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GAME: Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life

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Joined: 26 Nov 2020
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 11:49 am Reply with quote
because A Wonderful Life is a remake of an older title, you will miss out on some of the updates that you might have gotten used to in more recent titles like Pioneers of Olive Town

Arguably the less SoS takes from Olive Town going forward, the better

Also, each “season” only lasts ten in-game days

So I'm outing myself as a fake fan having never played the original AWL, are days longer to make up for this or is progress just super fast?
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Joined: 23 May 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:55 pm Reply with quote
^ Days are longer. 1 second of real life equals 1 minute in game time.

Also small typo for the review. Muffy is renamed Molly (you actually have a picture in the review) not Milly (guess your finger slipped).

As for me this was my first Story of Seasons game back on GCN and I'm beyond excited to return to it. Hopefully I can finish it this time. Going for Nami as a girl. They actually improved her design which I thought was impossible. Some of the redesigns I like and some I don't. Happy farming everyone!
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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:28 pm Reply with quote
I'm definitely excited, albeit with a fraction of sadness, to play this remake. I loved the original AWL, and played it side-by-side with my mother back in the day. She passed away in late 2021, and I know she would've loved to play the remake. I'm sad that she won't have that chance, but I'm very much excited to play this and remember all of those fun times. Such as when we were trying to unlock all of the recipes, and we found some sort of guide detailing all of them and other things about the game, and then while she was playing I spent the time printing out this huge packet of papers. We placed them all in a folder, and I recall many times Mom asking me a question about something in the game, then I'd go through the folder looking for the answer. It was probably not the most efficient way to go about things, but it was a lot of fun nevertheless.

Pretty sure I don't need to go that same route this time around, but who knows... Anime hyper
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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:05 pm Reply with quote
I'm gonna be really interested to see what everyone's perception of this remake is post-release, since the original never felt like it held up against HM64 or Mineral Town too well.

My position remains to this day, that Rune Factory Frontier and Harvest Moon 64 are the ones to match or beat in regards to presentation, character cast, and exploration/gameplay loop, and Wonderful Life felt like it was lacking a "meatiness" in most of those categories. Nostalgia seems to be the largest factor any time I see AWL spoken of positively.

It should be noted that in the original, getting married was mandatory or the game would forcibly end out from under your feet after the first year. Obviously, the game was created with generational storytelling in mind. It's one of the few/only Harvest Moon/SoS games that I'm aware of that has characters progressively age. That forced capping of not just your progress but participation in the game itself belies how rail-roady the original felt if you weren't particularly engaged in the concept of child-raising.

The cast is (or rather, was prior to their style changes in the remake) VERY eclectic and hard to engage with in spots, and in spite of the town only containing a few buildings, it took forever to actually travel from point A to point B and feel like you accomplished anything on any singular day. The original release is much more enjoyable when using a speedhack to give your character faster movement.

So with all of that said, I'm happy to see the aesthetics & presentation got a facelift. The newer looks of everything don't feel as "slapped together" as it had, and even the walking speed looks fixed. There's been word of new events being added, and in general, anything to liven up the world is welcomed since stumbling into the villagers' lives in the original felt more like a doctor appointment than a discovery. Though I can also see how it would have been harder to notice such things and compare them, had AWL been the first Harvest Moon game someone ever played.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2020
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 1:35 am Reply with quote
ZelosZoidberg wrote:
^ Days are longer. 1 second of real life equals 1 minute in game time.

Ah, so slower but not RF5's unbearably slow 2 seconds = 1 minute. (I have 65 hours in that case and I'm not even finished with Summer Year 1!)
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ANN Reviewer

Joined: 28 Oct 2018
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:50 am Reply with quote
Aura Ichadora wrote:
I'm definitely excited, albeit with a fraction of sadness, to play this remake. I loved the original AWL, and played it side-by-side with my mother back in the day. She passed away in late 2021, and I know she would've loved to play the remake. I'm sad that she won't have that chance, but I'm very much excited to play this and remember all of those fun times. Such as when we were trying to unlock all of the recipes, and we found some sort of guide detailing all of them and other things about the game, and then while she was playing I spent the time printing out this huge packet of papers. We placed them all in a folder, and I recall many times Mom asking me a question about something in the game, then I'd go through the folder looking for the answer. It was probably not the most efficient way to go about things, but it was a lot of fun nevertheless.

Pretty sure I don't need to go that same route this time around, but who knows... Anime hyper

Thank you for sharing this memory with us. I expected a lot of people to have very fond memories of this title, but yours definitely struck a chord with me.
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Joined: 23 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 10:25 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for posting this review! It reminded me to preorder this game before it comes out. A bit disappointed that they changed the name of the valley (Forget-Me-Nots actually became my favorite flowers because of the original GCN game!) but I'll live with it, I guess.
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