad region rights, and then a set of announcements
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:31 am Reply with quote
Sentai always streams at least one simulcast exclusively at Anime Network each season. Last season it was Phi Brain Season 1. They had said they had a ton of shows that were being aired this season and have announced several of them and likely have a few left. I'm wondering if perhaps they had planned for another show to stream on TAN and perhaps it fell through, and they pulled Phi Brain's streams from CR.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:46 am Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Glad this isn't one of the CR shows I'm watching.

Same here.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 1:37 pm Reply with quote
Both seasons of the series continue to be streamed on The Anime Network's website.

i can live with that.
still no crunchyroll channel or VOD (besides latinos now have access) and becoming a contender like Nielsen (Alexa) ratings

samuelp wrote:
MagusGuardian wrote:
has anyone noticed that crunchy roll seems to be grabbing up a lot of titles recently? I mean are they grabbing them up to cover up some big flaw in their service or to have more titles to attract more viewers so companies releasing titles on DVD/BD have less to release and get sales with?

Well, it is true that if they really do gather up 100% of all anime, beheading all their opponents, they will obtain The Prize, as there Can Only Be One anime streaming site.

and claim all anime like ANIMAX/crackle that's like the CBS version of Anime Network. sadly feel sorry for whoever dislike best buy and other stores sell anime or broadcast anime ever since the cord-cutting or refuse to carry more is likely to be mainstream which is why streaming is like the only subject and deserves to be also on VOD like Anime Network.
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Industry Insider

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:57 pm Reply with quote
11G4GUNOT wrote:

samuelp wrote:
MagusGuardian wrote:
has anyone noticed that crunchy roll seems to be grabbing up a lot of titles recently? I mean are they grabbing them up to cover up some big flaw in their service or to have more titles to attract more viewers so companies releasing titles on DVD/BD have less to release and get sales with?

Well, it is true that if they really do gather up 100% of all anime, beheading all their opponents, they will obtain The Prize, as there Can Only Be One anime streaming site.

and claim all anime like ANIMAX/crackle that's like the CBS version of Anime Network. sadly feel sorry for whoever dislike best buy and other stores sell anime or broadcast anime ever since the cord-cutting or refuse to carry more is likely to be mainstream which is why streaming is like the only subject and deserves to be also on VOD like Anime Network.

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