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Producer: Mamoru Oshii's 'Ghost in the Shell 3' Idea Can't Be Made Until 2nd Film Breaks Even

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
Production I.G co-founder Mitsuhisa Ishikawa: Oshii's idea ties into Innocence

Image via x.com

Production I.G co-founder and producer Mitsuhisa Ishikawa spoke about the hypothetical "Ghost in the Shell 3" film concept during the showing of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence at the Niigata International Animation Film Festival on Saturday. Near the end of his talk, Ishikawa stated a sequel to Innocence could be made once the 2-billion-yen (about US$18 million in 2004) production costs of Innocence had been recouped. The producer continued, “I want to see ["Ghost in the Shell 3"] too, so please spread the word about Innocence.”

Oshii also made a surprise appearance via a video message at the festival. The director spoke about the themes of Innocence saying:

It was the same with Ghost in the Shell, but I made [Innocence] with the intention of making it a work that would remain relevant for 10 or 20 years. Innocence is a work that takes into account how the nature of humanity will change in the future, so I think the theme will not become outdated.

Ishikawa noted he spoke to Oshii 48 hours prior to Saturday about remarks Oshii made during the Innocence 4K remaster screening on March 2. Ishikawa said, “I spoke to him to see if he was just saying that as lip service with no intention of making it.” Clearly addressing Oshii's comments. “I can't go into details, but it's an incredible idea that might allow us to pick up on the hints scattered throughout Innocence.” Ishikawa continued.

The first Ghost in the Shell film opened in Japan in 1995. While the film did not perform well theatrically in Japan, it gained a wide following upon its home video release, especially overseas. Oshii returned to the Ghost in the Shell anime franchise in 2004 for the sequel film Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence.

Sources: Comic Natalie, Niigata International Animation Film Festival's X/Twitter account

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