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Bleach English Dub Preview

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Joined: 30 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:11 pm Reply with quote
Nothing to worry about? Pfft! Take a gander at the comments for the YouTube video of the Adult Swim commercial. From that 30 second clip, people are already claiming it's just as bad as the Naruto dub...

...Yeah, I don't get it, either, especially when the voices sound pretty good to me (though admittedly I've never seen the Japanese version, so I don't have anything to compare, thank god).

/For the record, claiming anything is as "bad as the Naruto dub" means someone clearly hasn't watched 4Kids' One Piece...

Last edited by arxane on Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sweet Lou

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:13 pm Reply with quote
I was a little worried about this dub but it seems like they're taking great care of it and picked some really good actors that care about their work to play Ichigo and Rukia. I've seen some of the commercials for Bleach on [as] recently and I'm pumped up for Saturday. Can't wait to hear more of the cast, especially Urahara!. He's the man!
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:13 pm Reply with quote
Yah, the show's getting some bad feedback already. It's a shame, cause it doesn't seem that bad, but I'll refrain from commenting more until I've actually seen an episode (it might suck, or it might rock).
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:16 pm Reply with quote
"on Adult Swim at 12:30 pm on Saturday, September 9th at midnight" needs to be fixed.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:18 pm Reply with quote
I've seen that video before. And it was great. The VAs are amazing. They aren't so bad after all.

Can't wait for the show to air. Mr. Green
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:21 pm Reply with quote
if their emphasis is on keeping with the japanese pronouciations, then why did they take out Shinigami?
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:24 pm Reply with quote
v1cious wrote:
if their emphasis is on keeping with the japanese pronouciations, then why did they take out Shinigami?

I think that's the way it was translated in the manga (correct me if i'm wrong) and also it's easier to understand the meaning.

Japanese Pronunciation probably means mostly things like proper names, rather than nouns
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:25 pm Reply with quote
arxane wrote:
Nothing to worry about? Pfft! Take a gander at the comments for the YouTube video of the Adult Swim commercial. From that 30 second clip, people are already claiming it's just as bad as the Naruto dub...

Anime fans love to hate on everything and to be honest, people rendering judgement on a dub with 30 seconds of edited-together clips are being really dumb.

Also, people saying "JUST AS BAD AS THE NARUTO DUB" are pretty obnoxious and obviously wouldn't know a good dub if they heard one. People are going to complain endlessly about this dub regardless of what they do with it, but from my viewpoint as someone who approaches these things reasonably and fair, it's a great dub - better than Naruto, in my eyes, and I really like that dub.

Not keeping Shinigami was obviously a conscious choice. "Soul Reaper" actually means something to an English audience and is actually much closer to what the characters are supposed to be.

Ichigo isn't really a "death god". The dude from Death Note is a "death god". Soul Reaper makes much more sense, given that Ichigo is not actually killing people, he's just dealing with the souls of the already departed.

shirokiryuu wrote:

Japanese Pronunciation probably means mostly things like proper names, rather than nouns

Exactly. They say "EECH-ee-go" and "RU-keeya", not "Ru-KEE-yah" or "ee-CHEE-go". Based on 4 years of college Japanese, I know they're pronouncing the names right. Plus, as they said, they had a Japanese coach there and a Japanese producer on hand to make sure they said the names right. It's really a nice touch.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:32 pm Reply with quote
shirokiryuu wrote:
v1cious wrote:
if their emphasis is on keeping with the japanese pronouciations, then why did they take out Shinigami?

I think that's the way it was translated in the manga (correct me if i'm wrong) and also it's easier to understand the meaning.

Japanese Pronunciation probably means mostly things like proper names, rather than nouns

What is a Shinigami in the Japanese version? I just read the first novel of Bleach (and I love it!), and the word "Shinigami" was never mentioned.

Regardless, this is looking like a great dub (like the Naruto dub), so I am very excited to see Bleach animated this Saturday (Sunday)!

EDIT: Zack posted before I got a chance to reply, so here's my thoughts on some of what he said:

Zac wrote:
Not keeping Shinigami was obviously a conscious choice. "Soul Reaper" actually means something to an English audience and is actually much closer to what the characters are supposed to be.

Ichigo isn't really a "death god". The dude from Death Note is a "death god". Soul Reaper makes much more sense, given that Ichigo is not actually killing people, he's just dealing with the souls of the already departed.

