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Hey, Answerman! [2009-02-27]

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The Ramblin' Wreck

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:08 am Reply with quote
I still think The Girl Who Leapt Through Time would have been a moderate success if it had gotten some backing or support.
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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:10 am Reply with quote
On Yaoi vs Hentai - Well how do you really review hentai anyway? There isn't any real plot to discuss so really the only thing you can review is the sex, and well... that goes a bit into TMI, no? So yeah. I agree with that response.

On Sam - I find the sideburns endearing Anime hyper He was like my favourite character in that series Anime hyper!!!! Also they probably wanted to stay true to all the original character designs, no matter how dated they were.

On next breakout hit - Soul Eater. If it ever gets on TV, it could be big. Its flashy and shit. Decent for kids too from my understanding, although I haven't seen too much of it yet.
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Joined: 23 May 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:14 am Reply with quote
Why does the article say that it was written by Zac?
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Joined: 09 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:15 am Reply with quote
Batman: The Animated Series was a fantastic show that went to so many levels not really seen here in American cartoons. But, and I know that this is used SO MANY TIMES, but the first thing that comes to mind is Avatar when thinking about the last cartoon that goes to so many levels. The story has depth, the animation is slick, and the ending brought up so much emotion. Though the recent Batman series, not the Brave and the Bold, felt like a return to the classic 90's cartoon Batman. Though, it cannot compare to it in story telling.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:17 am Reply with quote
i personally loved Brave Story, but that's just me. i liked the soundtrack and it had a neat RPGish feel to it.

the only i see being a breakout hit in the next year is "Soul Eater". not only does it have a fairly big following already, but it has all the elements to succeed with the Adult Swim crowd. there are some shows however, that i think will be praised by critics but ignored by fans, particularly OH! Edo Rocket.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:21 am Reply with quote
leftbehindxp wrote:
Batman: The Animated Series was a fantastic show that went to so many levels not really seen here in American cartoons. But, and I know that this is used SO MANY TIMES, but the first thing that comes to mind is Avatar when thinking about the last cartoon that goes to so many levels. The story has depth, the animation is slick, and the ending brought up so much emotion. Though the recent Batman series, not the Brave and the Bold, felt like a return to the classic 90's cartoon Batman. Though, it cannot compare to it in story telling.

Quoted For Truth.

I also am a little partial to the more recent TMNT series as it was closer to the original comic.

Also lol at the bunny comic.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:29 am Reply with quote
leftbehindxp wrote:
Batman: The Animated Series was a fantastic show that went to so many levels not really seen here in American cartoons. But, and I know that this is used SO MANY TIMES, but the first thing that comes to mind is Avatar when thinking about the last cartoon that goes to so many levels. The story has depth, the animation is slick, and the ending brought up so much emotion.

Re: Avatar - Well, what else do you expect from something from something made by anime fans?

And yes, Batman is one of the greatest American animated series ever. Up until the Chris Nolan reboots, it was probably the best adaptation of the comics.

Brave Story, yeah could have been way better, but after watching GONZO's other movie that year, Origin, it looked like a bloody masterpiece.

Wow... I never thought I'd actually have an answer of mine posted! Third time's the charm, I guess.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:33 am Reply with quote
Mue90000 wrote:

“When i saw the question for this week it took me about a minute to think of the series that would fit this perfectly The series that this question definitely applies to is Death Note. If i had godlike powers I would have changed the ending to what it should be, Light killing everyone that is against him.

Oh god, my side hurts from the laughing. Laughing

Yeah, that would have been so edgy and cool, right?

Next break-out hit? I'd like it to be an anime adaption of 20th Century Boys, which I hope gets made some day.

Last edited by penguintruth on Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:39 am; edited 2 times in total
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zanarkand princess

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:36 am Reply with quote
The next break out hit? I think that it might be Toradora which is almost done but definitely is a breath of fresh air from the usual cliches of the got old way to fast tsundere anime genre (is it a genre?)
I also think that Pandora hearts will do well, as will the seemingly ignored Asura Cryin and K-ON will be popular in because it seems to be the Lucky Star of this season. Hatsukoi Gentei might do well with shojo fans. Eden of the East seems intriguing though and against our better judgment we will all watch at least a little of the new DBZ.
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Wrial Huden

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:36 am Reply with quote
leftbehindxp wrote:
Batman: The Animated Series was a fantastic show that went to so many levels not really seen here in American cartoons. But, and I know that this is used SO MANY TIMES, but the first thing that comes to mind is Avatar when thinking about the last cartoon that goes to so many levels. The story has depth, the animation is slick, and the ending brought up so much emotion. Though the recent Batman series, not the Brave and the Bold, felt like a return to the classic 90's cartoon Batman. Though, it cannot compare to it in story telling.

I believe even your most fanatical otaku would agree that Batman: The Animated Series is a quality show. It would be a strain for said otaku who would usually bash anything produced in America, but there you go.

Speaking of Batman: TAS, the producers drew much of the look of the show from the Max Fleischer Studios-produced Superman cartoons of the early 1940s. Take a look at those if you ever get the chance. You'll see what I mean.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:39 am Reply with quote
eely225 wrote:
Why does the article say that it was written by Zac?

I'd go into the admin side process here but it's boring so I'll just say it's an easy mistake to make on my part. Fixed, though, so thanks for pointing that out.
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Overlord Z-ko

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:45 am Reply with quote
I really liked Answerman's response to the question on the difference between Japanese and Western animation. Anime is just a medium which is why most genralizations about anime aren't true. I also think he hit the nail right on the head in explaining why there is less variety in western programming.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:51 am Reply with quote
posterior_praiser wrote:
On Yaoi vs Hentai - Well how do you really review hentai anyway? There isn't any real plot to discuss so really the only thing you can review is the sex, and well... that goes a bit into TMI, no?

There's aways the art/animation. Animerica and Protoculture Addicts used to review H anime without going into TMI territory. Besides, there's relatively little sex compared to live-action porn.
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Joined: 04 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:52 am Reply with quote
Overlord Z-ko wrote:
I really liked Answerman's response to the question on the difference between Japanese and Western animation. Anime is just a medium which is why most genralizations about anime aren't true. I also think he hit the nail right on the head in explaining why there is less variety in western programming.

Also have to agree with this sentiment as well but meaning and depth are were you find it. So if someone can see Taoism in Winnie The Pooh cartoons or the general "three types of people in the world" in Ed, Edd, and Eddy then I say let them explain it.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 12:53 am Reply with quote
Wrial Huden wrote:
I believe even your most fanatical otaku would agree that Batman: The Animated Series is a quality show. It would be a strain for said otaku who would usually bash anything produced in America, but there you go.

Correct me if I'm totally wrong here, but didn't Shinichiro Watanabe admit that Batman: TAS partly inspired his Pierrot Le Fou? If that's the case, no otaku worth their salt should bash it.
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