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My Hero Academia Manga Ranks #14 on NYT March Bestseller List

posted on by Adriana Hazra

Image via Amazon
Kōhei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia manga ranked on The New York Times' monthly Graphic Books and Manga bestseller list released in early March.

The 40th volume of My Hero Academia ranked at #14, and the 11th volume of Chugong and DUBU's Solo Leveling Korean webcomic ranked at #7.

The 17th volume of Chainsaw Man ranked at #4 in February's list. The 13th volume of SPY x FAMILY ranked at #6, and the 24th volume of Jujutsu Kaisen at #14 in the same month.

The New York Times posted its first updated Graphic Books and Manga bestseller list in October 2019, and it is one category of the newspaper's current bestseller lists.

Source: The New York Times' Graphic Books and Manga list

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