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Forum - View topicNEWS: Street Fighter IV Game's Animated Story Trailer Posted
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![]() Posts: 1674 |
I wonder if the movie will be billingual, knowing at EB the trailer shown is all in Japanese (of course, most likely a promo video from way back when).
Plus for PS3 owners: the movie comes in blu ray format, wheras 360 only gets the DVD. *shrug* Its a bit of a plus, knowing how many times the games have been screwed (fallout expansions, for example) >_> |
Unit 03.5-ish
Posts: 1540 Location: This space for rent |
Since the movie was pretty much made to be included with the game -- and I imagine some of the buyers of the game will be the ever-dreaded Spike TV crowd -- you can probably bet on a dub (which is good news for people like me, heh). Also, even this game's special edition got slightly neutered -- they planned to have both collectible figurines (Ryu and the new chick) originally, like the Japanese version did.
I'm debating with myself whether to get the PS3 game (Blu-ray movie, Ryu figure) or the 360 one (more user-friendly online component). |
![]() Posts: 2334 Location: Missouri (Strikeman) |
One thing that bugs me about the trailer is Vega died. I hope they can explain that one in game, unless they are going with the animated movie where Chun Li kicked him out of 15 or so story building. |
![]() Posts: 298 Location: Hades via UK |
Looks like us Brits are lucky Bastitches for once as the UK edition of SFIV Special Edition WILL be released with the figurines included as well as the anime feature movie and I believe, a mini strategy guide as well as exclusive DLC.
As far as I know, it's only Gamestation that are offering the Special Editions and the release date is February 20th over here. [I found that out as I was buying a PSP game today at the branch in Liverpool and they had posters up advertising pre-orders for said Special Editions] [In case anybody doesn't believe me, visit][/url] |
Posts: 795 |
If you're looking for the best-quality film and gameplay experience (never minding online component -- they pretty much stink for fighting games from all I've ever heard), you'd have to be crazy to get the XBox 360 Collector's Edition of SF IV.
1) the game disc with the anime will only play on the 360 as far as I know. Yes, it's coded for 720p, but NO, it probably will not play on a Blu-Ray player or upscale DVD player because of the proprietary 360 codec. 2) the gamepads on the PS3 are better for fighting games. I don't like them myself for that purpose even though I own a PS3 -- I'd prefer a stick or Sega Saturn style digital pad --, but every credible gamer I've talked to says the PS3 is better for this kind of game because of the main controller. 3) Need I remind anybody that the PS3 anime Blu-Ray extra disc will in fact play on other Blu-Ray machines in addition to the PS3 itself? I find it absolutely useless to buy disc extras that won't work on anything but a specific piece of hardware... Probably why I skipped T2: Extreme Edition when that came out... The hi-def encoded DVD disc in that set only worked on Intel Windows machines with what were very high specs for its time. That's probably why you can still find so many copies of it in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart... |
![]() Posts: 298 Location: Hades via UK |
GeorgeC, I was using the XBox 360 version as an example of the Special Edition release.
And you sound like a Sony Fanboy if you're that willing to defend the PS3 version over the XBox 360 version... BTW, aren't you being a bit anal over the anime version that's coming out on the XBox 360? Who's to say that it won't be coming out on a regular DVD as part of the XBox 360 Special Edition instead of one encoded specially encoded for the XBox 360? Do you have any proof that it will play only on the XBox 360 or is that just hyperbole? Also, why are people SO obsessed with picture and sound quality these days on Blu-Ray? Is there going to be anything special about the anime disc on the PS3 version that people should get that version over the XBox 360 version? Any extras on that version? The picture being 1080p instead of 720p on that version? Will it play on DVD players? If not, if there are people who are lucky enough to own both consoles, they should be allowed to decide which Special Edition to choose at the end of the day and not choose a particular version just because it's supposedly... [And no, I'm not Anti-Sony, I'm just Anti-Sony Fanboys and Fangirls because they're too arrogant!] |
Posts: 795 |
What crawled up your butt? If you actually read about anything other than anime you'd know that it was ANNOUNCED by GameStop that the 360 version is coming out with a specially coded disc for the anime! That's how that MS and other companies get 720p on DVD format on the system. You can't do that with normal DVD encoding. Most DVDs are still encoded 480i, 480p tops! Go buy the 360 version for yourself -- I could care less! I'm just saying that for the anime in particular the Blu-Ray on the PS3 IS a better option. 1080p versus 720p on the XBox 360 version... No contest unless you're blind or they horribly screwed up the PS3 version. The Blu-Ray WILL look better with the higher resolution. I already said I DON'T like the controller on the PS3 for the game because it ISN'T a 6-button setup. It's not comfortable for me to use on a traditional 2-D fighting game... Other people tend to like it better than the 360 pad and there seems to be a general consensus among fighting game fans that the PS3 controller is generally better for those kinds of games. And if anybody's being a fanboy, it's you. Talk to people that own both systems. Yes, it comes down to preference, but each will do certain things better than the other. The PS3 as far as a lot of people are concerned has better controllers. I'm sorry you haven't experienced Blu-Ray but I'm aware not all of us can afford it. One of my complaints about a certain other site is that the webmaster wants every reviewer of anime DVDs to have HDTV and 5.1 sound set-ups MINIMUM. As a result of those draconian requirements, he's getting next-to-no help on reviews and the site's going to pot with very few reviews being done now. The picture is DEFINITELY better on Blu-Ray and without a doubt sound is better on a properly set-up 5.1/7.1 system. |
![]() Posts: 8513 Location: Penguinopolis |
Nothing like a good Street Fighter anime.
