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REVIEW: Eyeshield 21 GN 4

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:57 pm Reply with quote
Yes yes YES!

Both the anime and manga are entertaining series, and a breath of fresh air in today's industry.

Even if you're not a football fan, I'm certain Eyeshield 21 has the drama, comedy, and action to entertain any fan. Of course, tyhe review pointed this out already.

I've been buying this manga up as fast as it can be released. So, hopefully some R1 company can see the anime's potential. I want this series out in the US asap.
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Joined: 13 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:35 pm Reply with quote
theoriginalbilis wrote:
Yes yes YES!

Both the anime and manga are entertaining series, and a breath of fresh air in today's industry.

Fresh air? Hardly.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 1:26 am Reply with quote
darkhunter wrote:
theoriginalbilis wrote:
Yes yes YES!

Both the anime and manga are entertaining series, and a breath of fresh air in today's industry.

Fresh air? Hardly.

Compared to the overabundant schoolgirl/Naruto/mecha/maid/fanservice series that are all the rage nowadays...

Yes, I do consider it fresh air.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:14 pm Reply with quote
Whether you're a sports junkie waiting for the NFL playoffs to start, or a manga fan looking for a fresh alternative to the usual swords and sorcery, Eyeshield 21 is a guaranteed fix for your football and action cravings.

Oddly, while the series definitely is, I felt volume four was rather lacking in this area. It only had two or three chapters of actual football, and I was reading it ready for some football fill during the week.

But, now that volume five is out and chock full of football, that's been taken care of.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:55 pm Reply with quote
The point of reading a sports manga is not for the actual sports itself. I'm sure that's a pretty commonly acknowledged fact... (if you want to see the sport itself, you should be watching the actual game instead...) Even though Murata-sensei does a PERFECT job in describing the action scenes like no other manga-ka out there.

Seriously, who reads Whistle for the soccer or Prince of Tennis for the tennis? We read Whistle to see Kazamatsuri grow and go from underdog to skilled player. We read PoT to see Ryouma kick everyone's ass.

It's all about the characters and their interactions, their development. Compared to other manga out there today, Eyeshield 21 excels by a great gap - even though it's the common, overused. underdog-gets-better formula, ES21 brings a refreshng air to this cliched formula. It does a very good job, that even other manga in the same category cannot compare (even the likes of Slam Dunk). ES21 does what it hopes to achieve perfectly, and even more exceeding reader's expectations - that's what makes it so great.

Just keep reading, it gets better and better - volume 7 is one TOTALLY UNEXPECTED plot twist, that even I was taken by surprise when I first read it.

I can very confidently say that for the hundreds of volumes of manga I've read (literally), Eyeshield 21 is the best manga I've ever read in my entire life.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:30 pm Reply with quote
W-General wrote:
The point of reading a sports manga is not for the actual sports itself. I'm sure that's a pretty commonly acknowledged fact... (if you want to see the sport itself, you should be watching the actual game instead...) Even though Murata-sensei does a PERFECT job in describing the action scenes like no other manga-ka out there.

I agree on all fronts, but I just wanted more football in volume four, is all. The focus of football in that volume was considerably lower than the first three, and for what I was expecting for the fourth volume, but that would also be related to it being football season. If I had any interest in professional soccer or professional tennis, I'm sure the same expectations and hope would rise with new volumes of Whistle! and Prince of Tennis.
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Joined: 02 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:00 pm Reply with quote
Eyeshield 21 is great. I just purchased vol.4 and 5. They're incredible
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Joined: 21 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:47 pm Reply with quote
What I love most about E21 is the perspective shots, man are they killer! And Haruma is funny as always Very Happy
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Joined: 15 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:06 am Reply with quote
I have to agree that ES21 does an incredible job at what it set out to do, to make the sport of american football accessible and fun. However, after a while, I started noticing the weird things about it.

There are certain liberties taken about the rules of the game and the timing of things that just makes the matches feel somewhat funny. However, you probably won't ever notice it just because of the great amount of action that is constantly going on. There's also the funky issue with field perspective. It seems that sometimes players from the opposing team just come out of nowhere and then linebackers come up from behind running backs that are running down the field to make blocks? Sometimes it feels that the line backers run just as fast. But I guess its some of the artistic liberties taken to really soup up the action.

Overall, its still highly enjoyable with some very infectious energy and character.
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