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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:45 pm Reply with quote
This review and the explanation of major story events, albeit light on details, makes me want to consider investing in this by say, splurging on the entire series in the future.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:31 am Reply with quote
Imagine a Naruto without Naruto.

So long as Shikamaru was elevated to main character status in his place, I would read that. Very Happy

I read some of this bit in awkwardly translated scanlations ages ago; right now the book is on hold at the library. Hopefully this will be an improvement, though Del Rey in the past has had its share of awkward text. Sometimes I think I'd really like to see the Japanese original just to know if it's as convoluted and vague in the original as it seems to be in English.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:14 am Reply with quote
I ordered the first volume of this just yesterday. I've been so intrigued by it for the longest time because of the hints of it we get in Tsubasa. And hearing about the newest development makes me even more eager to read it.

vashfanatic wrote:

I read some of this bit in awkwardly translated scanlations ages ago; right now the book is on hold at the library. Hopefully this will be an improvement, though Del Rey in the past has had its share of awkward text. Sometimes I think I'd really like to see the Japanese original just to know if it's as convoluted and vague in the original as it seems to be in English.

I've been wondering the same thing about Tsubasa for so long. The localization has been pretty bad for the past several volumes. I'm assuming the translation itself is accurate, it's just awkwardly awkwardly worded. I'm rereading all of Tsubasa before the final volume comes out, and the early volumes (I'm up to 5 so far) are done so well. They read so smoothly. But the latest volumes have straight-up bad grammar, and come across very stilted and awkward. It's the only manga where I sometimes reword the sentences in my head so that they make more sense. I don't know what happened. Maybe during Del Rey's rough patch they lost some editors who would have smoothed those bumps over? I too wonder if it's simply that Clamp's writing is just that convoluted. I don't read Japanese, so I don't know, but that could actually be the case. xxxHolic and Tsubasa have the same translator (I think he translates all Clamp manga...if you're reading this, sorry), so I imagine the same thing happens there.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:21 pm Reply with quote
I know that CLAMP did some weird things with language in TRC/Holic (I think they would have kanji and then the furigana on the side would suggest a more obscure reading, think Brain Diving talked about it maybe a month ago) but I must admit I've never been put off by the weird writing in Holic. And I was pleasantly surprised to see how well Holic manages to keep going and, even though I stopped buying TRC after I read the ending (I'll buy the rest someday, just when I can find it all cheap and have semi-forgotten the details) but I think I need to play catch up with Holic since it is still a rather good story.
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Joined: 31 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 1:58 pm Reply with quote
Naruto without Naruto isn't the best example, considering Naruto barely even matters in the story anymore. They might as well rename it "Sasuke"
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 4:16 pm Reply with quote
population_tire wrote:
Naruto without Naruto isn't the best example, considering Naruto barely even matters in the story anymore. They might as well rename it "Sasuke"

Naruto, IMnsHO, should have been called Konoha to reflect its eventual ensemble character. That said, it's not a bad example even from your POV: Watanuki has always been the main character, Yuuko was just the second most important one, the center of his story.
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Joined: 29 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:32 am Reply with quote
Considering the OVA "ROU" that came with the Limited Edition Vol 17 in Japan, I would have to guess that the Watanuki only thing won't last long... unless it was just a tease or something.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:08 pm Reply with quote
Banken wrote:
Considering the OVA "ROU" that came with the Limited Edition Vol 17 in Japan, I would have to guess that the Watanuki only thing won't last long... unless it was just a tease or something.

Volumes 15 and 16 end and start with chapters 182 and 183. At least as of chapter 206 (where I stopped reading), there was no hints to what the OAV said.

But yeah, I have a major problem with the beginning of the review, like others.
Imagine a Naruto without Naruto. Imagine a Death Note without Light. Imagine an Evangelion without Shinji... losing a main character... there are really no big changes in the overall style and quality of storytelling. The series may no longer have its star performer...

Yuuko may have been the star performer, and A main character, but she never was THE main character. In your Naruto example, it would be closer to Watanuki as Naruto, and Yuuko as Kakashi (especially early series, I can actually see a lot of parallels between the two pairs). Death Note doesn't work at all. With Eva, Shinji would be Watanuki, Yuuko would be Rei. Actually, that's probably the best comparison that could have been made. And it might've made more of a dramatic impact, if they hadn't been building up Yuuko getting Watanuki ready to be on his own since at least the beginning of the Kohane arc.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:06 pm Reply with quote
vashfanatic wrote:
population_tire wrote:
Naruto without Naruto isn't the best example, considering Naruto barely even matters in the story anymore. They might as well rename it "Sasuke"

Naruto, IMnsHO, should have been called Konoha to reflect its eventual ensemble character. That said, it's not a bad example even from your POV: Watanuki has always been the main character, Yuuko was just the second most important one, the center of his story.

I still find it amusing how people complain about Sasuke's screentime. Last time I checked, he was still the second main character, and even in the TWO (ZOMG!) arcs where he was the primary focus Naruto still had decent screentime, whereas there have been SIX arcs where Sasuke didn't even appear or just appeared for a short time (Search for Tsunade, first three arcs of Part 2, spoiler[Pain Invasion, and the recent Killerbee/Island arc]). Seriously, in terms of the second main character, Sasuke's appearances are rather reserved.
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Joined: 29 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:26 am Reply with quote
I personally think Haruhi is the ultimate comparison.

Watanuki is Kyon. Yuuko is Haruhi. XXXHolic Rou is The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:36 am Reply with quote
CLAMP has shown in other works that they aren't afraid to kill characters off, and I think Yuko has really passed away. Holic/Tsubasa has made too much of a big deal out of the point that life is precious exactly because death is permament. Watanuki and Sakura are seers who can see those who have passed away, but that's the end for everyone else who can't see spirits. Domeki isn't going to see Haruka again in his lifetime. Kurogane isn't going to see his parents again, and so on. Watanuki's case is of course a little different because of his ability, but I feel that if he does see Yuko again it's going to either be in spirit form or as a reincarnation - which I wouldn't rule out due to the heavy butterfly metaphor and other hints. But Yuko as the boys knew her is gone. Of course CLAMP could turn around and prove me totally wrong, but I think that would be a disservice considering the presentation of the continuum so far.

I saw no drop in quality despite the massive overhaul and thought this volume was great. Certainly a whole new set of issues though. We'll see what happens.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:32 pm Reply with quote
Kelly wrote:
CLAMP has shown in other works that they aren't afraid to kill characters off, and I think Yuko has really passed away. .....

It's CLAMP, after all. Killing Yuuko off was no big surprise to me. I mean, I've read Tokyo Babyblon and X (and RG Veda and every other CLAMP work) so character deaths in CLAMP manga do not surprise me. xD
...it's one of those things that should just be expected in CLAMP stuff.
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