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Webtoon-Based Live-Action My Dearest Nemesis Show Stays at #1 on Rakuten Viki

posted on by Wonhee Cho
Series tops charts in 118 countries, territories in 3rd week

Image via Rakuten Viki's X/Twitter account

According to the streaming platform Rakuten Viki, the live-action My Dearest Nemesis series ranked No. 1 in viewership across more than 130 countries during its first week of streaming. The series maintained its top position in 118 countries and territories — including the United States, Brazil, Mexico, France, and India — in its third week.

Based on a webtoon, the drama follows Ju-yeon Ban (Hyun-wook Choi) and Su-jeong Baek (Ka-young Moon), who first meet as online game characters during their school days and later reunite 16 years later as boss and employee.

Currently, the English version of the original webtoon is not available.

The live-action series debuted on February 17 and is available to stream on Viki.

Source: Soompi (S Kim)

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