Will Manga Entertainment get this and put American music behind the action? |
![]() Posts: 298 Location: Hades via UK |
Are you always this anally retentive or does it come naturally?[/sarcasm] If anything crawled up somebody's butt, it's your own butt due to your clear arrogance! I can't believe somebody like you is so arrogant just because I used the XBox 360 version as a example of the Special Editions that were coming out in the UK... As for Fanboy wars, I prefer to stay clear of those... In any case, I'm buying a XBox 360 for Star Ocean IV in March and a PS3 for White Knight Story in Xmas. When it comes to SFIV, I'll buy the version that's cheapest at the time and if it's the XBox 360 version then so be it... And why are YOU so obsessed about picture and sound quality on a product, it's not as if people can afford HDTV's and BluRay players at the moment due to a little thing called a "recession"![/sarcasm] BTW, I actually do read about things other than anime, stuff like "The Art of War", books on Japanese and Chinese culture as well as programming in HTML and VB.NET as I'll be going to university in September to do a IT degree so in fact I do have a life whereas you don't seem to have one if you're resorting to verbal jabs to try and prove your pitiful obsession that BluRay is supposedly wonderful! If BluRay is supposedly wonderful, then how come a lot of the discs I've seen in the UK don't come with any extras at all [Dodgeball starring Ben Stiller being one example] or have less extras than the DVD versions or have inferior extras compared to versions released in the world as well as being more expensive... I'm not saying that it won't take over DVD's but unless they reduce the price of the discs as well as make blank BluRay discs cheaper [in my case, I'm waiting for the 250GB or 500GB versions to come out before I start buying them at cheap prices!], there's no way BluRay will be as popular as DVD is now? Why do you think VideoCD's are still being sold in certain parts of Asia alongside DVD's? It's because BluRays are too expensive to buy there! When I buy my PS3, I won't be using it as a BluRay player, I'll be using it as a games machine first and foremost as well as playing fansubs on it and if there's any modchips for it in the future, I'll be modding it as well to play import PSOne and PS2 games from the US and Japan [Yes, I'm going to be getting a Japanese import 1st Gen PS3 as SCEE are run by idiots!] Another thing, why are you so obsessed with the control system on the game considering it's not out for another month or so on the consoles unless you can somehow see into the future. As long as it plays well, I couldn't give a frakk what the control system is like and if I ever challenged you to a game online [oh I forgot, you're a Sony Fanboy!], I would definitely lay the smackdown on you in a game before you knew what hit you! So because it's not a traditional 6-button layout on the PS3, it's not going to be good? How about getting a thing called a "joystick" if you're that worried about the 6-button layout...[/sarcasm] How can I be a XBOX 360 fanboy if I own a 1st Gen PSOne, a modded PS2, a DS Lite, a Japanese PSP-1000 in white, a Sega Dreamcast and 2 Sega Saturns plus a Sega Megadrive [PAL version] and PAL Mega-CD [aka Sega-CD] as well as a modded XBOX that plays anime on it... If I were you, I'd seriously look at reducing the caffeine intake as it's seriously affecting your ability to come out with coherent speech if you're ranting and raving so much and trying to prove that the PS3 is superior when it's getting a kicking left, right and center because there's not enough decent games out for it that aren't FPS or sports games in the West and all the good RPG's are coming out for the XBOX 360 instead... As for BluRay, I would be able to splash out up to £3000 or more spondoolicks for a kickass TV and BluRay player but sadly a) I can't, b) I'd rather wait for a proper BluRay player that will play BD's from all over the world instead of being restricted to the rubbish that's out over here and c) I'd rather wait till next year when the discs get cheaper and the players get better before investing in one... [and no, the PS3 is NOT a BluRay player in my opinion! It's just a games machine first and a BluRay player last!] So I guess it looks like for the foreseeable future, I'll be watching my anime on DVD and not being overly obsessed on what the picture and sound quality is like on a disc [unlike some people here!] |
Posts: 11 |
I come looking to discuss the street fighter 4 anime and i reach a forum where there might be a fanboy (although he just stated an opinion and never came off as one to me) and the person who calls him out and assumes this fact incurs an argument that destroys the very idea of this topic
I love irony and i love people LMAO |
Posts: 3 |
I think the latter versions lost something from the first versions.
Compared to the Streetfighter 2V this movie looks like it has little of 2V, and more of zero. I disliked zero, the episodes where so dark, that it wasn't even fun to watch them anymore... It's not about the dark things, it's just lacking that friendship and professionalism which 2V and the animation made so famous! Sure, no doubt the CGI and special effects are better these days.. I hope the storyline won't be disappointing... As for the game, it looks like there are some interesting characters (like Set)... I disliked the audio comments on the trailer... |
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