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Hey, Answerman! [2007-08-10]

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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:12 pm Reply with quote
Thank you sooooo much for getting rid of the Rants. It was the "beat the dead horse" section of an otherwise enjoyable column. I'm glad to see that the fluffy crtitters are still here. I'm interested in your Answerfans section. Will some of the answers qualify as "Flakes of the Week" or will you keep the two separate? Have a great weekend!
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:13 pm Reply with quote
...whoa I didn't see that one coming at all. I'll miss it a bit- it was (normally) the main thing that got everyone talking. but whatever- i'll read the questions and see where this goes.

<---i could so see that being an Inuyasha ending. But somehow I don't think David kane would make good porn noises and i'd rather not think of paul Dobson making them.

Plus there'd be no way t please the fans. Even if they did do as the fans wanted. Fan Group A would love it. Fan group B would want the chracters to die by the black plague and Fan Group C would want them to get married and then die by the plage at the reception.

That's where we differ Zac. I'd watch One Piece (japanese) all over again.

I'm going to go find that video. it's sounds...halirous. Although i find myself laughing at pretty much anything that's nuts.

Like the tears of a baby nun I'm going to have to tell my husband*** that when he asks me why I put so much sugar in my lemondae. (husband does not exist yet)

The kittens look comfortable.

There was a rant winner? Sounds intresting- i'll get on it.
Great column as always Zac- keep up the good work!

***in the answerfans question- it says downloading fansubs. could those of us who watch them on sites write as well?

Last edited by britannicamoore on Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:15 pm Reply with quote
PS: I don't download fansubs, so I can't contribute to the first ever Answerfans section. Dang!!! Oh well, you still rock.
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Buster Blader 126

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:23 pm Reply with quote
Having a new feature is nice - I ended up skipping the rant feature of Hey, Answerman! a couple of months ago due to waning interest.

I'll have to ponder about that question, though.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:27 pm Reply with quote
I also hated the inu-yasha ending.
I felt that the ending left more questions than answers, so I just assumed it was just a lead-up to a final movie.

These are the things I did not liked at the ending:
1.Close to the ending, Kagura finally reveals that she has strong feelings for Sesshomaru, and then it was never talked about again

2. After 150 episodes, Kagome and Inu-Yasha still did not defeat Naraku

3. They show a glimpse @ the ending of Naraku's "children" (reincarnations or whatever you call them) leaving w/ some big random white monster w/ wings where there is no aftermath about them and especially this new monster that was shown in the ending

4. The love triangle between Kagome, Inu-Yasha, and Kikio was not resolved (or maybe it already was resolved...)

RANT: The rant was a major topic of discussion, so i'm kinda sad that it's gone.

And my answer is: if anime was FREE
(Sorry Zac in advance if I wrote it on the thread rather than e-mail it to you, but my answer is so short I didn't want to bother you w/ an e-mail)

Last edited by ichiro3923 on Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:28 pm Reply with quote
I actually run through my entire collection of anime each year, so I see every DVD and VHS of anime I've ever owned at least once every year. I take breaks here and there, though, mostly to watch new things or just not watch anything. If I can dedicate an hour of time each night or every other night, to watching it, I can get well through it in under a year, even with my fairly sizeable collection - though I sometimes do cram in three or four episodes in a night or two movies, if I have a lot of free time. I don't mind watching shows that are around fifty episodes over again if I have the time and it's a real favorite - Zeta Gundam, for example, gets a guaranteed viewing every year.

I joined an anime club at my college for a semester, but it was irritating - fussbudgets, yaoi fangirls, h-game nerds, and DBZ fanatics swarming the place. Not to sound too elitist, but I thought I could enjoy anime better on my own. At least then when I make a passing remark during a viewing, nobody will glare at me (it's always just the same one person, while the others laugh). Half the time nobody was paying attention to the (poor) selection for the night, and was instead fawning over fanart on their laptops or talking about tournament fighter games.

As for fansubs, I think it would take a concerted effort on anime production companies to shut down all fansub groups and heavily penalize anyone who was in posession of so much as a torrent to one. We're talking about full survellience of every person on Earth's computers. So, in other words, it isn't going to happen - I delete things once they've been licensed (because I enjoy the free space and the opportunity to buy crisp DVDs), but I still download fansubs.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:30 pm Reply with quote
While not really eluded to it happening this soon I figured the Rant would get the axe. Any good rants could probably be turned into threads anyway. As for the new section, I think it's actually a nice idea Zac. FOr one it would let us know what subjects are on your mind and what topics to have an interest in personally. Then, as you said, it would let us "new fans" (as I'll call us) let you know how we think about the issues that are on your mind. Do you plan to post any good responses you get to your questions? Sort of like a, "Here's the best answers from last week's question" type of deal? Or is this just for purely personal knowledge? Not complaining either way, just curious that's all. I'll be sure to send my email with my thoughts on it (while I don't watch a whole lot of fansubs I do watch enough to feel competent to answer your question). Are you planning to keep your flakes at least? Please give us the flakes....some of us need those boosts to our own self esteem when we see how dumb others are lol.
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Necros Antiquor

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:32 pm Reply with quote
To get me to stop watching fansubs, you'd probably have to make a Weird Al AMV supporting them.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:33 pm Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:
While not really eluded to it happening this soon I figured the Rant would get the axe. Any good rants could probably be turned into threads anyway. As for the new section, I think it's actually a nice idea Zac. FOr one it would let us know what subjects are on your mind and what topics to have an interest in personally. Then, as you said, it would let us "new fans" (as I'll call us) let you know how we think about the issues that are on your mind. Do you plan to post any good responses you get to your questions? Sort of like a, "Here's the best answers from last week's question" type of deal? Or is this just for purely personal knowledge? Not complaining either way, just curious that's all. I'll be sure to send my email with my thoughts on it (while I don't watch a whole lot of fansubs I do watch enough to feel competent to answer your question). Are you planning to keep your flakes at least? Please give us the flakes....some of us need those boosts to our own self esteem when we see how dumb others are lol.

