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GAME: Reynatis Game Review

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Joined: 23 Jan 2016
Posts: 933
PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 11:47 am Reply with quote
So, mechanically ambitious but unevenly cooked? Yup, sounds like a FuRyu game to me. I can tolerate the Swtich chug when I don't have a say in the matter (i.e. Tears of the Kingdom), but it sounds like PS5 or PC is the way to go as far as performance, which is a shame.

This makes exploration as Marin rather convoluted, essentially punishing him for exploring maps to their fullest (lest you get the M.E.A. sicced on you) or even speaking to NPCs (lest you build up too much Stress).
This sounds terrible, though. I get that there's only so much physical space in Shibuya so they have to limit things somehow, but still. Or maybe they're just trying to integrate things thematically by structuring the game in a way that keeps you from playing how you really want to. (Because that worked so well for FFXIII. Rolling Eyes )
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Joined: 21 Apr 2021
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 1:14 pm Reply with quote
I'll likely get this eventually. I'm an easy mark for devs like FuRyu with interesting ideas and flawed execution. But...this fall is packed, in terms of interesting releases. So I'll definitely wait for sale.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2022
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2024 3:05 pm Reply with quote
I played the demo on my Steam Deck OLED and I loved it.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2018
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 3:19 pm Reply with quote
wolf10 wrote:
So, mechanically ambitious but unevenly cooked? Yup, sounds like a FuRyu game to me. I can tolerate the Swtich chug when I don't have a say in the matter (i.e. Tears of the Kingdom), but it sounds like PS5 or PC is the way to go as far as performance, which is a shame.

This makes exploration as Marin rather convoluted, essentially punishing him for exploring maps to their fullest (lest you get the M.E.A. sicced on you) or even speaking to NPCs (lest you build up too much Stress).
This sounds terrible, though. I get that there's only so much physical space in Shibuya so they have to limit things somehow, but still. Or maybe they're just trying to integrate things thematically by structuring the game in a way that keeps you from playing how you really want to. (Because that worked so well for FFXIII. Rolling Eyes )

I didn't mention it in the review because I couldn't quite corroborate it (it was a Reddit post going off of someone's alleged experiences with the Japanese version), but I've heard that the PS5 port doesn't run that much better.
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Joined: 23 Jan 2016
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 5:18 pm Reply with quote
FinalVentCard wrote:
I didn't mention it in the review because I couldn't quite corroborate it (it was a Reddit post going off of someone's alleged experiences with the Japanese version), but I've heard that the PS5 port doesn't run that much better.
The demo available on PS5 looks and plays like an early PS3 game (with nary a skip to suggest it's taxing the hardware in the slightest), so I find that kind of hard to believe unless something went really wrong with the physics calculations or something (the demo, perhaps intentionally, does not present any large crowds). None of the early reviews on PS5 that I've scanned through mention it at all, despite being otherwise largely scathing.

My personal bar for performance is still climbing Death Mountain at a blazing 6 FPS on original hardware, so I suspect I'll live. Regardless, thanks for the warning!
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Joined: 13 Jun 2020
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 12:55 am Reply with quote
It was expected of a Furyu game. The game had potential and is still worth playing. Unfortunate that it bombed in Japan since Shimomura and Takumi were involved along with the Shin Subaseka side story being added. Shin Subaseka bombed in Japan, so not even that was going to help the game sell more.

Anywho, great performance by Norio Wakamoto. Not even 80 yet and still giving great performances as expected from the GOAT. Next up is Cell in Sparking Zero in October.

A lot of comparisons have been drawn between it and Kingdom Hearts

Not once did I think of KH. Those who lived through it know what to compare it to. I thought of Final Fantasy Versus XIII. The very first trailer didn't even give a KH vibe. Shimomura was on her Versus XIII mode. The trailer also literally copied Noctis and Stella's scene on the street from the Versus XIII trailer. And that's before going through all the Versus XIII stuff for the game such as (advertised on the website) Marin (19) having the same August 30 birthday as Noctis (19; Ultimania and Official works state his birth year as 736; Game starts in May 756 before his 20th birthday in August) and Sari's (22) birthday is September 6 while Lunafrena's (24) is September 4. Marin is younger than Sari just like Noctis is younger than Stellar/Lunafrena. And much more in the game. As stated by Takumi in the 1st Reynatis interview with Nomura, Kando, etc:

--What did you (Nomura) talk about when you met Mr. Isobe?

That's right... Kingdom Hearts was what inspired me to become a game creator. Nomura-san is a key person in my life, someone I look up to and respect, so I was nervous and couldn't have a deeper conversation with him than just saying hello (laughs).

So, as a way to break the ice, I first explained that as a fan, I wanted to play FINAL FANTASY Versus XIII (laughs).

Disappointed at the lack of Versus in the article.
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