Ah, so Shinigami is "Soul Reaper". Yeah, Soul Reaper is definitely better for us. And I agree about the Death Note comment, too. ^^

Anyway, again, I'm really looking forward to this!
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Joined: 04 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:51 pm Reply with quote
Shinigami is Death God, not soul reaper. Naruto's english dub was terrible. Naruto never says Believe it, for those of you who haven't seen the original japanese version. They'll never be able to duplicate Ichigo's unique voice. It'll suck if they don't play the original OPs/EDs. I won't be watching the dub version, of course, my heart would cry in shame. Shinigami is the universal title of Soul Society's protectors. Although, Ichigo isn't really a protector of Soul Society, his paths are just conflicted in ways that make him help Soul Society, which is a good thing. To change the uber Shinigami to lowly soul reaper is a complete shame. But, all you guys who haven't seen the original version don't know what to expect, so enjoy the crap dub english version for all it's worth. Sayonara~
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 6:58 pm Reply with quote
Zephry0 wrote:
Shinigami is Death God, not soul reaper. Naruto's english dub was terrible. Naruto never says Believe it, for those of you who haven't seen the original japanese version. They'll never be able to duplicate Ichigo's unique voice. It'll suck if they don't play the original OPs/EDs. I won't be watching the dub version, of course, my heart would cry in shame. Shinigami is the universal title of Soul Society's protectors. Although, Ichigo isn't really a protector of Soul Society, his paths are just conflicted in ways that make him help Soul Society, which is a good thing. To change the uber Shinigami to lowly soul reaper is a complete shame. But, all you guys who haven't seen the original version don't know what to expect, so enjoy the crap dub english version for all it's worth. Sayonara~

I'm convinced there's a machine out there somewhere designed to pump out replies like this.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:03 pm Reply with quote
Zephry0 wrote:
Shinigami is Death God, not soul reaper. Naruto's english dub was terrible. Naruto never says Believe it, for those of you who haven't seen the original japanese version. They'll never be able to duplicate Ichigo's unique voice. It'll suck if they don't play the original OPs/EDs. I won't be watching the dub version, of course, my heart would cry in shame. Shinigami is the universal title of Soul Society's protectors. Although, Ichigo isn't really a protector of Soul Society, his paths are just conflicted in ways that make him help Soul Society, which is a good thing. To change the uber Shinigami to lowly soul reaper is a complete shame. But, all you guys who haven't seen the original version don't know what to expect, so enjoy the crap dub english version for all it's worth. Sayonara~

Why does it seem like a person with a mind as open as a brick wall wrote this?

God! I hate people who think like this. Even more hyprocritical, many anime fans spend good time trying to convince non fans that anime can be good, yet many have closed themselves off to the possibility that a dub can be good. I can't count how many times I've heard "anime can be good, but be sure to never watch dubs" Hyporocy at its finest.
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Joined: 30 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:04 pm Reply with quote
I have very high hopes for the Bleach dub. I'm already a big fan of most of the voice actors because of some of their other anime roles, and I'm sure they can do a great job with their characters in Bleach. ^_^

I did notice that "Kurosaki" was mis-pronounced in the trailer, though. But hopefully that'll be fixed for the first episode (It's ku-RO-sa-ki, by the way, not ku-ro-SA-ki).

And I still prefer Shinigami to Soul Reaper, but I can understand why the dub would want to keep that name consistent with the English manga. ^^
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:06 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
I'm convinced there's a machine out there somewhere designed to pump out replies like this.

Believe it. Of course, when you ever have to translate a sentence-ending catch phrase, it's always going to come out pretty weird (save for the Di Gi Charat cast). I just know people will bang their heads against walls once Suseiseki from Rozen Maiden starts on her merry way.........desu.

Naruto's dub is fine. Everything else about it, I don't like, but the dub is fine. It sounds a little awkward at times, but that's simply because it's a translation of Japanese dialog.

I wonder how the Sado/Chad stuff is going to work (not like I understood why that occurred in the first place)
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Joined: 22 Apr 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 7:13 pm Reply with quote
I like Michelle Ruff as Rukia, I'm iffy on Johnny Bosch's Ichigo voice (he sounds too much like Vash in the promo), but I guess it'll grow on me.
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