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REVIEW: Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee Episodes 1-6 streaming

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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:47 am Reply with quote
I am liking the show, I really am. I'm not loving it, but it is one of the best and most enjoyable shows of the season. Yeah, the melodrama is a tad much at times, and Gauche's sister look like Tessa off FMP!, but Lag is a sympathetic kid. And Niche is quite likeable, which is surprising because I don't usually like Loli characters. As for the setting, it is quite weird, but hey, it is unabashed fantasy.

All up, in my opinion it isn't a great show, but still manages to be a solid entertainer.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 5:34 am Reply with quote
I've been following Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee in (monthly) Shonen Jump, and I'm glad that Lag gets some progress done right from the start. Still, there's something off-putting about the series that I can't quite put my finger on. It's not the awkward names, and it's certainly not the disjointed art styles between characters--I love mismatched styles in one series. But something about this series makes me not want to care about Lag or Niche too much. The review does have a point. It could be Niche and Steak handling the comic relief, which are definitely out of place in the narrative and not in a good way. Comic relief is a necessary part of a tragedy or adventure story though. But it feels shoehorned in this.

One (very minor) thing that I know does bother me are the outfits of the female Letter Bees. They border on S&M. The male Letter Bees get relatively ordinary clothing. But at least Niche doesn't have to dress like them.
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:00 pm Reply with quote
This one of those series where I'd really just rather read the manga. I think I'm increasingly more of a fan of manga than I even am of anime, and I've heard very positive things about the manga for this.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:33 pm Reply with quote
I also follow the manga in Shonen Jump, and the art is amazing. And because the art is amazing, I plan to steer clear of the anime. I associate Pierrot with fugliness (Naruto, Bleach, Saiyuki). Their series might have some well animated episodes, but sooner or later they go downhill. Also, there's something sort of ethereal about Tegami Bachi's art style, and the anime seems to have lost that.

I'm also someone who isn't completely sold on the series, though. I don't know what it is. I love the style, the world, the silly names, and the Letter Bee concept...but for whatever reason, I haven't enjoyed the series quite as much as I thought I would. Maybe I'm just waiting for the plot to find more of a direction, which it seems to be with spoiler[Guache's disappearance].
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:04 pm Reply with quote
I've only been fallowing this series in Amejump and I like it enough, but I just don't feel it is there yet. It seems like it has a lot of potential to be gripping and dramatic, but right now, nothing enough has happened or been explained to be as melodramatic as it is, and not enough has happened to really feel all that great; but the potential keeps me reading.

Personally I find the art slightly awkward, the baby-doll look isn't very jumpish, and the line style reminds me a lot of American Style Shading and Inking, but the world created by it is interesting, engaging, and somewhat cute and nostalgic (which I think is due to the artstyle, makes it feel old fashioned).
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:54 am Reply with quote
I'm going to complain about something that is pretty much irrelevant to this review now; so look away if you're not into mindless fan ranting.

Anyway, letter bee is on crunchyroll and it has been for 6 weeks and its gotten a review. Maybe not a stellar one but it still did get one. So my inappropriately placed question is why hasn't Gintama been reviewed? It was one of the first anime to appear legally on crunchyroll but it still hasn't been reviewed yet.

It is true that Gintama is a very long anime but I'm not asking that ANN watch all those episodes. Just 25 would be enough.

Sorry for asking for something so ungraciously ^^
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:42 am Reply with quote
Yorozuya wrote:
I'm going to complain about something that is pretty much irrelevant to this review now; so look away if you're not into mindless fan ranting.

Anyway, letter bee is on crunchyroll and it has been for 6 weeks and its gotten a review. Maybe not a stellar one but it still did get one. So my inappropriately placed question is why hasn't Gintama been reviewed? It was one of the first anime to appear legally on crunchyroll but it still hasn't been reviewed yet.

It is true that Gintama is a very long anime but I'm not asking that ANN watch all those episodes. Just 25 would be enough.

Sorry for asking for something so ungraciously ^^

Well, not to put words in ANN's mouth, but Gintama is already on episode 180 something... it's been on the air more than 3 years,
and so it's not "new" to most of the people here.

Sure, it hasn't been available to view legally until early this year, but it's still true that the show has its fans by now; it doesn't need reviewing as much as newer shows that maybe people are still deciding to check out like Tegami Bachi.
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Joined: 16 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:30 pm Reply with quote
No one has yet mentioned what I feel to be the most important part of this series: broccoli forest. Broccoli forest, yes. Definitely worth bonus points in my book.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 7:57 pm Reply with quote
Yorozuya wrote:
I'm going to complain about something that is pretty much irrelevant to this review now; so look away if you're not into mindless fan ranting.

Anyway, letter bee is on crunchyroll and it has been for 6 weeks and its gotten a review. Maybe not a stellar one but it still did get one. So my inappropriately placed question is why hasn't Gintama been reviewed? It was one of the first anime to appear legally on crunchyroll but it still hasn't been reviewed yet.

It is true that Gintama is a very long anime but I'm not asking that ANN watch all those episodes. Just 25 would be enough.

Sorry for asking for something so ungraciously ^^

To be honest, I think it's better that they don't review it. Gintama is not the type of series that will review well.
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