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Fiction Alchemist
Joined: 17 Mar 2005
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Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:34 am
Last edited by Fiction Alchemist on Thu Sep 08, 2022 11:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 26 Feb 2006
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Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:03 am
A "long series" was anything over 13 episodes, so Samurai Champloo counts.
'Akira' was listed as a comedy by whoever nominated him. Probably the licensing company didn't have a good comedy to nominate or something. The AAA's decided to leave the nomination as-is. (I know. It sucks. They should've been clearer on what counted as a 'comedy'.)
The Awards said that anything that was "available in 2006" was eligible. However, I think each group that got to do nominations only got to nominate two. We know that ANN stuck to only current releases, and as far as i know Disney wasn't included in this at all, so...assuming that it was only the anime licensers that were nominating things that came out in years other than makes sense why you didn't see Miyazaki on that list. No Miyazaki came out last year.
Now, as for why people VOTED for JYB for being the "best actor in a comedy" for Akira...your guess is as good as mine. That being said, he DOES have a lot of fans, and some of his roles HAVE been comedic, so if they were thinking of it that way, I can see why they voted for him (it's still stupid, though).
As for why some actors are credited with more than one series...this is just a guess, but an educated one. If JYB was listed for Akira as under 'best comedy', and if the Awards didn't want to change it because "that's how we recieved the nomination", that probably means that the anime the actors are listed under is the anime they were nominated for. So, the actors that are listed as from more than one anime were nominated for their performance in more than one anime.
Hence why, for example, Chris Patton got screwed--he's not as well-known as Vic, Crispin, or JYB (no offense to them, I'm a huge fan of all of them, particularly Vic), and Princess Tutu isn't as well known of an anime as, for example, Naruto.
IE: ADV played by the rules.
Which is why I'm so ticked off about Chris Patton getting cut--he got screwed over because his company was actually doing something RIGHT. JYB gets nominated for 'best actor in a comedy' because his company (I'm assuming it was the anime licensor here, but I doubt any of the independant sources would be dumb enough to nominate Akira as a comedy) did something WRONG. It's screwy, it's stupid, it doesn't make sense. But that's how the Awards set it up, and that's how the company nominated things.
Nothing against JYB--he's a great actor and deserves to get an award--it's just frustrating another great actor got screwed simply because of circumstances out of *all* of the actors' control.
Bah, this is turning to a rant.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2006
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Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:36 pm
I don't get this list at all. Why is Akira on there and FLCL? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE both of them, but they're both well over a year old aswell, probly some others on those list's too i'm over looking. If they're going to include those 2 aswell, then they need to have Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop in there too. Also there's allot of better movies that would fit better in the "Best Anime Feature" catagory, excluding Akira, if they are counting all anime ever made.
And as for the Hellsing Ultimate OVA being on the list, as much as I love the first episode and can't wait for the next one, the whole series isn't out yet or even finished, so why is it on there? Also why isn't Ghost in the Shell S.A.C. on the best "long series" list? 2nd GIG just finished up last year and it's an amazing series. I would say which one it should replace, but I'm not here to start up any flames. ;p
And lastly, since most anime series' are either 6-13, 26, or well past 26 episodes long, they should of done a mid length category for 26 episode series' and put all over 26 episode series shows in the "long" category. I hope they do better then this next year, because this is just screwy and amatureish at best.
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Joined: 24 Jan 2007
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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:45 pm
Well, I don't know about some of the shows and series that they have on the list, but that's just because I haven't seen all of them.
For Best Voice Actor, I'd have to say Vic Mignogna, but that's probably just becasue he plays my FAVORITE CHARACTER OF ALL TIME!
For Best Voice Actress, I'm not sure which one to pick. I like all of them.
For Best Comedy Actor I'd have to say either Greg Ayres or Dave Wittenberg.
For Best Comedy Actress I'd have to say either Luci Christian, Debi Derryberry, or Hillary Haag.
For Best DVD Package and Theme Song I'm also going for FMA! YAY!
For Best Comedy, FLCL.
For Best Anime Feature, FMA MOVIE!