The new idea is great, I'm just worried that in addition to posting the best answers, he would also post "flake" answers as well as the person who posted that flake answer. (which sounds very interesting if the flake answer was left annonymous)
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Richard J.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:34 pm Reply with quote
Ah, the delicious taste of impotent, borderline retarded nerd rage. ARGH THE ANIME COMPANYS ARE RUINING MY ANIMES. It tastes so sweet, like the tears of a baby nun.

Here's some kittens.
I'm not sure you will ever top this collection of pure awesome words. It's simply the best thing ever. (How did you ever come up with "tears of a baby nun?" That's too perfect.)

And those kittens are adorable! SO CUTE!

Kind of glad to see the rants going away. They were getting kind of odd toward the end, very esoteric. (Love the new idea too. Now we face the Inquisitor Zac!)

On fan endings, how could you even get everyone to agree on an ending? Especially with something like Inuyasha. Do we go with regular fan ending of "And They Lived Happily Ever After" or a specific fanbase's ending, like "All The Bishies Yaoi!"

Although I'm not sure about what you said about design-by-committee not working. Aren't quite a few series made this way?

On rewatching anime: I rewatch everything. Why buy anything if you're not going to rewatch it?

The anime club is dead. Another victim of fansubs or just a victim of the death of human social interaction?

About the things that aren't funny on the Internet, what the heck does this mean:
* Lolcats
I got everything else, but that one eludes me. Perhaps I have blocked that particular meme from conscious memory.

By the way, does anyone know how Chuck Norris became a meme in the first place? I mean, why him? (They've even got T-shirts with the "facts" about him. Like his tears cure cancer but he never cries or some such.)

About the new section of Hey Answerfans!, you planning to bring back the Issues-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named?

*Caught a few spelling errors only after I'd posted. Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:43 pm Reply with quote
I'm not surprised the Rants got the axe and I can't say I'll really miss it. It was nice at first, but there haven't been any good rants in a while.

I like the new idea. You'll be hearing from me soon. Probably.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:43 pm Reply with quote
Inuyasha I thought they could have done a lot better. There are other anime that ended before the manga and their endings were just fine. Negima, DNAngel, and Fullmetal Alchemist come to mind and their endings were great even though the manga is still going on.

Series rewatching and not rewatching Some series I will probably never watch again just off the top of my head are Trinity Blood Blood+ and Noein. For series I could watch again and again are Love Hina Negima Bleach One Piece Dragon Ball Naruto and Tokko

Anime Clubs At my Jr College they have one that I was in for a few weeks but left. There wasn't much order in it, we never really did anything, and no one really showed up. Plus there was the fact that they were kind of weird lol. When college kids start shouting the word "Naruto" , cheering, and putting up peace signs because someone says they like your shirt I think its kind of hard to take a club like that seriouly lol.

Zac, for the Answerfan question does that only apply to fansubs or do scanlations apply too?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:46 pm Reply with quote
...while Naraku and Sesshomaru had sex in the parking lot.

Why must you make me think of things like that? There probably are a lot of fans that would've wanted that to happen though...

Most of the anime I watch, I've bought on DVD, so I'd rewatch them. I think it'd be pointless to buy them if I didn't ever watch them more than once. And I have all of Fullmetal Alchemist on DVD, so I disagree with Zac about that. I have watched most of the episodes more than once, and I'll watch it all over again sometime because I liked it so much.

I don't watch many AMVs, but from the ones I've seen, Linkin Park songs certainly are used too often. I wouldn't say that's annoying though because I'll never ever get sick of listening to Linkin Park. I love them, and I listen to their songs way more than anything else.

I'm not going to miss the rants. Honestly, I usually didn't read them anyway. The new segment seems cool so I'll probably start reading it, but I can't try to answer this week's question because I don't watch fansubs.

Last edited by LilacShadow on Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 01 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:48 pm Reply with quote
Richard J. wrote:
About the things that aren't funny on the Internet, what the heck does this mean:
* Lolcats
I got everything else, but that one eludes me. Perhaps I have blocked that particular meme from conscious memory.

Some examples of lolcats:

As for Chuck Norris, I have no idea. I personally find it tiring, especially where I live. *coughSouthcough*
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:49 pm Reply with quote
Crap! And I had a rant to submit, too! Oh well. As they say in Japan, 仕方がない (shikata ga nai).

P.S.: If you were a manga character, you would say the above phrase as しょうがねェ (shou ga nee). Add ってばよ ('ttebayo) if you are Naruto.
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