For Best Short Series, FLCL.
For Best Long Series, I want FMA to win! But any of the other ones would be ok too I guess, except for Samurai Champloo.
For Best Manga, I'd Have to go with either Fruits Basket or Naruto. Preferably Fruits Basket.
But yeah, I agree that they should have had more choices, but still. At the same time, if they did, FMA would have more competition. LOL! I'm not saying that it's a good thing that they had less on the listings, I'm just saying that if the had more, it would make things a little more complicated. Besides, I'm sure they'll have more next year. This is the FIRST Annual Anime Awards EVER remember?
Last edited by anifreak1 on Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:07 pm
Quote: | Best Manga
Death Note
Fruits Basket
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days (can't be serious) |
Popularity contest.
My nomination would have been:
Vagabond (20-23 were very good imo and production quality is still high)
Ode To Kirihito (another Tezuka Classic and can't forget the Buddha paperback rerelease)
Monster (It's only getting better with every release Monster > DeathNote)
One Piece (still the best shounen title being release)
Eden (dark horse's strongest title in 06)
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:28 pm
I want in on this rant. Wow...there's just so much to hate about this AAA farce, I don't know where to begin.
First off, I think it's incredibly lame how this got formed in the first place. A bunch of rich, anime company fat-cats got together and decided to pat themselves on the back by giving themselves awards. True, some will actually be given to individuals who deserve them, but if it's not all of them, it's a joke.
Second is the "Babes of Anime". Who picked this list? Why is it all ADV Films voice actresses? There are many out there more deserving to be called a Babe of Anime than some of these. A couple are ones I've never even heard of, who look like ringers who did bit parts just to be presenting. And let's be honest - Tiffany Grant? The only reason she's on here is because she married one of the afore mentioned fat-cats of anime, Matt "The Gut" Greenfield. I mean, where the hell is KELLI COUSINS? If anyone deserves to be called a Babe of Anime, it’s her. I'm guessing she didn't want to have anything to do with this joke of an awards show.
These nominations are ridiculous. Previous posters have already pointed out what is obvious to any anime fan, yet these things were missed by the people in charge? It’s blatantly obvious that they just want to give themselves awards, get dressed up and act like big shots at an awards show that convention attendees are forking over their hard earned cash for, and don’t really care who wins as long as the awards get spread out. So, I guarantee that none of the anime that have a lot of nominations will win all of the awards.
People might say that these votes were done by the fans, but just because we are told that, doesn’t mean it’s the truth. And even if that’s the case, and that’s a big “if”, so few even knew about the AAA that the only people who voted are mostly those in the business. I also want to say that I doubt the companies who submitted requests for nomination screwed up, and think the fault lies with ADV. I mean, there even was an announcement that two manga were left off of the nomination list initially. You can believe that those who submitted them didn’t screw that up. It was also likely ADV that gave these limits to how many an anime company could submit, which is just, plain stupid.
While it was already mentioned, I also agree that the nominations should have listed all of that actor’s contributions of the year to anime, not just what someone submitted. When awards committees nominate someone or something in a category, you better believe it belongs there. A real awards committee wouldn’t have listed Akira as a comedy, they would have listed more appropriate anime for the actors/actresses, would have Chris Patton nominated for SOMETHING , wouldn’t have nominated the “Americanized” Naruto for ANYTHING (except for the theme song category, which thankfully couldn't be messed up by them), etc. To have something as fundamental as this screwed up really shows how meaningless this awards show will be and that ADV isn’t “playing by the rules”, because “the rules” don’t allow this.
I really think they should have made the short series cap at 14 instead of 13, because some anime have 14 episode runs, and I will never consider a 14 episode anime a long series.
It just seems like the people in charge of the AAA rigged stuff that nobody wanted rigged (except the fat-cats), yet didn’t step in when they should have. You couldn’t pay me to watch this. The only people who will be watching are the fat-cats and the rich fanboys who were able to get tickets.
If the right people get their heads out of their asses to salvage what’s left of this sinking ship, here’s how the awards will go:
Best Actor – either Johnny Yong Bosch (for Bleach), Crispin Freeman (for Noein), or Vic Mignogna (for Fullmetal Alchemist) – should have been Chris Patton (for one of his many fine works), though
Best Actress – either Luci Christian (for one of her many fine works, but not “Princess Tutu”) or Michelle Ruff (for Bleach) – should have been Hilary Haag (for one of her many fine works), though
Best Actor in a Comedy – either Greg Ayres (for Nerima Daikon Brothers) or Liam O’Brien (for Comic Party – why ADV didn’t bring him in for Comic Party 2 is yet another snafu by them)
Best Actress in a Comedy – either Luci Christian (for one of her many of her fine, comedic works), Hilary Haag (for one of her many fine, comedic works) or Michelle Ruff (for Bleach, not “Lupid the Third”)
Best Cast – Fullmetal Alchemist
Best DVD package design – Bleach
Best Anime Theme Song – Asterisk (for Bleach), although this is the one category Naruto SHOULD have had a nomination in, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
Best Comedy Anime – none of them, and should apologize to those watching that all of their nominations for this category suck
Best Anime Feature – either Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Fullmetal Alchemist movie, or InuYasha movie
Best Short Stories – see Best Comedy Anime
Best Long Series – either Fullmetal Alchemist, InuYasha, or Samurai Champloo
Best Manga – either Bleach or Deathnote (only $7.99 and awesome to boot)
Unfortunately, this is probably how it will go:
Akira will end up winning Best Comedy Anime, Best Actor in a Comedy and Best Actress in a Comedy. Thanks for calling it a comedy, DUMMIES!
Naruto will end up winning Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Cast. Thanks for the horrible dub – here are your awards for it, because heaven forbid we give them to anyone DESERVING!
Nobody will care or remember who won the others the following morning.
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Joined: 26 Feb 2006
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Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:18 pm
Okay...your heart's in the right place, but...there' many things wrong with this post. ^^;;
wiptag wrote: |
First off, I think it's incredibly lame how this got formed in the first place. A bunch of rich, anime company fat-cats got together and decided to pat themselves on the back by giving themselves awards. True, some will actually be given to individuals who deserve them, but if it's not all of them, it's a joke. |
No, I don't think this is quite what this is. I think most of the people involved (except for ICv2, maybe) geniunely wanted to have a true, prestigeous award system for anime in America. Things just got screwed up.
Quote: | Second is the "Babes of Anime". Who picked this list? Why is it all ADV Films voice actresses? There are many out there more deserving to be called a Babe of Anime than some of these. A couple are ones I've never even heard of, who look like ringers who did bit parts just to be presenting. And let's be honest - Tiffany Grant? The only reason she's on here is because she married one of the afore mentioned fat-cats of anime, Matt "The Gut" Greenfield. I mean, where the hell is KELLI COUSINS? If anyone deserves to be called a Babe of Anime, it’s her. I'm guessing she didn't want to have anything to do with this joke of an awards show. |
The 'Babes of Anime' is an ADV thing. I don't totally understand it, but it's something they have to sort of promote their anime. The reason Grant's on the list is because she's one of ADV's most talented/popular actresses.
As for why just ADV actresses, I'm guessing that since ADV had the idea, they were the ones that were available this year. I think they were wanting to have presenters that AREN'T from ADV to balance it out, but I haven't heard of any announcements regarding who the presenters are (if they've even decided yet).
Quote: | These nominations are ridiculous. Previous posters have already pointed out what is obvious to any anime fan, yet these things were missed by the people in charge?  It’s blatantly obvious that they just want to give themselves awards, get dressed up and act like big shots at an awards show that convention attendees are forking over their hard earned cash for, and don’t really care who wins as long as the awards get spread out. So, I guarantee that none of the anime that have a lot of nominations will win all of the awards. |
Uhhh. From this and other parts of your post, lemme guess--you've missed about, oh, half of this process, haven't you?
Each anime company (and a few independant groups--ANN's staff being one of them) got to nominated two people/titles in each catagory. It was then open to a fan vote. This list is the FINALISTS--IE, the top 5 that had the most votes in each category. Some of the titles that I'm sure you would've agreed to it more got cut. Does it suck? Yes. Is it the anime companies fault? Besides the Akira fiasco (which I'm assuming was that company being stupid with their nominations), it's actually the fault of the fans who voted (or, those who DIDN'T vote).
Quote: | People might say that these votes were done by the fans, but just because we are told that, doesn’t mean it’s the truth. And even if that’s the case, and that’s a big “if”, so few even knew about the AAA that the only people who voted are mostly those in the business. I also want to say that I doubt the companies who submitted requests for nomination screwed up, and think the fault lies with ADV. I mean, there even was an announcement that two manga were left off of the nomination list initially. You can believe that those who submitted them didn’t screw that up. It was also likely ADV that gave these limits to how many an anime company could submit, which is just, plain stupid. |
Oh, come on. it's not a conspiracy. Of COURSE these are the ones the fans voted on--if the anime companies did this, do you really think that we'd have a list that reads like a Cartoon Network TV listings? This is because there were a bunch of casual, uninformed fans voting, not because the companies were fixing the votes.
Also, it's not ADV's fault. It's ICv2's fault. ADV has some involvement with the ceremony and I think they had the idea, but the nominations and voting were handled by ICv2. ADV had very little, if anything, to do with this screw-up. It's ICv2.
And no, it's not stupid to put a limit. Then we'd have a list of 100 anime that we'd have to sift through. The 2 each limit was probably the best way to ensure the companies would nominate the BEST (or, would have been, if only titles that came out last year were eligable. ICv2 dropped the ball there--but, again, it wasn't ADV).
Quote: | While it was already mentioned, I also agree that the nominations should have listed all of that actor’s contributions of the year to anime, not just what someone submitted. When awards committees nominate someone or something in a category, you better believe it belongs there. A real awards committee wouldn’t have listed Akira as a comedy, they would have listed more appropriate anime for the actors/actresses, would have Chris Patton nominated for SOMETHING  , wouldn’t have nominated the “Americanized” Naruto for ANYTHING (except for the theme song category, which thankfully couldn't be messed up by them), etc. To have something as fundamental as this screwed up really shows how meaningless this awards show will be and that ADV isn’t “playing by the rules”, because “the rules” don’t allow this. |
No, they should be nominated for a particular performance, I think. Sometimes an actor might perform excellently in one series, then only do 'meh' in the next, so it makes sense to have it by the anime.
Yes, Akira was stupid, but that has nothing to do with ADV. ICv2 decided to keep it the way whoever it was nominated him. Blame them, and the nominator (probably the company who produced the dub). ADV didn't nominate him, and they're not in charge of the processs.
Also, Chris Patton WAS nominated for something. He was nominated for his (EXCELLENT) performance as Fakir in Princess Tutu. (And, my guess would be ADV nominated him, although one of the independant nominators could've.) He got cut out of the list of finalists because people didn't vote for him. (And I am REALLY frustrated by it. You're right--he SHOULD be in that finalist list, his performance in Princess Tutu was easilly one of the best of the year, if not THE best. So, yes, I'm ticked off, but it's NOT ADV's fault, or even ICv2's fault in this case. Blame the Narutards. *shrug*)
Quote: | It just seems like the people in charge of the AAA rigged stuff that nobody wanted rigged (except the fat-cats), yet didn’t step in when they should have. You couldn’t pay me to watch this. The only people who will be watching are the fat-cats and the rich fanboys who were able to get tickets. |
If ADV rigged things, why did Chris Patton get cut out of the finalists? And what purpose would the AAAs/ICv2 have to rig things? No, this is just the fault of the voters. Again, yes, it sucks, but that's what you get when the awards are decided by popular vote.
Quote: | If the right people get their heads out of their asses to salvage what’s left of this sinking ship, here’s how the awards will go: [etc]
. |
Where were you during the vote? You could've done something then. You could've voted. *shrug* ADV or ICv2, in the end, can't really do anything about how the fans voted.
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